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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland


Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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... TIlE NEW\ SARDINIAN' CONSTITUTION. Art. 1. The Catholic, apostolic, and Roruan religion is the sole reli6ioni of the state. The oliter forass of politic worship at prcscnt existing are tolerate(d iil conforosity witli thle laws. Art. 2. 'Tle person If I lte Sovereign is sacred antI inviolable, Ilis inilst ors arc responsiile. Art. 3. To tilie Kinhg alone appertains the execuitve power. lie is ...

Selected Poetry

... II-'Idectcla 19ort4l. 13E KIND. SCORN not tho man that asks for bread, Nor drive hinin from your door, Bilt think that fortune yet may frown, And you yourself be poor. With ?? treat the poor man's child And check the faillig tcar; hlis soul will ceho back thc voice (Of kindness to your car. Seek every place here ?? dwells, In cot or festive hall, And, with a kind and generous smile, Proroote ...

Selected Poetry

... ?? ILDoctd. s PE A K NOT o IA It S 11 L Y. ?? s;K not harshly-much of care Evcry humtan hcart ?? hear: Elloughl of shadows sadly pily Aroun d t li very slotillicst way Enou gih of sorrows darlilt lic Veiled Within the Inerriest cye; Bv t li el cdhood's gushing tears- y the grjiefs of :ftcr years- ?? the anguish tholl dost hlnow- AdId not to ?? woe. Speak not harslily-mnucth of sin l)'elletlI ...

Selected Poetry

... ,$rlcctrb vortru. AN AUTUMNAL LYRIC. AUTUMN is come ! the swallows are flying; The leaves, sere and ilcad, in our pathway lire lying, 'Ilic win( wvhistlcs cold, the sun palely shines, And tilc bloom and tle bcauty of Nature declines. Autournin is ?? ! tc sportsman is hie;i1g, Tlhrough hralio and tfirongh hicather; the moor gamn is flying, The pheasant is scared from her snug woodland cover, ...


... (lrsoms M/e 1)orld qf Fos/icu.) WALKCING Dtzitss.-A idrcos of dtark chocolatc-colourcd watet'id slit, untie perfect ty plain, and (pitte high to tile throat longj full sleeves, finihe with anl coibroitlerei cult of cambtric. Pardlcssus of dark greeit tevaulicile, tttosinz to tue walist, tti shines beinig clif upit so as to forl a1 sattaiow poieuig Oil cacti sidlc and cricirtced with at douthle ...

Selected Poetry

... :t, el t c t cb- Tj a c t v 1). THlE VIOLET. SVEET flower outbuict froi0 Winter's gloom, M V violet of blue, There's hlnginge in thy rich perfume- It sp lw s of friendship tire. Hlow oftesn linve I wvelcomed thee F'rwniz 6~ildhood's ently lwtur, All ellibleli of Inillite. Aty own, Ty favou rite flower! Rleposiog by the rivolkt, Ibou hiid'st thy modest lienl, Miade loveliec by a cocoliet Of ?? ...

Fashion and Table=Talk

... ?? allb Cabirle, '11h, TIE COURT. WINDSOR, Fr1cDAY.-l'rince Albert enjoyed the sport of shootiig. this morning, aceompaniied by tihe Earl Cow)cr and the Eail of Liverpool. Thc Riev. Dr. and Mlrs. Whewell took their ldepartire from the Castle to-day. The Royal linncr party at the Castle, this evening, will inclode her Royal Highlness tile lucress of Kent, the Earl and Countess Cowper, tile Earl ...


... dlXTid,. No. 179. Tilre rrrtsT 1toow0 Or LESs;ONS IN CirIrSi'rTLY, in its Application to Agriculture. For the rise of Farmiers lli d 'raellers. liV JIlr0 ?? I lodges, M.). Londlonr arld Belfast: Simmras inul .1!Ir/1ee. This is a most valnable and scasonable worh-, wiell calcu. ]atedl to guiidc thie agricurlturist into tihe arcane of chiomistrv, in its relation to tle aprdlieation of manures to ...

Fashion and Varieties

... Jljla?bioll allb Favicti'o'. THIE COURT. Osnoiunr, Tuosnt.y, l)cc. 19.-ller Ma3estv tIhI Qucen and liilriii AlliJell tookl tiheir istiil early walk iu the grounds of Othorlie. llis ?? ili ghmiws tie Prine Albert, at tenileil by Col. Ilonuorel antl ?? tllc lion. C. I'lipli, smtrlied on soari the ruiry at nbut teu o'clock yesterilay, and pro- ceedilo to Spitheail, wlicre his Rto al i ighiess ...


... I'l cb i6a . No. 124. Tim DUBILIN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. July. Dublin: James Ml Glnssoa. Our copy of the July numbher of the University reached its ouly a day or two ago-a fact which pretty fairly accounts for thc lateness of our notice. Thte numbher is an admirable one, full of history', travel, romance, and poetry. The sub- ject of the Portrait Gallery is the grent and good Deant Kirwan, of ...

Original Poetry

... Original T ll E 1 I G R A N T. Ilow mucil is straligs of witat I sec! Ifow iI Inch more strange amn I And yet how much is old-to ille flow is the distanet nligh- Tb souenids that ronil a bout me float Are wha:t. nonc other hears, I sec what meets no other eyes, Though isnie irc veiled inl aes. It is my youth that, wbere I stand, Surroinids me ns ii d reaie! 7 bc !,eauty of tliat sp ha drl land ...

Original Poetry

... Original 9octlt. TIHE TIME OF NEED. EIIEn. IV. XVI.] IY TFIr ItEV. J. D. HUI.I GRACE to lhelp ill time of need; AMuclh in those few wolrds we rcadl Stay, my soul, ilquire and see, IWhen thie time of need may bc. Whlleln tiline eye's most dear desire Shall its ?? breath expire; And thou stand'st the dcead beside, Stunned, bewildered, stupified. Or, when those intensely loved Hlave to thee ...