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... SMITIIFIELI). MONDA Y, DEC. 25.-For the time of year our marl.-et to-day was very scantily supplied with beasts, both as to number and quality. Although the attendance of buyers was limited, the beef trade was some whs t brisk, at, in most instances, an advance in the quotations of quite 2d. per 8 Ibs., and at which a clearance was readily effected. At least two-thirds of the beasts came to ...

W E L s n market -

... IEdesT™ LEADENHAU,Market hides, 661b. to 641h., !4d. to li (I. per lb • 1-^°' enn' +° aan'' j l to dltt0» 721b- to I fd. to 2d R«°'o^ V IA? t0 2fd ditt0> 88ib t0 96Ib-> 3d t0 31 d.; ditto,9blb. to 1041b .ijd. to 3 £ d. Calf-skins, each 3s. 6d. to 4s. 6d ■ Horse hides, 8s. to 8s. 6d.; Polled sheep, 3s. Od. to 3s. lOd. Kents and haif-bieds, 2s. 4d. to 3s. 6d. j Downs, 2s. 4d to 3s 3d ...


... tcrly waves, the two pril c'pal systems common to Europe, the mcsc prominent subject being that particular curve known as the great symmetrical wave of November; and the third em- bodying the results that have been obtained during the last Tear, illustrative of the symmetry of the great wave, more particularly the locality of the greatest symmetry, and the de- parture of symmetry in certain ...


... A PEF.P AT TYIS lfSTER Currr,,E EsrADT,TSTiMr-T.-There lias recently spruag up in the metropolis, an establishment which bids fair t(, tlv i that ot Messrs. Barclay and Co., the great brewers, in extent. It is however erected for a very different purpose, namely, to supply the inhabitants of the United Kingdom with coffees fully equal in quality to those which have been justly ctlebrated on ...


... MONDAY, SEPT. 25.-The supply of wheat by land-carriage samples from the near counties was large, the quality and condition inferior to that of last Monday. Barley supported its value, as did also oats; but the trade in both articles was far from brisk. White billing peas fully as dear. Old beans and other sort of peas unal- tered. The town millers have reduced the top price of flour 3s. per ...

-- - c---------WOOL MARKET

... LONDON CORN EXCHANGE. MOXDA. Y, JUXE 5.—At this morning's market we had a slow demand for English Wheat at a reduction of Is. to 2s. per quarter upon last Monday's prices. Foreign likewise met but few buyers at a decline of Is. per qr. Good fresh Flour maintained its price. In Barley there was very little doing. Fine Malt met a fair sale. Peas and Beans went off heavily and rather cheaper. The ...


... AX ACCOUNT OF COAlTAND ikon Brought dotvn the Monmouthshire C;4Ilal Trt-m le ending Dec. l(> 184S CO AL I rani Road. V (v n; 17 fp. D ions. Cwt. Ions, cw Thomas Powell i6a, u 50 0 Thomas Prothero | *>33 l;j Joseph Latch and Co 9 Latch and Cope .j 520 j Forest Coal Co 95 Q 1 Rosser Thomas and Co | 53 L li; W. S. Cartwright 2;j7 M Roger Lewis f 254 lo Joseph Jones # j j j., Carr and Co ...


... there is not material in one of them enough to be easily and desirably cut into two or three more. By this means an increase may be effected in the staff of the Church militant without any augmentation in the Church estimates. By the demise of Dr. Wellesley, an opportunity is afforded of en- forcing the principle of an equitable allotment of Church property, which is the best that can be ...


... s. d. £ s. d. lao:'C-Uar Wales .per ton 5 15 0— 6 0 0. Loudon. 6 15 0— 7 0 0* Nail rods 000-80 () lIoop(Staf.j„ 0 0 0- 9 Sheet „ 0 0 0—10 0 Bars 0 0 0— 6 10 0 Welsh cold-blast foundry pig.. 3 5 0— 4 9 0 Scotch pig, Clyde 0 0 0—240 ltails, average, 0 0 0— 7 0 0 0 0 0— 4 0 0 Russian, CCNL) 0 0 0-17 0 0 I'SI. 0 0 0- 0 0 O. Ununetf. 0 0 0- 0 0 0* Archangel 0 0 0 -13 0 Ot Swedish, ou the spot 9 0 ...


... GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. (Corrected t,) Feb. lst.) FROM lilUSTOI, TO LONDON. iKxprs jl,2,Mail, 1,273.1 I I .l'.xprs| i j i Mail- i A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.Ji. P.M. P.M. P M. *.M. Bristol j a 10 7 0 7 40 8 35 11 0 10 C 10 45 12 40 1 44 3 45 6 0 8 4C| 11 60 liatli 8 2i, 7 20 8 30 it (; 11 40 10 30 H 8j 1 0 2 0 4 81 ...