Advertisements & Notices

... To'rie Is. erC, Iv po-t, ill Itam m, l 6I. -1 r D R. CULYFERIVELL. Oil ?? ?? To I.,e or mot t0, be th 1t id lslte titi: Ag, the ettitte Altti, h,- CIIASTIrY-, adt IN ll;ING -li;. Like r'attk corinttjlt, miiltiit . :il ss-i0We, Intects ulil'e'. To be atll of Shueln od 2t, latern-ter r,-te )li - 1 s : Carvalho, 147, FIlac-Stetit ail 1 lld all S H the Author, who nay be perssialhl alvi1,i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B IV PER CENT. BRAZILIAN LOAN of 1939, 3 for3 £12,500 St0rling.-The JlALF-YEARLY DIVIDEND, duest October next, onthe above. LOAN negotiated by Messrs. Samel nd hilips vi be P~kll) by Sir ISAAC L. GOLDSMID, WILLIAM1 KING, andl WILLIAM 1,1jMPSON, Agents, at tile Smi))e ll l 'll s rTil~'vhe~..~ i - ?? i;n~cliester-street, (tsulitinheiuse iii T. and W. King, 37, GotWnietrte Old Broad-street, ois ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COAL 1RK T 1 Lid,1ie's Wes tarfley 14s30d Carre latcyi Man Hdlastitigs hairtley 1 ~ld~l ~ - Ta,;illil 145, Ords Rediloe Ii 14 ?? tsp 145, Wylain 14s, WotI ais ~ ' 11,ltrt icy is, I lostd, ItalhthspY i,£'lol 1W alsend :Clark- la', Irlol n dtV 13s, HlaswetI l9's 9lId Ste;rtis 15s 6d, Wenit Corifor'tliha h ii)sold ; 35 Unsold LIVERPOOL OTNMRE The market ?? ee 4,003 Itales, whichtlod ,o Allei 0l,1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEGANT ARTICLES at LWPIE. E IiLadies and Gentlemen wishing to make handsome and a Iceptabie PP.ESENTS, ebduld pay a ,isit to STOCICEN'S, where they may inspect the mootwvaried stock of ornamental and usefull articles at all prices, rouny Yery beautiful at 18s. 6d. and 215.- Should the fancy ofthe intended donor take a higher view, this stock will be found equal to the occasion, a a Visit will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. + Valuable fDooks, 1200ka of Prints, and ?? * r fr-n, Pari. 111ESSRS. S. LEIGH SO)TIlEBY Mil (I ML.F (Auctioneers of Literar Por- itO of tile Fitte Arts), will SELL by AUCTI N t r 1. Wellington-strecet, Strand, on Thiutr dilrs , .\tail 1 to :320, page 23: and it(l Friday, Sep tete1dr I .t to 031 clud of sale, soi)c valuable IBItliS I l; rareetigravingrs of the Italian, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 77STEAMER for NEW YORK.- 'il ll'd'nited I tates Mail Stearn shipWASfiINGTON, ~~ ~ will punctualelylee Southamptoni direct for th 01 ntltt. i'aslet thirty guineas, corn- die 111vct'l inesand lquor, wiictscan be obtained bo A, erae asea'~~takn, nd n xperienced Sur- ~ ye-el Eary apliatI~ wit esure a selection aecottuoduionSpptY o B.Slailsen, at tile 1511 or TltSil~dlevsivtLonon;or to thle under- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Price Is. each; by post, in stamps, 1s. 6d., DR. CULVERWELL on MARRIAGE, I To be or not to be, that is the queston.`-Shkspev-r. Als4, by the sa me Author, CHASTITY, and its INFRINGEMEN'Pd. Like rank corruption, mining all within, Infects unseen. To be had of Sherwood, 23, Paternoster-row; Mann, 39, Cambhil: Carxyalho, 147, Fleet-street; and all booksellers. Or direct from the Author, who ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fIREAT CONCERT ROOM, HER MAJESTY'S G THEATIItE.-Mdlle. JENNY LIND, M. TIIALBERG.-The LASTI G RAND CuNc:ERTr of the Scason--The Nobility, Gentry, and 11he Pub1lic are respectfully informed, that (by the kind permitssion llt. ri L enlo Esq.), GRAND MORININtG CONCERT wil k~e place TIllS DAY, Satllrdy., Augus,,t 2Ot. in tile Groat Concert ll'sen of her Ma)jesty's Theatre, far the BENEFIT of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... otilJ IPORT PhILIP direct, tjo sail frolyl TI cid on tile l0th octobeur, has. it full noop and reti TIIdeclii', afllbrdinfl ituperi'ir aci.oi lidllnotiton for cabin, -0 an'~~ti'tN and will carry an expe- aow splenddfe -.irl fiaebulthp Tt I e'r.Green, if Blackia'l, J lu M'E c- in ci~r:i~ln in he Eiat Indll, Docks.-For freighlt or LI' ~ l~ ~*xv. o ant,1, Royal EaeI~augC-buIlding, or tu qi 1 ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. -4- Freehold Land-tix and perpetual Rent-oharge, Hunrtperpoint, Sussex. M ESS'RS. ROGGART,2 NORTON, &- OAKLEY bave received instructions to OFFER for SALE, at the Auctin i?,lart, onl Friday-, Octohcr 6 (instead of September 8, as previously advertised), at Twelve, in 'Two l~tE, a FRlEE- HOLD RENT.CHARGE of £32 4s. per annumn, formerly chlarged by waly of land-tax onl the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, HAYMArKET-U-de 5]Oll;9ieE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ _ N4f wi)ll e ' ?? Diroctiun of Minm. CELlE.T1-TfHll AD'xN-I~'E Adiq,1 i'ori ed the comcody of .NVEETIgliARTS -ND E miral Franhii, Air. Laintert ll-llv 2s.; ria, Mr.;rh Gaiery W I Mr-. Yates Laura, M'i-o W-1gIC.-Aftcr whichl, tleO Petite Woinedy if FLYING CILOU TITO. Capt. Sl-ou(eMr. Aimaoei Mi. 1. Veicdfod margaret, MiiWol : Helene de ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'j'rr X to IND I A antid CHIINA, vi-' E(]'Ypii ?? Mohit Welm Ill tl-oicvll' for i'AfISSEN I ,. i111 GitlDtil to (''filol, Madras, cijilt, 1Ii aiw rlto toi N I~tit ltipallr llo - lllt '' (tell .0 I'ro'.tr the Rb1oV, Ports I-yat till (Nolnpall's (151es '151, St. Marn Axeo, loido. ,nTWERII, BRUIISSELS, COLOUNE, jh AM ol~l our., i la1aso 10 ours oivt).-T'hoAN' p1hON' owerful, splIollid, and ...