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Lancashire, England


Manchester, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... ATrHi17NXUM CONVMISAZIONE.- The JX1SNCOND CONVERSAZ[ONE of the Season wvill take V e1THURSDAY J~VLNING NE te1thjsatiZh willreada paer, n th 2fllnesce e.~pal OnL the social and poli eirne'ecnf.,,ou'nEnrp~'.i'la cir to lbe taken at seven o'clock precialyand te cuverad~on i~teinuite at iiine. Me~l~es f te nsttuto~ ad ldis iticluedby them lore, F. IIOBLNSON, Het~~~~~il. Sec. NOVEMBER, 1818, atS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE EUROPEAN CLUB, 13, Geoge.stret J.Henovsr Square,. Londondn-The European Club is essk blished or the purpose of providing the Bankers, Merchants, and 'gent;ermen connected with commerce, with a suitable place of rendezvous, where they can meet and enjoy the pleasures and J advantage ol a superior club, hithertoknown only to a privilege& few. To-the onmmsernitl portion of onr provincial ...


... TIHE W OKING CLASSES. Where there is little wisdom, no wise scheme or profitable result is to be looked for; and the most t hallglltily Conservative opponent of the workjilng n classes cannot assert that legislation has hitherto t done much, or even attempted to do much, for them. v Yet, while this is the ease, their warmest fiieud cannot n deny that a sense of the importance and interest of t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PENING OF THE N~~ ONGREGA- 0 IIONAL CHURCH, ALTRINCHM On Thursday, ,June, 8th, 1848, the Rev. Dr. RAFFLES, ciLV 1po, will preachl in tile moreing, at eleven o'clock, antib Te.S . PRTulil, I ,fflariyeet, in thle evening t ha~~a ieocok onl simnay,,June1t h ev r AG HAN, President of tbe Independent Cole.wl rli i~emoreing at lhalifpastP tell, and the Rev. FACSTWIBI l Union Chapel, Alan- chester, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIRD EDITION. Exrmincr QOifce, Tivo o'cioak. TAKES NO SALT. To be depatched j poositilyjIint lot/y, I l e g-cater For CALCU l'T\, tlho sey it iof s:Uiit well-lo n, regular tradiit) 1, 1 hii-builh Ship, Register, 458 Tolrt 51 lGHT C, tialer. For terams of freigbt or pussnao, Mrl, tr Ar. W. I. Mclauoclt Or, to M1l N, M I llA'TY. a cO. i 1,\ wter.,itiet, iv-erpool. JONDON & N01 H 1' R A1 W 'AY. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I. Tuesday Afternoo THEATRE RVYAL, MANCHESTER1 ROBET H 'D IN'S Oelebrated SCOENES R FAN' EI'ERYEVFNING T1HlWE . Doors open tit half-past seven, and comecea WeigtOco, 41 f~~~~~~~~~~~~~oleo at elg': .'lo' 45, LANASHIREj YORKSHIRE RAILWAY.- Qu RIP, a TOSAEO.O audyts 2nsd Septembier, Cart SCARBRn EXCURSION RAIN n-ill leave the toriad Statioi or - returning oe tha sth Settimherr 1s Ilss 4 AttES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'TO OWNE RS AND AGENTS OF, PROMITY To BE, LET OR ON SALE, - -n order iogive advanitages to Advertiser-s i~1b aisitePropea-te to Let &oilo Sztie, and also to Parties thho are acdvertisinog gi for -Sitziations, the Proprietors f h Mn hse qra mniner asd Tinzes have opened a Classifiedl Registn- of fill] adiyertiemenlts of the above'descriptions vhich;&aty appear- p -In l-.Jcir paper. This ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ry ~~~~DENTISTRY. is Teeth build the face of beauty in woman, a. ,~~And comeliness in mail. 36 N/I 'HOPKINSON, J 'eo and Mechanical et1L Dentist'-jntimstes to te le 'r htIemyb Meconsulted* as. usual iieiCis.pp i rfsin is and particularlyinvitestoe aebeBuplewt is misfits from-o~ther dentsstocalgurneigvrye6ad comfort in mfasticationarinainanpesalpprne- DefectivePalates remeidr lidennet euatd n l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ITO OWNERS AND AGENTS OF PROPERTY TO DM ZLEW O- ON SALE. In order to give asdvanteo 0o Advertisers who lihcve Pro- pert' to Let or on -S& and alto to Parties who are Zderisig for Sfiit co'i~s, the Proprietor of the Afa1n- chester Times ha eemndt pen, a Classified Register ofcl ed-,tsmnsof the above descritis wh~ich -may. appear in his paper. This register will be ,open gratuitously to thc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The Black~ Star Line of Pockets. LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK. LOADING BERTH, SOUTH SIDE WATERtLOO DOCK., C A To sail puonctually on the 2'2nd of November. The yeryfin a~mel c~4e~iano Ship, W. H. lEso_ som0 ausor; a 832 tons register; coppered and copper.&steed; only on her fourth voyage; and well known as ai most eligible conveyance.- Apply to C. GIRITISHAW & CO. Succeediog Packets, now in Pert- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OWNERS AND AGiENTS OF PROPElTY TO BE LET' OR ON SALE. In order 1,t tlive advanititages to ,ldvertisers who have Property to Letor an Sole, and ialso to Partite who-are advertisinq for Sitwtnis, the Propriehtrs of the 3Meachester Exa- Pniner awl Times have opened it 0lassified Rerslter of all advertis,' aeats of the abaillp desc'iptionas which may appear ivitheiv' lapier. This Reqister ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SECOND EDITION. Examineor Offlice, Two o'clock. 1ORTH CHESHIRE ELECTION.- N Voteis resideLnt ini iDbliti 9i I St i Ib'idge, Mlossloy, M rossey iow, Heyrod, or the lie l0 1oo1d, favouble to the return of P. D. P. Astlcy, Lsqu1; buh L o, iI thLe bonryof the canvass, nmayv not have beenaif u6 DnJY l his behalf, are respect- fully i fourned tbat tlbey III EatLI~ 10 obtain every assis C and i ...