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Advertisements & Notices

... LtOYAL N'ATION, I. REPEAL . A~SSOIA7 IIN. HellE LOYAL NATIONAL A S- SOCIATION OF IRELAND wi set s DAY, the ?? April histant, at ONE locic, t CONCILIATION CON-.EXCHANGE ROOMS. 0)9 The principal door in front to the ground fdoor is free for AssociATEs enrolled within Twelve 'Months; they will ooempy the tloor of the Hall, the benches Tinder the end gallery, and also the benches of the end ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? IMATREROYAL, DUBLIN. 'l'lits Evcning (Friday) thero will be No Performance. JILELEN FAUCIT having recovered from her recent 1j ndtis~on o wi resume h er engagement on 0~iOiiROV (Satu(rday), December 2d, 1848, TJ7 --u ti l Pf ?? m menco wits Sh kks- yersclbated A ;VINTE h' S TALE. panmier; Polixenes, Mr. King; Prince Flo- 'tIr e 1. Bland; Antigo ns, Mr. H. Cooke Hermione, Til;'nci Pauit;,Mrs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TtIE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. ISM. JOHN HARRIS, LESSEE. O N THIS EVEN1N`G (Wednesday), November 1, 0 the performance to commence with the Drama of THE hUT OF THE RED MOUNTAIN, - oI ?? YEARS OF A GAMiBLER'S LIiE. Ur. Derance, Mr. ?? ; Augustus Derance, Mr. Rey- olds; lamner, Mtr Brandon ; Amelia, Mrs. I-larris; Louisa, yew; Scotch; Pns do Deux, Mr. Garden and Miss Goward. After whiclh the admired ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H ANDSOME NEW OVER COAT THE WOOL.DYED BLACK CLOTH PALETOT Price Two Pounds. particularly call the attention of the Publio to ttis Coat. Its ?? are neatness and respeo!ty of appearance. Is is everybody's money. I asena- bled to offer so good an Article, at so low a price, i O con- sequence of the depression of the market. A large Variety always in the READY MADE DEPARTMENT. RICHARD AELEN. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEAT RO;A, DUBLI. ISS pOOLE and 3 D. I. KING. most respectful1- to n afltioce that their BENEFIT and Lst Appearance will talke place oM ORh1O)V, SATURDAY, 1st July, 1848, r'ibe perforiinres will commence with tile new, Grand Two t.l prferifled with the imost brilliant Sucess at tie TiealtO. oa° ir eB lO called ich 015 w reeeiseM ?? the most enthusaiastit ?? on it r rh~ n 1lur~da evening. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MR. JOHN HARIXSlA, L SSEE. Q N THIS EVENI NG (onday), 18th Sept ., 0 w ln be performed the Grand Fairy Extravaganza, entitled FORTUNIO, AND HIS SAVN GnlSE TED SERVANTS. Emperor 'Matapa, Mr. W. Davidge; King Altourite, Mr. IL. Bedrhrd; or-and Mr. Ridgwtay; Princess Vindicta, Mice Levine;I PrineS Vrolaute, Miss Gowlt ard ; H .oa Misc Myrtina, Iiicc Eliza 'Travers; The Fairy Favorable, Miss Clara ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIIRE1'REOROYAL, DUBLIN. . . EQ1ZUENTED ATTRACTIOX!-CROWDED MIADAME Wi.ARTON ( respectfully to ?? to the Nobilip, 1 agorv anl l'ublic of Dublini, that sire. has enged I/, al for ivery lirritced period, for thse ?? a(;raiul Series (f ,i IVANS. ' ' ANID POSES PLAS UES, *p Irci TlUlSDAY, 8th August, 1848, d every , thi Weli, on Wlhichi occasion Madame Warton ; ie the hnjor of appearing as Lady ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | iiEAThE ROYAL DUBLIN. arprnce of the celebrated BEDOUIN ARABS. present TUESDAY, 29th February, p, foill b m perf ed the Tragedy of JANE SHORE. Lord 11stinge Mr Calcraft; Duke of Glo'ster, Mr DuPS mont, Mr H1 Cooke; Jane Shore, Mrs Ter an. Sitg; The Valse Silesian by Madomoiselle Adele. After which the I BEDOUINARABS tbrough their Wonderful Peformances, lob will bfel ° the representation of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , Tbi Evening (Tcdin), tlere la be r7o perfornanae, ;rqvacnce of thc necessit of additional rehearsals for tfe ;1 .\ pO Oera f the eminent Vocalists, Miss POOLr, ' Slr. D). w* KING of the Theatres Resyl, Drury-lane, DCVed t-/grden, w ho are engaged for Eight Nights. %W.O1lROYV (Wedneisday), 14th June, mill 1l2 produced an English version of IDonstetti's Ilpolpar 0143-caLAh FIGLIA.DEL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'r LATE |ROYALDUBLI IADAME WAItTON I .(,S ?? to anDoIuncC to the Nobility, a;ectr. nnd P'ublic of Dublin, that she has engaged Thrlate' Itval for a verv li'lited( period, for the purpose Grht(C a(rnd 'Series ofI ,ailitigarUs INVNS AND POSIS I'LASTIQ , SS, ?? Trct ,IONIDAY, 7th Auiggust, 18-18, anevery Tlathlis WVeck, oil which occasion artoi5 I hls;C thu hoour of appearing as Lady ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R OBERT BLAKE respectfully informs his Customers and the Public he is now laSndiDng.ffi Gipsey, some of the finest COGNIAC BRANDY gVrW ported, in One Dozen Cases, or by the SigleFleall 4a., tach. c- The Teas, Wines, &o., at his Establishment arejmsrefylly selected for respectable Family Trade; and qur(the test of cheapness), considered they will be found-as ow as at any respectabie house in ...