Advertisements & Notices

... ht~~~inpfg.., j A N TE D F R CARL'ER _ $ y y FOUR SHIPS, either Russian, or > bEnglish, carrying about 300 to 400 Tons each. Apply at WILLE & WILSON'S, 25, Bishop-Lane. WHALE FISHING BARQUE, ST. ANDREW, FOR SALE AT ABERDEEN. T HERE will be exposed for SALE T l~i> by PUBLIC AUCTION, on the Evening of TUESDAY, the 2nd January, I49, at Seven o'Clock, within the Counting House of OSWALD, GEORGE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *tipping. /- UL AND LYNN TRADE. T ~4HE STEAM SCHOONER JUPITER, jai ?? Cansell, Master, will leave each pe~ssolIO HULL TO LYNN. MONDAY, 13 November, at 7 o'clock Evening. LYNN TO HULL. TUESDAY, 14 November, at 8 ?? Morning. Faes.-Best Cabin, 7s. 6d.; Fore Cabin, 4s. HULL AND IPSWICH TRADE. The steam Schooner CAMBRIDGE, Francis Wright, )Iaster, leaves H U L L every T U E S D A Y, and 1p~lyiCH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UP E R I O , M A 11 E U M B R E L L A S of English, French, and German Manufacture, to be had A/ AT EDWARD STEARS', UMBRELLA MAKER, &c, 19, MYTONGATE BULL, Where Repairs and Becovering is neatly done on the Premise N.3,_-CARRIAGES'. UMBRELLAS IN STOCKt, IN GREAT VARIETr. 11JL L C LO T HI NG SOC 0IET Y. ,JOSEPH JONES AND CO., LINEN-AND WOOLLEN DRAPERS, 65 & 66, MAILKET.PLA.CE, EG to inform the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... po~T, NATAitith leave to crill at the - iNTiT 1m it iii I f ut. I h N.~ lii Ea ft''niiit i it f it fit fit, '?~VK~f.AN f J Il idt' 0*~ I I N X, N it% .s ?? I J If ft ti lb fi 'II ittWO L in'lth .lilfifti f I it I II CM ?? ti t ii' AitiffN fit. I . II n t I ttt I ft ~ '.ti'tit'i' 'I iii if 0 .t.. t10 thi i IfnI Hii tI 'til. iii'.'1touitils.A FtIiF f''ifI I T Ulif I VNJ Ot ?? li . I , ?? t - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ).\t H$ tid ~ ?? I'a i tho LtAB~OURi. IF tit. I hil it. I t it m i t -it Vltuiii iv' NijlaurI U l I l~ls. t Ptll oI itl taii ii0 . I II littilil. ?? s I I. I ki NItlitittliti C Ni I'q. . li VhiIt l N liii Im lt'i .tili itll Ettaibiititltw m o lat livivI 0 Ii it ll- ttt I fm j IIIn Jt ?? Alttit. 'tioll lm t imi ik ML'. t 1,10 ut li lA ' il~tit ll I t'1. tillgo~l patt ..N Wili tl it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DRop; BOJIBAY, to sil inmediately, having the tpthe Cargo engaed ea now i0 a% the & ?? thev L Vro ?? ship OUgridlv8~otroa~al~l mdor, loading in the St. }lbrtino's Doulks. lhi Shlp has a * olumodlouspoop. excellent heightbetween decks, and offoraayery S 1.JAM to INVIA 'aid HIlNA, vi, GYP'T. V gavtaie (steam Penvo ar PASSEN0BRS r.1 4,1.Ithi GOSto Coelon, xadma. t cat st en n, , ?? and