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... THE MIRFIELD MEURDERS.-MORE DETAILED CONFESSION BY REID. It will be remembered that Reld made a confes sion of his own guilt, and in general terms exculpat- ed M'abe of any ?? in these murders. On the afternoon of the 30th uit., however, Mr Jackson, the solicitor for M'Cabe, waited upon Patrick Reid,who then made a more detailed confessions, which was re- duced to writing, and signed by him in ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCE, NIWCASTLE.-Friday -Before R. Aifey and Capt. Wet,-Win. Robson. a butcher, et the Ballast Bills. wa5 charged by Messrs Forster, and Harrison. inspectors of provisions, with having part of a carcase of unwholesome eef in his possession. Fronn some information, the in- l, ?? re went to defendant's slaughter shop and found the sef in question. The beef was decidedly ...


... NEWCASTLE.-Fridet.-Before John Buhlnan, Esq. Robert Dawson, J. Millmoor, J. Montague, and Ann and Jane Fogarty, remanded, charged with breaking into the workshops of Mr Sewell, silversmith, Side, were re- examined at some lengtb, when Moxitague and the two Fogartys were discharged, and the other two remanded. A number of boys were brought up charged with sliding in Grey-atreet and Market ...


... - . ?? Add, Headlara and Sohu Bulman, Esq. -Ann Belem, aina Bones, a well dressed and good ldk. ing glrl,-about 17 yrs of agd, was chaiged with picking pockets at the aeveral railway otastnfna , VCTurner, of the detwtive force, stated that be rtvgd atewd6f ay information respeotig a young ?? feii e Ip 'black attire, of genteci appearanoe einlg aecti 'of commnitting numuerous depredations ...


... CONVICTION OF MR MITCHEL AND I SENTENCE. O~n the 25th, the judges presidiog in the Commission court, Dublin, proceeded, according to previous ar- ?angeuents, With the case of Mir Mitchel. Mr Holmes, on the part of the prisoner, moved to postpone the trial, on account of the absence of a witness for the prisoner. The application was opposed by the After- ney General ; and, after some argument, ...


... ' NEWCASTLES,..OCTOBERId6.- The trials of the London chartists and confede- katea have terminated in four of the ringleaders being * aeutenced to transportation for life; the remainder being some of them sentenced to various terms of imprison- ment, and ordered to find sureties, and others merely b bound over to appear if called up n. Of the trial of M r ESmith O'Brien, M.P., at Clonmel, the ...


... I NEWCASTLE-_Afonday.-Before the Mayor and Aid. Carr.-Sarah Carr was charged with robbing a man of 3s. The prisoner, on being apprehended, was searched, and the exact sum found upon her. Inspector Little fuz- ther stated, that he had another charge against the pri- soner, and vijhed to have her remanded. On the night of tse loth July last, a gentleman. belonging to the Branch Bank of England, ...


... POLICE, INTV4.LLIGENCE. NEWCASTLE.-Fridap-Before John Bulman and William Loraine, Esqrs.-William Fitzgerald a penoinner, veas chtg-d vith assaulting and threatening the life of hise wife. Tbe prisoner's hands were very much cut with glass while smashing in the ;windows of his father-in- law, where hii wife was at that timno staying, and she de- clared that she Iive]I in continual terror from ...


... POLACE INTU'LIGENCE. NE W _ASTLE.--Moday.-Before Ald. Archbold.--Wil- lam Dixon, an old man, charged with threatening the life of his wife, was bound over to keep the peace.- John Smith and William Scott, two notorious pickpockets, were charged, the former with picking a woman's pocket of ws rd, and the latter with receiving the same, but as the. prosecutor was not present, they were ?? Henry, ...


... I'EU WCASTLE BANKRUPTCY COURT. Re Chartershlaughf Coal Company.--Tn the report of this case last week, Coxhoee should have been ' Crox- dale. ?? 7lil'ioane Alggs, Gatesheacl.-This was a case in which bankruptcy had arisen solely from a heavy sum having been required of Mr Angus, towards the dlo- ficiencies of the Union Bank, in which he had been a shareholder, and had paid up all his calls. ...


... DISTRICT COURT: OF BANKRUPTCY. BEFOP E MR COMmI r--a -* ,r }.Cllsl)- I-. an UMrISSiONi B ELLISON. TUSAY.-IN lHE AO THIJRJA5OS glasl-staineir, Mar ?? the application of Mr William shater, so licitor, on Tuesday last, in behalf of the bankrupt, Mr Commissioner ELLISON appointed this day to deliver his ?? honour, in giving judgment, entered into a full review of the bankrupt's proceedings, ...


... |; POLICE iNTUELIGENCE. NEWCASTLE,-Fridafol.-Before R. Airey, Req., the Mayor, andAld. Lamb.-Mary Donkin, Isa. Pearsou,and S. Hloyle, were charged, the two former with breaking eight squares of glases in the window of Mrs Hardy, Gibson. street, and the latter with obstructing the police-oflicers while conveying thle other prisoners to the station-htouse. It would appear that on account of some ...