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... On Saturday night, Margaret Critolley, of Devon- street, died suddenly from a fit of apoplexy. The de. ceased went up stairs to bed in a state of intoxication. In some time after a noise was heard, and she was found lying at the bottom of the stairs. She was then re- moved to her room, but in two hours after another noise was heard, and she was again found stretched at the bot- tom of the ...

Police Court

... Iloottte Court. A SAILOR. BoY FLEECED.-On Tuesday, a lad named HenryWilson, appeared before the magistrates, to prefer a charge of felony against a young man, dressed in the| garb of a sailor. The lad said he bad been nine voyages to sea in the Hibernia, Capt. Wm. Mc, Donald, belong- ingto London. He had sailed to Archangel, Peters-| burgh, and other places, in the vessel, and bad received his ...

Police Court

... jiottcc Court. ato MISCONDUCT OF A BAILIFF. -On Tuesday, a ma to named John Rowley wee brought before the magistrates Ih uider the following circumhtancea:-The prisoner, who was in the imploy ot Mr. Lawtoa, Sheriffs officer, %aE sent on Monday to execute a warrant against Mr. J. F. an Bennett; in coim quenc, however,ofgetting intoxicated, P tie made a mistake as to the name of' the person, and ...


... LAW INTELLIGENCE- A ASSIZE S60,UARY. , |At Winchester Mr. Bishop, manager of the Wilts and Dorset Banking'(mny, n Filliihurche was indis branch hink at Christ- d, chuche, tedtor embezrling £1000 the property d, of the company. There were three other hidieiltments x8o00ost hmfre Ibzlng money, to the amount of 8- £8000, and also one for forgery of an I O U tor £8470 with intent to defraud the ...


... ASSIZE SUMMARY. I The business of the asaizes commenced at York oft r Monday. The calendar contains the names of 17* r prisoners for trial, of whom 2 are charged with man- slaughter, 6 with rape, 23 with burglary, 2 with sacrilege, 8 with felonious cutting and wounding, I with sedition, t and 55 with riot and military training. Wmn. Wriggles. worth, 36, was found guilty of perjury, in having ...


... LIVERPOOL COUNTY COURT, THlR-SDA Y. December m. Ut11T .a, . o- - -- - 1 -I I ijeceAfeer 00. T WILLIAMS AND JONES v. JAMBS QUIAYLE.-This was it suit to recover £16 paid by the plaioti1, who are estate y agents, to defendani, over and above the amount due to d; him. In the year 18t45 the plinntiffs collected the rents of~four houses in Comus-8treet belonging to defendant. w They had ...


... I - * COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH, DUBLIN. d JOHN MARTIN, IN ERROR, v. THIE QUEEN. The Court sat at half-past ten o'clock on Monday, and proceeded to hear the arguments in this case. The prisoner was present. Sir C. ('Loghlen spoke at great length in behalf of the prisoner, contending that the e conviction and sentence ought to be quashed on various if grounds, two of the moot material of which ...


... COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH, MONDAY, DEc. 4. THE QUEEN V. HULTON. Mr. Martin, Q.C., appeared in support of a demurrer to a return made to a mandamus calling upon the defendant, the treasurer of the county of Lancaster, to pay upwards of £3,000, being the amount of an order made for:defray- ing the expense of the special constables called out in Manchester in August and September, 1842, in conse- ...


... i i C Q, ?? ch o RT. I.. . 'The hbu'al fortuigbtlyin'eetling gof-'this eourt was held on ¶i Si~lday'last, iruitbe 9Ses ions' taon3'e, b'efore John 'Addison, Esq., the judge. The number of~r3asew for trial t9DS: rather td~ore'thanm esnal.: Th'b rattornleys present were Messrs. Aseroft, Clarnley, J. Blekhurst, Haydoek,. : B ndu W. . eRiles;. The following were the most important cases heard:_ ?? ...


... A i ' il l) MURDER IN ?? STREET, PRlESTON, I ,- ?? ?? of the most brutal attempts at ri Iii wi.. i,'ere hielh have taken place in 1,w i'oroe time past, occurred in the *ti( ::lili Uelnion Railway Station. It ii, i uIr) eveninig hist, at about three .l i. HIoward, one of the clerks of j t a:llitl. ill Charles-stroet, of the North lIV 1'!1 1'r! nig to the station from his tea, a-. I .i-i -,lt ...


... r ?? ?? ,, ?? ?? -COURT . E'SEFf.U5D . ( isfefare Lo~rd CbiefJysttie Denmas. an~d Justices Pattesoti. b .,gelodge, and Erle.) m T51 TIQOECiN,1. 5leF.ARnVUBI5UOP OF ?? d ;-i*ENT ,JUDGMEST j l P It; b-elng~generally kiotn that their loi dships would give, judm tin thins iimportant naso to-day, long before the usiiisl6iige of e-or~mefiahg business, thcrowded | in ove~tryparit. he 'ash to gain ...


... - its Her Manjesty has presented the town of Brighton with thev . organ hitherto used in the chapel in the pavilion. N n1- A new history of England, from the time of James II. by s n Thomas Babington Macaulay, is in the press. le The late eleetoress, Leopoldine of Bavaria, has nominated i ie King Maximilian of Bavarina sole heir of her immense for- I ;e, tune, which is estimated at 21,000,000 ...