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Advertisements & Notices

... SALE POSTPONTED. tb RFE SALuE of BUILDING AATEIIIALS, at No. 30 CAM- 5 T LACHIE, ~which was to have talien place on SATURDAY id next, I8th Novemlber, IS, INS THlE MiwEA.\T11, POST- 17th November, IS WIM. STUART & SON, Alctionefm. IS. T DOG LOST. On the 8Sth instant, about the Broornielaw, 4BROWN WATER SPANIEL, answering to the name of A Nero. Wthoever returins him to MIr. Millean's Shooting| ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B.ALLE POSTPONflD. I LrE ST or HOUSEHOLD FU~RNITUrE. &e., Adl- jvri &t to take place this davi, at 49 G4AL,~oWOJVATE t' E Ilhas been, in tlhe mealtime, Postponed. XcIARTE1R AIMISSING. '\~TTTI'MStKINLAXV. Carter, emplovedl be the Union Cu3njjic:ac, PI'ot-DI)Intiti; sent 5 hJI553 NOon I 5th Deceib anti ias not sinee e,tehefbard of. Ilie wa.; last seen il Hig ?? and had on a 111110 etninet. a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ITRACT FRUM A LETTER, SHOWGNG THE E VALUE; OF A PENNY POSTAGE STAMP1 'To MN. B- HTAs. Some untbas ago. I think 'tis nine, I thought totYou I'd send a line, And aMk thne prices, per return, of cldthing sold at your concern; A pcstage stamp st once I got, Anil sent a short inquiring note. tIchy ou replied to tUll and clear; flat stamp has saved2:se pounds this year ! Terore I used to pay immenSe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , Ftree bi Tat to cMM part nf it~e Cn'renb-y on recept 4 ?? Stamps ic Patr (ifire Order rfer 6s. ,- it Pul'ish'ed 1 i 1 2mo . Pri,-e tis., T* 5.!11 Reivon, e vised and greatly Enlarzed. of Po Lz LAW 11 A N U A L FOR SCOTLAND. con- 4j ?? ;..rie Principles of the Poor Laws, and Decisions in GitCou r the preset time. ;AnasEX A FlEo IN yEEL CAI11e, Esq. A g C Pl.S, Edinburcrh; DAVID ROBERTSON, ; * ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASYnAHEATRE ROYAL, EDINBURGH. LAST NIGHT BUT TWO OF MR MACKAYS APPEARANCE THIS WEEK. i R MURRAY respectfolly informs the Public, that the j Celebrated Comedian and Unrivalled Delineator of Sttish Characters, MR MACKAY, HEAVING RESOLvED TO RETIRE FROM THE STAGE, An arrangement has been entered into with that Gentleman, by which he will appear this Evening, To-morrow, and Satur- day, in several ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF AN, EXTENSIVE AND VALUABLE //0 ' COLLECTION OF BOOKS, Vlg vTiity, Law and Gen eral Litciratnre. andl tile Fine Arts, ?? a number of Vahluable and Scarce W~ork,, on I MATHEMATICS & CIVIL ENGINEERING. j(ESSRS C. B. TAIT & rr ?? NISBET bhg to intimate, 1 that they Will SELL by Auction, in their Great Ream, No. 11, HLNSOVER STn.EZn. ON WEDNESDAY NEXT. January 26, and five follow inc lawful ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wilson's Scottish mntertainmments. M R W I L S 0 N begs to announce Two of his Entertain- ments,on the SONGS of SCOTLAND, tobe given in the Mlusic HM.cL of the Mechanics' Institution on the Evenings of T1UIRSDAY and FRIDAY the 30th and 318t of March, at Eight o'clork. The Selections will be made from his General Series, and will contain many Songs which he has not sung before in Aberdeen, but ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NFANT! G.Y1~NA8ax111, 011 BAB 'J.UM PER. I MAG1NE to yourself, gentle r. eader, suspended from a hook, in aconvenientplacse,astrong elas- tic spring,tastefully concealed amid f, Ids of the softest and richest Silk; from this two cords are dependent, to which a hoop is fastened. and, by means of four others, a Dress or Coat, inside of which is affixed a strong wadded band orsaddle fora seat; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Top- Coals, in everyrespect equaZ to the best sol un Bond -Street. Elegant New Shapes-all Sizes. A great choice rcady-made, at Peter Scott's, 9, South Bridge Street, /Edinburoh. SCOTTISH WIDOWS' 3UND AND LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. The oldest and most sueeessful Life Assurance Office in Scotland. 1utual Assur'ance. The WHOLE PROFITS belong to the Members. CAPITAL. UPWARDS OF T 1 0 M I L T I 0 N S: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Qu~sli'S MOD LOnD TREASUREV'S E Q RsuVMBssACER s OFFICE, ExaHEQUER CHCAMBERS, 3ElnnsnuROn' 21st February, 1845. r S HEREBY GIVEN,. that BARBARA B xToTlICE EN or DUNCAN. wife of ROBERT DUN. n N1VILIE orl INse, ,in the parish of Inech, andcounty S CAN, riMialnd the said Ro MERT DONCAN for his interest, of At ~jto tbe Right Honorable the Lords Commis- s have &i'P i'Mdeisaty': TreawuryiS for a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Glenbervio Grass, and Sale Of Wood. ' P'T[HREE GRASS PARKS on the Home Farm Of GLEN.. -naravie are to be let for the season, on TstunsDAY the l1th of May. next. There will also be sold a quantity of superior ASH and BnE CH TREES. The Roup to becin at 12 o'cloqjY noon. 24th April, 1848. 7 Gyrain to Lot, &c., &c. ~T'HE PARKS in GRASS, on the Farm of Nrivnisoown T'in the Parish of Clatt, will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iflE MO%;NTII IFO0R R AIh A-s this is the month whichi is famous for rain, We cannot do better than give ita strain, 'Midst Showers and torrents, and vapotirs and sleet, Oh,! this is the time for a. wetting' complete; But listen a momrent, and w e will suggeat A war; von Can meet them thie wise-st and bestI Attire yourself first in a maria over-coat, Wthich. button at once to the top of ...