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Fashion and Varieties

... 9,15bio-a allb Yarictim THE COURT. BALMORA.L, MONDAY, SEr. iS1.-ller' Majesty attn the Prince weit this ?? to Invetcalild Forest, when the Prince shot a tine stag weighing upivards of 20 stone. In tile afternoon, her Siajestv, accore a iaed by the Cuun tess of Gajisborouighl, drove to Aliengeldic. T'Ie Earl and Cointess of Aboniie and Sir Maxwell Wal- lace have left their naincs at B1aileoral. ...

Fashion and Table=Talk

... ?? allb EilbtZall. THIE COURT. Al'lttsoi AIM0\ID)A-The infavonrable state of thle wes- ttier ?? betr %aiesty waitkoig out this mornitig. flis It val ?? Prince s lbert enjoyed ?? sport ot shooting. Thile 1lovtal dinuer par'ity at the Castle this ceaving inentleod tiwio MIlajesties ftie Ning f aild Quelice of tibe BItgiais, tier ?? ilii i e0S th DUcIICess of Kent, lier Royal Hlighness the,- ...


... liebicu. No. 152. TIlE GAP or BARNESMORE: A Tale of the Irish Ilighlauids, and til IRevolutioln of 168. In three volumes. London : Smith and Elder. Dublin : Jaines 1' Gtashan. An Irish novel, descriptive of some of the wildest and most romantic scenes of our country, and founded upon his- toric events of such thrilling intcrest and vast importance as those which led to the overthrow of the ...

Selected Poetry

... ,?'dcctcb I'loctrLI. PA Ii TI N G WORIDUS. IjlFSN Alill you comie :lwi:i T'1'e weavy l;ou e ill Idl, Anld it's by the beaitiiig of ily ?? lint I ANill Count tiliI all l- IBy the be:ting of Iny Ijeart, AuXd the dI opling ot i)y te:lrsc, T11i1eight thie lboty day, :t0di e 1011(t) iigi~ht, A nd t li long andl lonlyeh ! arw:u. \\hly didi you Stay so cloll, ? Or I iwould vever be, thus Ctinging to ...

Selected Poetry

... ?Zflcrtfb Ilortrpl. GO FORWVARDI Go forward ?? tis folly behind to be glancing, W'e cannot recovcr the days that arc past; The future our joys will, perchance, be enhancing, Though dark clouds of care o'er the present are cast. There is nevcr a nighlt but there comes a to-morrow, There is never a cloud but a sunbeam succeeds; We should feel not the balm if wve hncw not the sorrow, Go forward ! ...

Selected Poetry

... tecc ttlb 1ottr). S LiG Oi 11 II SA PEASA \WIFE. BV Tlil ?? Mls. NOR1TON. Comr, Ilt rick, clear up tile storiins ou Your trow 1oin wvere Ijiild to :11e onuce; will you frown on inc nowv ? Nlil the storiii settbh litre wtlen friil ?? it deplits, Awil thr cold floom wvitboilt iinil its way to our liearls ? N)o, Patrick, no ! siol Iy tlhe wvintric.t iccather Is canilv borie while. io boar it togo ...

Selected Poetry

... dclctcb 4ortrit, Wvi:, WILL BE' HAPPY. M' zv will be hlppy, thog1h we've hnd Oor share of ealrthly sorrow; Dark clouds illay lower to-day, but still The sun nmay shine to-morrow, We will be happy and content, Altihouigh our hemmc be lowly Its otinosphere is laden wvith Affectionslfond amdl holy. WM will be happy, When wc mcdt Around the board tit evcen; hogligil frpgl is tie fare, not less Our ...

Selected Poetry

... ?? Ie ctrv. W'ORTII AND BEAUTY. TnilCy tell me shc's no longer fair, That time has swept aside Thc lustre of her youthful brow, H1er beauty's blooming[ pride. But if her heart is still the same- Still gentle as of yore- Then is she beautiful to me, Morc lovely than before. TlIey tell me that her cheek is pale, As is the twilight hour, Aud that hier eye bath lost its light, Her glance its ...


... 11$cb icw>, No. 170f. TmTSe MAG7X~iiit Novembher. Edhiburgh Switesrkind and Knox. A great portion of this nun,,iher is devoted to the continua- twiou of the voluminous tictiotis in which nil especially de- lights, and which it is irk-sn),iu to hie perpetuallv noticing. Of ti( hie w mattIer, wve nsav location , in terms of praise, the licantiftil deoscriptioni of the river Die, with which the ...


... NoRrll OF IRELAND HIORTICUITURA\L SOCIETY'S AUrUMNAN. trRUrT AND FLOWER SIIOV. YES'i'EtcDA)v, this most picasi eg arnd interietilig Cexliiit ion was hiehd in thle usuial place-thle Royal lle:aucl Garden. Thle arrallgeroents were inl every iray complete and satisfac- tory; thle gi'iiaids wvere inl thle inst perfect or~ler, anel, not - wi thst ?? (lie tlireatenit ig and rather glo in a' ipect of ...


... Publlic PronicToade Dress-Lilac taffcta redingote, a high close corsage, anl long tight sleeves ; a ruche of the material of thlc robe, cut in sharp cleats at the edges, trims the front of thc corsage : it is very thick at the upper part, but diminiishes in size as it descscds to tihe waist, opening about the middle of the corsage, and forming a small ruche at each side. The front of the skirt ...

Selected Poetry

... 'E'datrb 190ttry. TIlE DIGNITY OF MAN. lll` SlIR JOHN l)AVIES: A. D. 1600. Oki! whatv is man, great Maker of Mankiind 1 That thou to hib so great respect doth besr; That thou adorn'st him with so bright a mind. Makest him a kieg, and ecveu a angel's peer! Oh! w vhat a lively life, what Heavenly power, What sprending virtue, what a sparkling firec How great, how plentiful, how rich a dower Dsst ...