Advertisements & Notices

... D A V I D B E A Ls v'G R O C E R, T EA A-D:E A L E R., A ND S. SE E; D S M A.N, CORNER OF LOWGATE AND SALTHOUSE-tANE, -D EGS to acknowledge the kindness of bis Friends and the Public generally for the exten- JD sive Patronage bestowed upon him during the time he has caried on the above Business, and having entered on an Establishment in another part of the country, he has great pleasure in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , OYAL AM PIHIT RE ATR.E SQUE DE PARIS.-WIIk,4 CLoSE on TUXSDAY*Ht ..T~ilB EVEN0ING, iFrfday,l the 25th lotant. PARoT Pzs~x- Veltige5~Tlte iorSe Glvotte-_Ol, Dabill-,ocnaf Act-Two pUr cbindbl e9- haumatUrt'lO 8 Inr- 5 Courie-Mantle' pooe58-Tatde Leap-Equestrtael Amnements of the Middle gres. ~ART SECOND.-Manola..Fque tilde Feats on s. Bare- i~sey~d Steed-England, IreIand. a~d.6Eootbod ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ref. MO Was Ties WATRe- SUPPL.-I George Cregge, of Park-road, asks.- (chatl red Ca OrtInf10borll imIwhY we cannot have sufflolent eupply of NeOl ter. water? Before the works changed hands we always lana ofiter tto plenty. and to spare. We are now frequently without. It Is wOS I ii of very annoying to have to send our servant To nuo, for what we drun Jgh have already paid for. We areelsarn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i ADVERx SRtMS IT.]r. THE LIVERPOuL HIDE AND SKINMA&KhT ASSOCIATION. To the EDI TORS Of tCe LI VERPOOL MERtCURT. GBNTLRkCN,-Iu the Aercuru of the I1th intant, there ap- pears a eondensed report of the proceedings at the late meeting of the above association. The report. whioh is substantially correot, so farce it lgoestoahe tbat the removal of the market wao stoutly opposed by Mr Banks and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rTO EN4GINEERiS AND CAPITALISTS. 7lbSOLD. fin one or more Lets. the splendid FOliGS, IBOTLER-MRAKERtS' and ENGINEERING FREE.HOLD -PREMISES, known las THlE BIIISTOL IRON WORKS. They are reVIete with the most, miodeuii Tooils, have extensive MC Reid ciiiilater Foeitago, tnd ore ucirivailled in tho fluicirolis TI For plans or particulate npply to WILiLTAts MORGAN, Esq., UiPOI Consulting Engineer; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ha at1't@ffattEt0. or Me6sr6. Osborne and Isaac. Sphere was an orchestra o about thirty members, (including sevens of the 46 band,) led by DIr. Je L. Herrroann, which, in addition to :Sv neconspanying manv of the VOCAL pieces, performed th overtures 'iZauberfloge Mczart, and Der Fteichoutz, Weber,-the former indifferently, the bassoon being quite or Audible; the latter with much more Epilit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONFIDENIIIAL ADVI.fC, IN ,'.i OF tE)LrIj~Ty kIhWO SNESS A N j A 1J, I'1ltttIIUR ARI-oING E8'f.,lB (1 -.Ifl ED in 1i'31. PnIo r E S b 0 cwt , Ilo()U lt it YGEJAt AE1R13 P.ILL'A. &Mi_-'ib Lec(,bfied CORDIAL BALO! OFe MECCA.T W litll Inh fiIEIE of I' ~n n ''e'I' ~Ir'Flier)) pm1 Advnieer. CC;U 1l3tn .ji~g lE,, IC 'I ..t. J,,E1E III ?ojll'trtltl.3 t(, d thuoc lUrtc Iiag fintU Th1e iI~lO Itiul U.) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0ARQO for thesegbips will be reosiveti In th'lorderw-pghj~ *r I of arrival at the Wharf, on MOIA,,n r n ni Si- O'lclrt inI the Evening Of WaA'MNtAAY preceding the day of mailing. BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM SH I PS STA A~pj~itodby the Ad4Mra1?Y to sai bntwdsoi yTT, LIVER-POOL and BOSTOIT, LIVERPOOL and NEW YORK,oni eegesSie Callin atHALIFAX to land and recive oll CANptai..n0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONCEBT-AL4t dLORD NELSON-8ITRE:3T. *POR 10aNRIGRHT ONLT FIrSt apearnce of JOHN PARRY this Seanee. jagapeneat ef Madame DULCRUiN, Piastlot to her Majely. THIS EVENING, (IRIDAd Y,) I& 3rJ tecidnt. A SnANID VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT. Madame D LCO II MI's WHITNALL. Hr T. DiSHOP Mr. SAUNDERiS, AND> JOHN PARRY, WhO will Introduce TWO SEW BONOS. Doors open at Svaon o'clock, to Commence at Night ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOANS OF MONEY. celn rOROUGM OF LJIVERPOPOL. era- H CORPORLATION of LIVERPOOL are At TH spil'ling tosrectilve LOANS, t a limited amnount. forThree. ['lie, or fSeven Ycars, bearing inferest at the ratceof Jt'vc l', undq St. per Ueoteinn per Aflatm, oflritulty ut the seven, I CEivit IATHS andft ansi for the reoospctive IItstriets of the Parish of LiverPDOl, the0 .'ohipss f Everton end Kirien Ile ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6vA y 1 All facts and allegations must be authenticated be y nane andi addrees, for our own inF rmation. Lett ore on business, or intended for the editors, should be ks addressed to the firm or to the editora, and ndt t* us any individual, Letters and statements intended for at oPubliction should be written on one aide of the paper Y. Only- We cannot undertake to return rejected com- n. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARGO for li theqeSbItra will be received In thnorrder of priority of arrival at 'he Wharf, ont 11ONDAY, TUESDAY, and until Six o'clock- Ia the MlveIrg of WEDNESDAY prect(Iing the day of sailing. BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM SHIPS, Th A,!olTnters try areAdmiralty to eaii blltw~ee TI: *- LIVERPOOL aind B(OSTON, I Arrd botween ea LIVERPOOL and NEW YORK, IP I MOjetyd: inK at ...