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Advertisements & Notices

... TIURE PCINJlG'S ]U1;0 0d311S. M R. HOLLINGSIVORTH bas the honour to an- M nounce the FANCY DRESS BALL, will take on Monday, September 4th, Under the Patronru te of The Rt. Hon. the Lady Augusta Fitzclarence The Lady George Lennox Mrs. Prescott The Hon. Lady Morris Mrs. General Jones The Right Hon. the Lord Frederick Fitzelarence, G cH. Admiral Sir Charles Ogle, Bart. Right Hon. Lord George ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ITo the B42-yesses of, tJ- est ?? GENTLEMB ,.r NVO language that 1l.Could use- would adequately N express the deep anql just sense of gratitude I feel f. r- your unanimously electtng me one of your Burgesses of ?? Town Councisl; ande - assured that any ability I possess, how- ever small, shall b~excrted for the benefit of you all. I have the honour to be. Gentlemen, With great respect, your ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mr. S MAEY STOILES, (late Sargeon-Deatist T, West London ?? Diseases fthe Thili.,) C3, IIIG STREET, OXFORD, AT HOMR FROM TEN TILL FOUR. OX5FOP1D *IVlALi. ?? and (lo. btegtt ntio to their large and [ varied Stock of jgrenclend English Gloves, in every size n, -~lollr; Glove T/;s; lace, Muslinl, and Barige Scarfs; .egtbers. Flowers. Ribpoys. Falicy llarick s Parasols, &c. ?? Mantles, of every ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NMIL. RSEDUCED SCALE OF RATES TIT TITE ROYAL FARMERS' AND GENERAL FIRE, LIFE, AND HAIL INSURANCE INSTITUTION. Capital £500,000. Empowered by special Act of Parliament. STAMP DUTY PAID BY THE OFpIvCR. AREDUCED SCALE of RATES, adapted to meet A q iny probable reduction in the price of grain, has been ar- ranged, so that parties may secure themselves, both as regards quantity per acre and price. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STOW-ON-THE.WOLD AND CH IPPI NG-NORTON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. N OTI CE is hereby given, that all Members who, Nintend to exhibit'Stook, either for a premium or as extra stock, at thle next Annual Meeting of the above Society, to be held on the 12th day of' September next. are required by the Rules thereof to deliver certificates and notices of such their in- tention to the Secretary, onl or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Y'o 1/se .2renbers of the l7isversity, ande Residents in M 11we Cityd aad( V~ic7'7y of Oxford. c Gentlem7en, ?? For more than ftwentyl years I hease been established in. thisu C'ity as a Wine and Spirit M~erchant, and thle principle upon by ?? I comnmenced business I continue to adhere to-sutpplyiir go my friends aned cu>stomers zwith the best and puzrest quality of se Foreign Wibnes and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'WMSTEUN LIFE ASSURANCE AND ANTNUITY SOCIETY, 3, PA RLIAMENrT STREET, LONrDON. Bankers-Messrs. -Cocks, Biddulph, and Co., Charing Crosts. Actuary,ek4 Secretary-Arthsur~cratchloy, Esq. 2M5A. ?? TN'baddition to ,the ordinary plans of Lift- Assurance A.thsSociety possesses several features which present peculiar and important advantages to the public. Attention is specially invited to the. rates ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TUE 3KING'S KGOONS. M R. HOLL1NGSWi'ORT H has the honour to an- nounce the REGATTA BALL, on Wednes day AUguSt 9th, under the patronage of The Ron. tbe Lad v Augusta Fitzclareace Mrs. Prescott The Lady George Leunox The Hon. Lady Morris Mrs. General Jones The Right Hon. the Lord Frederick Fitzelarence, G c.n, Admiral Sir Charles Ogle, Bart. Admiral Prescott Rizht Hon. Lord George Lennox Sir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE Ki 1I M Roomx, SO-ITHSJIA. I R. HOLLINGSWORTH has the honour to an- M nounce the KIANGS' ROOMS are now open for the Sunsnoer Season. THE SOIREES take place every Monday from Nine till One precisely. THE AFTERNOON PROMENADES Take place every Tuesdays and Thursdays, from Four till Six in the afternoon, y R. HAMILTON begs to inform the 7adies of M Portsmouth, Southsea, and vicinities, that he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AiOORE'S PATENT CONCENTRATED;) A1 M1 ILK is the best ever invented for Sea Service, it merely rtquires the addition of warnm water to produce l 1ilk. perfectly Fresh as from the Cow. Aftera.few .ho urs it will throw up Cream; which by agitation quickly yieltls flutter, or by acids will make Curds and Whey. It is applicoble to all culinarv purposes, as it retains all the properties of Fresh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOUTHSEA WINTER ASSExBLIES. 1847.48. UNDER THE PATRONAGE OW Major-Gen. Lord Frederick Fitzclarence,, and Lady Augusta Fitzclarence Admiral Sir Charles Ogle, Bart. :. Admiral Prescott Lord George Lennox and Lady George Lennox Sir John Illorris, Bt., and the Hon. Lady Morris Mlajor-General Jones and Mrs. Jones Ye Colonel Aslett, nor. St, Captain Chads, R Kr., and Mrs. Chads. of STEWARDS: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL CLARENCE VICTtILAING YARD, .; NEARK GOSPOT. T NEA- - OSPO . 1lh June, 1b48. To it XTOTICEisherebygiven-I -7tat on TEaiRSDt A the A I i- ,:Y 22nd Instant, I shatt be ready lO. receive P F. enders in writing, sealed' up5 and treat for y. st 2 1,500 QUARTERS of WHEAT, to -weigh 60 jtmuds a e - per Bushel; overweight to be paid fr; haif to a be delivered in a Fortnight from the day of Con- ...