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... 9j~bicbjS No, 134. A BRIEF IItsToRIcAL RELATION oF THIE LIFE OF MR. JoHN LIVINOSTONE. XWritten by liimself, with a Historical Introduction and Notes, by the Rev. Thomas llouston, Knockbracken. A new edition. Edinburgh Jo),n Jo/tmstonce. This edition of the autobiography and characteristics of the eminent and pious Livingstone is a reprint from Steven- son's edition of 1754, wvith alterations ...

Fashion and Table=Talk

... ?? alb crabit,-EAh. THlE COURT. heatM. xsry-llr Ryal ighessthe( Ducebss of Ketilt visited I le Qucen on Montday, andl tile Dutchess of Gloucester onl Tuesday, at fluch-inghlia Palace. Hisa Roval I igli n SS tiIC Prlinc ICCOf PrLISSia paid a visit to his Royal II1gi-I ness Prince Albert onl Monday at Bluckingham Pa~lace. In the evening Prince A lbtrt r ctnrned his Royal H1ighness's vaisi at thc ...


... LADIES' FASIIIONS FOR DECEMBER. MORNING ALF.[NG DiSE5S.-A dress of a pretty striped damson and light fawn sdlk ; the skirt made extremely full anl longer at the back thain in tile front; high body and plain long sleeves. Scarf-niautclet of black velvet trimmed all round withi a rich black lace, not very wvide ; tha scarf crosses oscm the chest, and is fastened at the back, where it descends in ...


... I TIIEATRE ROYAL-TIIE ITAIXOI PERA. Pew ] 1 - - As da. ?? I. . 'tirllC curiosity has at last been in some mrn ure gratiied by the appearance of Mademoiselle Jenny Lind on tile boards of our theatre, and the Flotatici par *ra sauic~ s of our it, have been enabled to satisfy their thirst for novelty it til gushes of liquid melody flowing from the lips of the Northelli Syren. Last night's ...


... This rising and well-conducted society gave a concert for gentleme last night, in the Hail of the University. The nudienca was very numerous. The principal performers were Messrs. J. and F. Robinson, G. L. Geary, and J. Keane; conductor, Mr. Stewart. It will be perceived from the programme, which we subjoin, that the selection embraced somte of the most classical compositions of the day:- ...


... FASIIjIONXaBELL NN1GEE; - IllsRoyail lighness P1ince George of Cambridge and ate, MessrS. rcehmK raeR. lkwtl Wydirf citait Alert tratl-el Sjt. Leper, &. sailed oli Wednez ay amd CleattBt~nr; o lrir 'iJt;tY senmer Scotia. Aud hy rth 351110 CL'O~ *1 t,.orn~ Ito])hid, oNL aejdaly and Thnrl:ay Vei0 O M-I rCviS iind 3iLri il O&visy of Woreostclr ?? suitc, barl ef '1e1r '1 ci1ite 3ltntcr of tile lio ...


... [ ];!FASHIONABLE INFLLIGENCE. I I . - . Iq TaE QUEEN'S LEViE.-tThe Queen held a Levee ?? afternoon, in St. James's Palace, which was very numerously attended. Her Majesty and Priiice Albert arrived from Buokhilutni Palace, attended by the royal suite, and wvere r~eeived by the Lord Steward and the Lord Chamberlain, and were contidcted to thc royal closet. The Earl'of 31intiohad an audience of ...


... ?? 't~rt{9E ACTS'; ss t. 1, 'le s e.0 tile ihie arts tire prcsfnfi1 tii ,vtuer-Mollr pictur'e, convoy ug every arm in mech. frolm the briliittiiyii;-nt~~i tli'te s i'yl M1ant the rare pitr gomnprCsf~ q'pconsisting of' ?? 'nieAb itldn hi Id'liaving retuiueslfrml motp, 4im4Ugrgg - p qt 'r tic ~ gaio of various kinds; golden lieasa~nt itiatl the ?? lie strewnu about, tbmeW s otliede ...


... O Dovsi UBilN SOCIETY'S SPRING EXHIBITION, This attractive exhibition was extremely well attended yes. if terday. - The following is a list of the adjudication of premiums at the it the Royal Dublin Society's Cattle Show, on Tuesday April BREEDING STOCK-BULLS, Division 1. e Bulls calved on or after January 1, 1847: Section 1. Hon A F Nugent, No 7, eight sovereigns, and for h the beetof all the ...


... : b i c , . Ne. 22. Ton,. PIsniol'i'. ,i ilit~lL. vol. XlI. Rlosa fidl Gectrildil,'' andil .\v uncle's Library,' trailnslated fron thle Frelilti of llolotp p 'dlipt'ier. Belfast and Louldoin Shbnws a;dl .11 hi/i re. 'T'his is thu first lime that nov of the boalitiful piroiictiolis of Rodo lph Tik)ller have atpearcd int an Eiigltih (lCes5. This wr iter may lhe consideredl the IRoisscaii of ...


... \cbIitduL. ?? I HesldsoIIst,A1 t IIsitI. of the ?? FileC of AtIfsilkIiIlasII, UONoill's 1 issllg slr.' lislftst * . j.Msslans,le. ;ICitomesi, ois it .5. Bt'i!ss~t all v'ins'sa :s G . Dnilatti eme! G. Wil/se. 'lhi ill c ;i'tl tie v alutoi fut',e'tlls ?? he tile ?? cnissstanceits isitihsi vyl'iist' it lias sisici'l it, :sppsot'ratep, ans(I tlsi forciblul issanites'n ill Nslsichl its alslilssr's ...

Fashion and Varieties

... atbioln anb farittiO. DEPARTURE OF TIHE COURT FROM OSBORNE. ILn Majesty and Prince Albert, With tihe Royal family and Court, embarked from Osborne on Monday, at two o'clock, oln board the Fairy, and came np to Portsmouth harbour. The Roval party landed, amid the usual demonstrations, at Clarence Yard, and were received by the usual cortege of naval and military officers, and a guard of honour. ...