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Advertisements & Notices

... '*BYFORD wllSL by A ICTON, M on Frijday next, Ithe Ich itat t Eveococ r- Sui erlsele at his Ruom',,ClaYten~srqtmarTe., variety of HOUSt, WiL ID I~T Plt igh=da Spring Dial TimepIece. Shower Bath. oh Inolit, Sing1mle and tIo biebrrelietl Guns, and other iFM cta of a D Bankr~tA,t~rstav~e( for the conveuirttce of oale;conlpia'ill g bHaho- Pi Four-post. Camp, and Painted French Bedsiteads. flair . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ipbfir Nmudmuntit, V IIBEATRE. ROYAL, WILLIAMSON SQUARES nUnd' the .snafemDt Of Mr. S14PtdON T(1o V~VIG FRtIDAJ the 21 fst insssiiet ,o BE7,NEFIT of Mr. sPdMr. KEAN andpooltiv6elytheir Jor ,Erlwitrd Lvtfon 1!ulwe1't3 pity of MON E ly0 _ -M K eRrrM.. Keaen. ~~ ien. I V Mla. Kean. To rnrrarov lta'id ait,) the Wald, Y ERTII A3, ad the IRA AG FICK?.it OF PARITS.-lnMouday nelXt. the24th, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - THE LIVERPOOL MERCURY IN MANCHESTER, PRESTON, AND OTHER TOWNS. It has become of increased importance to persons P in business to be informed that on 'r'uesdays and I) Fridays, about two o'clock, wve publish an afternoon a edition of the Mercury, containing the CORNn MARKET REPORT of each day; and on the latter of the two days we are enabled by a recent alteration to give also the COTTTON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONID4IENTrAL ADVICE IN 'ASES OF DEDILITy NERVOUSNESS. AND ALL DISORLIRRa ARISING FROM EXCEiSS, 6cc. EBTABLrBHED in 1831. 13ROVESSOR 8WEDOUR'S HiYG]&XAX I HERB PILLS, &o.-The esiebrated CORDIAL BAL)( up MECCA. Witri eaob bum of Professor Swedour's Hygelan Hsrb p~ibij prien N. Md. and 49. 64d. per box, ia siven extract-s frsom the Sece.4 Adviser, containing observations asnd blasts of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVERTISERS. Our advertisiiig triends will oblige us by favouring U8 with their advertisements two days before each publiea tion whenever practicabhe, but not later than 6ix o'clock sh, on Miud ys and Thurslaym when otherwise pevented, but Bo many are put off uLtil late on the day before pub- d lication, that it is almont impst-ib'e to get thern in type e an I paporm priwed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ier irn MrrQreiW ey~ l( ,la, . '. uggestions, argumnents, and inquiries may be nanny- ,S's mous but facts and allegations must be authenticated So by name and address, for our owa information. I IC, oxmss ACTCS '~DTAxes.-W, agree with One of the of DIddled, that th~eNinhabitants'of Toxteth outht to meet to th' to Petition for some nearer place of appeal egainat vexatious Fur- I- charges ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ieatenon tiothBlocLon Ivnn.i lemrI h X.VnY, of MSale.-nnls wrvo= ydipsdo0b rvt to, oondltiornS, ALL that MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, comn- wi mony clld o kownbythe name of OL1D MARTON, ' syith tile eitcaslve Feral Buildings, Gardens, OrblIsAdS, anA P Apparrieoarices. together also wilts the vocy eligIble, sad slogn. WI luly crompaet Farm theretto belonging, consistlingof INJA Is. 23P. 6a of moat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Oci A Al facts and allegations must be authenticated Wioo I'I by name and address, for our own information. Letters of Ml on business, or intended for the editors, should be Oci addressed to the firm or to 'the editors, and not to Halt( any individual, for he may be; absent. Dubl r IBPORTANT To ADVaaRTS~re9.ou~r advertising friends, who are sometimes a little pressing for supplementary ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVERTISERS. CHRISTMAS DAY. fol As nexct M~onday will be Christmas Day, oural office will be closed until fbur o'clock in the after- z noon, and we Shall feet obliged by our friends favouring us with their advertisements tbr Tuesday's to Mercury on Friday, or eat ly on Saturday. D TICE Su~ LIVERPOOL MERCURY ALMANACK ' S3i AND TIDE TABLE, FOR 1849, t Notwithstanding nearly WrWLVE THO0USAWIS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Igl NOTICE. er ,IrONSIEUR LEVI, CHIROPODIST from T. e Paris. and No. 3. UO14DUIT.STREET, REGENT ST eRETh LONDON, begs most respeetfuily to acquaint theN Nobility, Gentry, and Inhsabitants of Liverpool and its envirrone, ethat his absenoe latoly announced is terminated; he. thierefor'e, ahas much pleasure in sgain offerfag hif services to those who nosy still require his aid. The high ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OVE&STS AND DRUGGISTS, AND OTHERS. 07~ BY WALKER & BIRD, f Dv ridoy,) the 16.h inetstat, at Eleven o'clock pre- eS cIy nt he Fremoises. No. lWt. Pemberton-place, ,IF, entir STOCK in TRADE and SHOP VJ~~aiuS f aCHIEMIST AND DRUGGIST; corn- __ agenral ssotmtent of Drugs an't Chemicals, Tincture ~c~'~ ~w~ ~ttcs.Essntal ilditto, Ointment and Extract some how arsgilt; Globes, Mahogany-top, ~s bO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 131 H ' BYiR MA.JESTY'S' ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. THOMAS YATES, WATCHMAKER, 159,. FRIARGATE, PRE STON, TJAS now on hand a variety of GOLD and SILVER WATCHES; on the NEW PATENT PRINCIPLE, which is giving universal satisfaction. TE STIMONIALS. . FROM MB. HIOLIDEN, PROVESSOB Of ASTRONOMY. FROM TCE REV. R. HAVERS, so. IGNATIUS CIUBCII, oyornwpatent. watches, with a9 ToiMr.aeraPresren Sir-Having one ...