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Advertisements & Notices

... LECTURES ON SHAKSPEARE. AT TRE REQUnsT OF SEVR %IAL nRIENDs; M'ILL DELIVEM I TWO LECTURES ON TIHE GENIUS OF SIIAKS )k1iARE, :Illus alIed by a nirrerorUR extracls f/iomr /hiv writilnys. Thle Lectures will be given in thic MUSIC .X lL, on MONDAY, 2SLII February, and FRIDAY, 3rd. March, at EIGHT, 1).111. Tickot to both Lctures, Threc Shilliigs. ,, to Single Lecture, . Two Shillings. Students, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A P R E N I E W N E,-' hle s alc b V u ioo l n .a l l a h s t r a q o s , i SALE THIS DAY. 0 I)e SOTT by AUCTION, onl FRIl)AY S(li ay), tile 1 tlhiustat, at No. 1, TALBOTST T, at ONE o'clock, Plrecisely2, 500 Barrels Yellowt M1EAL, 300 do. A77erican LOUI'. For further liarticulars, apply to 87l) J. LOWRY & CO., Brokers. SALE THIS DAY. () N TIIIS DAY (FRIDAY), 14th instant, there ilI be put for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEETING TO-MORROW. ULSTER SOCIETY For Promoting the Education of the Deaf all Dunhib andt the hllind. HlIE Annual GENERAL MEETING of this SkTY T will be holden (God willing) on THURSDAY, the 28th December, 1848, in the Large Room of the COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, Belfast. The Most Hone. the Marquis of Dowashire will preside. Chair to be taken at TWELVE o'clock. 773 THE SHORTER CATECHISM, PART I. Q. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [A DVEWITS IM 11 N'L'.] TO THI't FITORt OF T tBEli'lFAST NEW5-LETTER. Si -A leltcr hiaving appeared iu tihc Banner of Friday last, signed, A sincerC lover of justice, Bcrntard Hughes, I wish to direct piublic attention thereto. Of Bernard Hughes, I lhave some littic knowledge binit ohilo this sincere lover of justice is, I will leave the public to jnlge. P'erhiaps your roaders are not ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO SPIRIT MERCHANTS, &ยข. lIE SUBSCRIBER begs to inform SPIRIT MER- CUANTS, &c., that he is preparing a rStock of ,CCOUNT-BOOKS, after the patter ordere' , te Board 1 Excise, whichi he will dispose of on the ^ moderate erms. J. HI. GARLAND, Stationer, Account-Book Manufacturer, and Book Binder, 24, ligh-street, and Graharn's-entry, Belfast. 372 SALE THIS DAY. Sl of Ja311nting Cars, Gias, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTY OF ANTRIM. SUMMER ASSiZES, 18. TIHE GRAIND JURY will h!e sworn! bfore the Il1(ill- 1SIERIFF, in the COURT IlOUSE, CIRRICKFE RGUS mni WEDNESDAY, the 26th day of July, t LEVE o'clock Forenoon. The Commission will loe opened on THURSDAY, the 27th inst., at NINE o'clock Forenoon. CHARLES M'GAIIEL, Slicriff. ALEXAN DER DAVISON, Under-Shcrifl. Sheriff's-Office, Castle Buildings, 4ith July, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UHEL1iAST IVITE LiNEN-LHAl. 'RS IE ANNUAL MEETING of the PROPRIET)RS of I L the BELFAST WHITE LINEN-IIALL will e held in the LIBRARY, on THURSDAY, the 30th of November instant, at TWELVE o'clock noon, to elect, bv ballot, a Chamberlain, and a Communittee of Fourteen MAembers, for the ensuing year; and to transact such other business as may d be brought before them. WILLIAM SIMMS, Chamberlain. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I-IL SUBSCRIBEIR HAS ON SALE 1T 200 Barrels Areclhanycl TA1 i 10,000 SlACKS and 1i-/S ;f At Ilis Carivass and Sail-makinglAEstablishmenet, G1, Waring- street. 41. NI. CAlISON. Belfast, 2nd May, 1848. Gi4 GUANO, &c. Peruvian and A.frican GEi/NO, of 6esat quality. Pt Wil e andl Yelloote IAD ,N COR/N. ) Nel\.Iti Americno Ground, Batwrrelled INDL-/N ME.JL OA 1.1/EL L, and I? YEASLAL, q 'tplite ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS W ILL be PREACHED, at the Hours of TWO and SEVEN o'clock, p.m., on next SABBUDTII, the 12th inst., in the Moethodtit Chapel, Dones4.Pla BY THIE Re,. J. B. Rutherford, of Ke4, SK oland, In aid of the Liquidation of a most pressing Debt on the Trustees of the above Chapel and School-room. Subscriptions from those who cannot attend will be thank- fully received by the RESIDENT MINISTERS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BELFAST GENERAL HOSPITAL. IMPORTANT TOWN MEET'NG. r a SPECIAL MEETING of the COkMlt E, held A ' on Saturday, the 21st day of Octo. , , it was rnoved by Dr. TH1ONIAS READ, and second~ by Right Le;. Dr. De-Nviri, and I li solvcrl- Tliut a General Mceting t5 ite subscribers and other inhabitants of the town and vicinity will be held in) the Large Roorim of thle COMMEIRCIAL BUILDIN:GS, on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [AD VERT (SlE M ; Nl.] TIME BELFAST BAKERS ANN) EALEIIS IN BREAD! ! '1ro'v0 a ao 11DITOl 0 'O'Till I A. eoST N l:.1VS-LlVTlitL.`' Slit-Ill justicc to mI! self atdl til cOnslmilerS of breald in Belfast ainl its vicinity, I leg, through tile iliedillil of y onr vallialile joeliral, ti refer to the pioccoiigs of tile late ninet- ings of a few ulissatishied hxux'ers and( ret ilers of bread, lately ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (1 ENTLEMEN, who are particular about the fit and style G of their Trousers and Vests, *i' Arc respectfully solicited to try our MVr. Bruatz, Whiosc abilities, we are satistli'l, will give satisfation. OIJIU STOCK Of Materials for these Garmelints contains all that is New 00(1 lireshiurtab le JOHN G. M'GEE & CO., CLOTHIIERS ANDI) IlIATrEr S, 3S 46, AND IS, lI[GIl-STREET, BELFAST. INDIAN CORN. ...