Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... on tie li~i1UIjS. March 10, the wife of Henry Cook, Esq., of this town, solicitor, n_ of a daughter. March 13, the wife of Horace Frost, Esq., of this place, solicitor, of a daughter. March 10, at the rarsonage, Hackness, the wife of the Rev, Joseph Irrin, of a son. to Allatriaie%. hee larch 15, at Sculcoates, by the Rev. T. S. Bonnin, Richard ne Hodgson, Esq., of Beverley, to Maria Helen, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... more rrIpiVy. jiralrritage. 13trtt* . ah D Oran p Marriages, birthsi, and deaths, not properly authen C ticated, cannot be inserted in this paper, and for this reasun numbers sent Io our office do not appear. MARRIED. r Feb. 19. at St. Peter's Church, Mr. John Miller, wtrehouseersrn to Messrr W. and James Tyrer, aged 64 ye;.rr, to Mary Anne Higgins, widow, of Plumbe. r, ttree et, oeed 26 years ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On tbe 5th inst., at The Hall, Great Berkhampstead, the lady of T. P. Halsey, Esq., M.P., of a son, still-born. 25th, at No. 9, Gloucester-terrace, Regents Park, the lady of Henry W. Eaton, Esq., of a son. 22d, at Whitnash Rectory, Leamington, the wife of the Rev. James Reynolds Young of a daughter. 22d, at Kingsbury Episeopi Vicarage, Somerset, the wife of the Rev. J. K. Fowler, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH'. On the let Instant, In Merrion.square, South, the lady of JOb Pencesfatber, Esq. of a son. On the 6th instant, at Woodlands, Artiane, the lady of Chbolf r Arcber, Juni Esq, of a aon. At Passage West, Cork, the lady of William D'Eitorrer 4I, Esq, of a daughter. on the 3d instant, in Athboy, the lady of John Nolan, Esq, SfDI of a son, still-born,. On the 30th of December, at Fort ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Obituarp of jlottable PcrO0n0, LIEUT.-GENERAL SIR MAURICE O'CONNELL, lately commander-in- chief of the forces in Australasia, died at Sydney on the 26th of May. The event had been long looked for, although private arrangements had been made for his immediate departure to Europe. Sir Maurice O'Connell has been long connected with the colony, havmig arrived there in 1809 in command of the 79th ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. AD)AMEL-AprE1 30, at DkpourynHouw, no&WActr.XmzG.A4= of a, sam. ALKIN.-May 1, at otr-et, EYdeark. Mdm . A. Allkl oft. BA p2il >AD29 Itn-slee, Mrs. 1. 3labr,of adaab*tah 51 RELWN& A'~,toth0Mv,9SWk Eyew kxdeftb~v of the Rev. IL . wase of a* . az.kA. DALTON .-Ad28; s~k $zanc Winon te etfoa j.DatoVj GU .- I 30, at GlsoW. Xr. 0. Green, ofa o HOPLo W oeSD, M Eauktaleo, Wo, N.D.. the Ha=. Mms ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 24th uit.dt tb vifZ of Sayera Tuirner, Esq., Ail Saints, Cotchesher, df a sop. 27th tilt. Ot 6-P-alac ; Danbury, Mra. Jeriyn Pratt, of a daugtr 39th ult, at 6, Bland(0dd Square, thb! wife of the Rev. J. W. Reeve, of ajdauliter. ' 23rd ult., at the lndependentChapel, Bungay, Mr. Wm. Read, of Flixton, bricklayer, to Mary Ann Gower, of the former place. 23rd ult., at Elvedon. by the Rev. James ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MIARRIAGES. At Tonbridgelvells, Sir G. BrernoerK.C.BK.C, FT. Commodore Superintendantiof Woolwich Dockyard, to JemimaMary Harriet, oldest daughter of tile late Commodore Sir J. Brisbane, K.C.B. -At Edinburgh, Capt. F. Ramsay, second son of Sir Alexander Ramsay, Bart. to Georgina, daughter of WV. F. Home, Esq. of Wedderburn and Paston.-At Northampton, Peter, eldest son of Peter Dixon, Esq. of ? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ]3IRTJIS. Oct. 11, at Hlasieley, the lady of' Iughl Hamereley, Esq. On Sunday, the 8th inlst., at the Rectory, Cublington, near Aylesbury, the wife of the tev. James Thompson, 13.D. Rector, of a Son. Oct. 6, at Thorubuiry Hlouse, lKidlingtou, tile wife of J. Rlowland, Esq. of a daughter. 3IARRIiED. Sept. 20, at Edgbaston Churclh, by the Rtev. Hfenry Pixehl, Mfr. XWihliaea l-luckvale, of ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. BENTLEY.-Nov. 5, at Bangaloro, Madras the wife of C. T. BebiS, Lieutenant aud Adjutant in ?? 6ist kigs Own Ligbt IDfI of a BOn. BlGRGI'U-Jan. 2, at Norwood, Mlddlesce, the nffo of L Br CA , of a son. BORDEEI.I-an. 2, the wife of T. Bordeer, Esq., of 44, Qr4'4' Grosvenor-square, of a daughter. BURROWS,-Dec. 31, at lmliaspead, the wife of Arinur Boqg Stome-buildinig, Linooln's-In, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - - - me B :h1 'i t Sqt./ttp, d5X,,* ,omDBur 87p he We Of NO Z t' e t at W 7o. ft Wli of tM t 'U , WWI. J. fb& XARlrIAE.O- {TLU-Be~r~aH.4an. 1T~ at Dnblin,, Oa, J. a Wh-dwothtF of the lam L BkOlw& DI. ,.$uroGN-'w wis=.,only doogbte of Oa e le. w~h2i~ofM.U ~owt COX-vA~sA L.--&-416 ?? Chr i.2%L~ ofn.. oflLOC iect~ro ~ 16 'th ?? by u , bNK-.Ah'NUBL j ids Bat Ad tbi Rev, A. Ue, third d ADX-AMS. ...