OrlwItai, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ZEALAND CMPANV'8 BEV fto NLgaNEIW PLYMOUXTH WRLL!XGT1(IdOT'AGO 1,N, 7ewloaw ?? first-elam aseer ship, kSN l0A, W4 lognowilying in tho London Docrk, ?? despatcedas aboveona )QDAY the led Of JUly P1301t.fl4 -wil crry an.CSt~t7n. loew zcmtant~os,_ '1S Droa-steoct-buildlngs, ~j~1S1 ad NIV'H MEICAN ROYA and1107 an bewendLVE ~o ollw~g o oterveselsar apoinedto sail from LiverpoolI z IC.4,for BOST OV ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,: ND IM NPRAOOVNT-GARDEN. i d'tle. j rbo4il IAlb~kneBQDI A V,, on vso; Fj'-I yrt fo nr; Mlo Nberdso .jg i Ta naoot TamorH Some,` Sig1or .Soldi, 8gor Lulgi-ao v or aon409 . ao~poser'a q 2g the miisto and o tor and oor .at t r t~oeoua lhdet )b. aIVlil'IISSEME11NT, 1n whlih tf olo , Ir l awllapgar., k-J4. l -1cr, Yabbe DdLb. No e lhe. .: ftde.' Yhliev IftdlO. JA lWW MdUOtw *liO~ol41n DkuBil, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NI' 14 F frol44 On I j'4 d 7. 4444 44 (.4 .4 4? A-. . 444. N * 4. 4.. U' 44 4' 44 I ?. 4,7 I4I II I a 4.44. 4 44' .444, . 44 . 4 . 444 4.44 4444444. I44 .4.!4Iv , I. W h4,4 44 (44 I 4 41 . ~ i 444 4-4 t4o,4 444 o11 I4' 4444(4444 w 4II 4 444', 4. :4hc m4~~c4i, * 4 4444I 4444 .-II n, 44 4.. s\4: 444 f4` ' II1 1-C'4 We k 4r4 di ta 44 II4 ?? 41 _ 4- L 4 ?? 41, 44 4 44 44 1 4, j IM 44 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... j\ ?? (to sa~i puml~tually the 2Oth l ?? ittl 4'f'-K-111wIL~ ?? 11.'t :m C . 1. ?? it d o444 'I 4 t to,4 I 4( I '1 ~ 1 'tIIVI'N I nc ,4 IlLt'4truIr 1 4. 4. 444 44 ?? ?? ati'1 ,mv 4% 1 4,14~ 44 1. It' ,* .4,1 I44 t 142ll .441' t ?? Atp44ul ,144 I' XI' ' 11 II I~k~I \ 1441 j~ ?? N ~ ~ ?? (I. ?? two- thirds ?? .'I4 11 1424441'4 ?? I NI )ivvt Of4 v.4, i444144. Iral er t4t ?? 444'a ), , 4\'44 XI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1IXj1' TSLION ot LADIElS' ?? KS Iil i' M~. tA NTLES (II lo I'MIMN Im14 WINTERNI NA t-loto trial~ go.tar. wot l Imtlie iAV voope~otiity liifoiiliiid Itha the r~odleall~l iii gpl lfI ClMot al iot M iltotti'olololl onifltO it ilm W LI N Ilitl N I 11 N M- I t it A I. Etl 0(It N' NI 1 IV ifIAI 0l 11t8l N. Atti tm11~ ?? rot' 0el 1`110 II 111 l. IItliry IlIlltfI 001to tlo' oalot of otoitoil iilt II ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A- ljj-fi0ENERAL b1ZiAY 1NAViliAl10N CU(Vil- i| ~iYjY lbe X 1tgo ?? STEAM-SHIIPS, 3L, up for tho Coa o atiO of p5sO 3P rnted BfvtswhmvfharS.YorLr,,Sor c IT i eIl)ENT, WIdneadaY JL 5 at O night; E~lf B~scE Saturda ,5th. at 10 night; the. LNIFS. eaturday tli ?? ca (whloh Iob ludea proeoWs), C,; second rcbi; I- From ?? ate an-hre f.s Wapploig, ore l~rawSTE;-EerySaturday, it S evening ii X ...