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... Per load of 45 cwt. n n English, Tree £ 12 0 O to £ 14 0 O Coppice 13 0 0 •• LIVERPOOL (DUTY FRI;E).— Quercitron, fg. 6s. to £9.6& Dutch Oak, per ton, X4. to E5. German, £ 3. to X6. ...


... SMITIIFIELI). MONDA Y, DEC. 25.-For the time of year our marl.-et to-day was very scantily supplied with beasts, both as to number and quality. Although the attendance of buyers was limited, the beef trade was some whs t brisk, at, in most instances, an advance in the quotations of quite 2d. per 8 Ibs., and at which a clearance was readily effected. At least two-thirds of the beasts came to ...

W E L s n market -

... IEdesT™ LEADENHAU,Market hides, 661b. to 641h., !4d. to li (I. per lb • 1-^°' enn' +° aan'' j l to dltt0» 721b- to I fd. to 2d R«°'o^ V IA? t0 2fd ditt0> 88ib t0 96Ib-> 3d t0 31 d.; ditto,9blb. to 1041b .ijd. to 3 £ d. Calf-skins, each 3s. 6d. to 4s. 6d ■ Horse hides, 8s. to 8s. 6d.; Polled sheep, 3s. Od. to 3s. lOd. Kents and haif-bieds, 2s. 4d. to 3s. 6d. j Downs, 2s. 4d to 3s 3d ...


... tcrly waves, the two pril c'pal systems common to Europe, the mcsc prominent subject being that particular curve known as the great symmetrical wave of November; and the third em- bodying the results that have been obtained during the last Tear, illustrative of the symmetry of the great wave, more particularly the locality of the greatest symmetry, and the de- parture of symmetry in certain ...


... A PEF.P AT TYIS lfSTER Currr,,E EsrADT,TSTiMr-T.-There lias recently spruag up in the metropolis, an establishment which bids fair t(, tlv i that ot Messrs. Barclay and Co., the great brewers, in extent. It is however erected for a very different purpose, namely, to supply the inhabitants of the United Kingdom with coffees fully equal in quality to those which have been justly ctlebrated on ...


... [Corrected to the 1st Nov. from Bradshaw's Railway Guide.] DOWN TRAINS—MORNIKG. f SUNDAYS ? ON LY, from -'St 1st &>Expr.;MaiJ. Slst.2d([st2cUMail. g } 2nd iSc 3rd 'ind list &>J & '2;& 3rd!& Srd^Brstol SClassoClass jciassv ...


... Smithfield—Suppbttgood, and trade firm. Cumberland—A faff average supply, and a sluggish demand. Whitechapel—A steady trade, at full prices. At per load of 36 trusses. Smithfield. Cumberland. Whitechapel. Meadow Hay.. 60s to 73s 55* 10 I 50s to 74s Clover Hay. 70s 98s 70s 95s 72s 100s Straw 29s 29s 24s ..30s | 22s 29s BRISTOL HAY MARKET. Hay per Ton £ 2 5 0 to £3 5 0 Straw per Dozen 0 0 10 to ...


... MONDAY, SEPT. 25.-The supply of wheat by land-carriage samples from the near counties was large, the quality and condition inferior to that of last Monday. Barley supported its value, as did also oats; but the trade in both articles was far from brisk. White billing peas fully as dear. Old beans and other sort of peas unal- tered. The town millers have reduced the top price of flour 3s. per ...

-- - c---------WOOL MARKET

... LONDON CORN EXCHANGE. MOXDA. Y, JUXE 5.—At this morning's market we had a slow demand for English Wheat at a reduction of Is. to 2s. per quarter upon last Monday's prices. Foreign likewise met but few buyers at a decline of Is. per qr. Good fresh Flour maintained its price. In Barley there was very little doing. Fine Malt met a fair sale. Peas and Beans went off heavily and rather cheaper. The ...


... LONDON, JULY 21, 1848. £ s. O IRON—Bara Wales .ton 6 0 6 15 Nail rods. 7 15 815 Sheet „ 9 15 Bars 8 10 Welsh cold blast foundry pig a r. ( Scotch pig b Clyde 2 6 Rails, average ..i Q J Chaiis ••••«••• o Russian c CCNl) .i.iii.'iiiii 17 0 2 Archangel.. i.'iiiii. IS 0 Swedish d, on the spot .i 11 5 t Steel,fagt .iiiiii 15 0 keg»e 13 10 i COPPER -1 ,le 87 10 D lough cake 79 10 A Best selected 82 ...


... [Corrected to the I st Nov. from Bradshaw's Railway (i DOWN TRAINS—MORNING. 5 SUNDAYS e ONLY. Starting from !lst &jl»t,2djlst &|lixpriMail. ^lst.2(^Ist2d.>Mail. j 5 2nd p 3rd 2nd |Ist &SI & 2 ...