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Advertisements & Notices

... THE BISIOP OF EXETER, YERsUS, T.EE PREV. J. SHORE, M.A. / ecdnesday evening next, Dec. 20th, a Public 0 Meeting will be held in the Exchange Rooms, to cceive a Ztntement from tbhe Rv.v Jl SHORE, M.A., who h,.q been prosecuted by tho Bishop of Exeter, for preaching #h,, Gospel, after having seceded from the Church of rrrglarrrl, nud to consider the propriety of a Petition to parliamuent for an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CLERICAL CHARITY. EHr ANNUAIL MEETING of the Governors of the Charity for the Relief of the Necessitous Clergy , their Families, within the Deaneries of Amounderness, Lons-lale, Kiendal, Furness, and Copelaud, in the Arch- deaconry of Richmond and the Dioceses of Chester and Mfjlchester, will be held at the King's Arrzs Inn, Lancas. ter, ou Wednesday, the 26th- day of July, 1848,,on which 3 a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f ctiwjRC1 PAST2RLRND SOCIETY. dONS in behalf of the aboye Society, are to be ,renehed To.M oRUos, (Suodas) the 9th- of January, the 1 Av ?? IRWINE, M.A., thd Society's Secretary ti. Norteru Diivision: in the Morning at ST. PFTEUs; , ?? at ST. TomiAs's; end i.nthe Evening at e p,,cgLs, Also by the Rev. W., POLLOCK, B.A., yncuteut of St. Mlark's, Liverpool;: in the Morning at a ICn1sT CHURCiH, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEATING APPARATUS REQUIRED. H ri. PERSONS willing to CONTRACT for the Con- T ri~ze - traction of a HOT~ WATER APPARATUS for Warmning ranged, s tile arish church of Rutncorn ta a given degree of Rest, ire tionls use requested to rend in TENDERSB for the same, Incituding all are prints 0,~n.esuch as Masonry, Piping, &O., to W. BLADoN, Rua, changed Al ad corn on r before the 111th Pabruarynczt. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... en 1.0 Suggestiene, arguments, anti inquiries may be inony- Enoua , but facto and allegations must be authenticated I 4 by name and address, for our own information. Letters I I on business, or intended for the editors, should be 8 addressed to the firm or to the editors, and not to 1 any inadividual. P 9 sictise GisrVANcss.-P. Sarofcldl doo not-write sufct. e 5 ently accurately for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (iASIi ADVANCU) - ??'Ii??i £1 to £lttm at all limier rWIrIY to bn .rdvaneed on Furniture, Plate, p5milogo. V 'ibisi ('lii't Ciotriages, Gigs, Vatri Cans WsgfOra. Pm?tnt ? olking Iryrriimcn5, Horses, Cows, d ? gaot .very other' tteou iirrron of rrroveshle Effeete; Sitirlee ? Trade, 50'i Mrei neiriri,, every doorription intended for sale, ? otherwise. i?i'Cutiouo for DI.'bt, Vt arrrr.ts br kent. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE-ROYAL, WI3LIANION-S QUARE. For the HENEFrr of Mr. BIAKER. On XONID.4 Y next. the 14'h instant. THE ROAD TO RUIN. .. . AISs Baker. ph THE ILLUSTRR-I0S STRANGER. ow.b.ll . . .Mr. Baker. ,rickets to beishad of Mr. BAKSER 3, 0.1ses-etrect. JENNY LIND. A GRAND MISCELLANEOUS CONCERT, A in tl-e E1A2'. Of tho COLL~R'I&TE INSTITUTIlON, on THi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONFIDtWNTItl AI)VIV1 IN CAgRE oF DR8iWRIrATy NERVOUS.\ERS, AND ArT.1 DISORDERS ARISING FRt1i4 PXCESS &e. rHSTABLISHlED/or fhe lost RIXTEEN YEA RS. p R OF38t nR SWEI)OURS HYGEIANa OFI 4KRti PILLS, &c.-The celebrated CORDIAL BALIlI FPIICCA. o Wtth each bhot of Prnfessor Swvedours Ffygelan Herb Pills. price 2.9O 1 anil 49 Sd. per h lt, Isigiven extae rofn the secret Adttser ettotaining ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B nut dl HOUGHTON AND LITTLE, [Its dl WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, ALE AND PORTER ma DEALERS. 8ev 0 TRAFFORD CIIAMBERS, SOUTH JOHN STREET, wi 1.Nen r the Custom Ecu-e. Liverpool,wi UPWARDS OF TENO YEARS WITH DIXOtE, VOUNO, AND Cs.. Thi EG~ to inform their Friends and the Public that aind CILBthoareSEO the CHOIeJEST WINE'S, of the most pal CEERTDSHIPPERS, at pijoes within the reach of the most ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIRTY TWO HiORSES. MA TlErlR. Mo~st extOnsivO anti imtportant Sdoloo T-otnnevalualettnrd extremely POWerful W %GGON IOSE'linextrsetdinflry fas S DDLE and HARNESS HOSSI n a Magnificent pN.In Churl' ,n-street. Mlanchester. ESSUS. CHiURTON have the pleaisingl duty IVL to nnonieee. that tli-v have bco en pPOnted by Plyr. htfIth to SE LL by AUCTION, en Saturday, the ath dy o tietevebe netraylve ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SATURDAY EVENING CONCERTS, T CO(,TalRTlIIALL, LORD NELSON-STREET. TOMORROW EVENING, (54ATURDA Y,) the 18th instant, Mr. HENRY RUSSELL will give his popular VOCAL EN. TERTAINMENT6. Iody 3d.; Gallery. WGd *t fierved Soats, Is. To commence Atrjht P oilc- 'he CONCh.RT-IiALL TO be LEt' for CI)NERTS. MEEIINGS, &C. Apply to Mr. CALDERWOOD Secretary. at the TlI.ll CONCFRT-IALL, LORD NELSON-STREET. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lie,'. .. N Ms2csANTr!8aAUzX.v PUND.-We bog to direat particular atten- T nt tion to Mr. Pemberton'. letter to-day, and the Important nOtO he at the foot. ad PonaT.- Solitude6. We aannot eay we are smitte With this; a though there is talent, anl pretty description, there ate too onl ni manY wOrds for the ideas as well as come slight irregularitis.lB racl en Since expressing this opinion we ...