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Advertisements & Notices

... COTCH CHURCHT, ST. PETER'S SQUARE. K) IT conselilence of' thle unexpectedly hostile decision of the Vice.Chtincellor, Sir J. L. Knight Bruce, against the Mi nister, Office-bearers, andI Congregation. PUBLIC WORSHIP %rill talke Ilac on Sabbath first (OMt~.Will thle MECHANICS' fNeTITUTION, inl Cooper stroet~r the usual hones Of ltaildftaet ten antd three o'cloclc. 7r The Rev. ALEXANDEWr MUNRO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SECOND EDITION. a. t Examiner 0//ice, Tuesday, T1'wo o'Alov.. Win _____ - ______ _______dent ther Abbitiona! Z-tbcti~tiytnt. hit OTICE is hereby given, that WILLIAM iro j NZNE WrTGN af 'rideswoll, in the connty o Deirby, gentle- Pol man. hat, I y indenture of lease Intetid til oxthli day of Deeinbior oltli instant, and nadoe tetwoen tlie said William Newton, of tine Da tt ptart, alnd Samuel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pjhdiciations. C( Thle Tenth Edition, wire 5s. i~d. tile DR. ROWVE'S 'WORK ON NERVOUS thcs- DISEASES, INDIGESTION, LIVER AND STOMNACH. is fr. COMPLAINT'S, &-c. &e. T London: John Churchill, I'rinees-stroot, Soho. Just pubtisihed, livo, cloth, 10s. THE NATURIE AND ELEMENT'S OF THdE EXTERNAL TWORLD ; or, Universal Innmaterialisnm fully Explained and newly D emoonstrated T London: Jobu Churchill, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO PESMONS ADyE sTISIN( F OR SITUATIONS, - Of all the obnoxious taxes upon industry whleh the Chancellor of the Exchequer refuses to re.peal, there is none which, in proportion to its anrount,, is mtore i unjust and oppressive in its oIpration, than the Advertisement Duty. The car-talist or landowner who wishes to sell property or land 'orth Li DO,uOO, has only to pAy a duty of Is. Gd. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - )f'JOHN HKL, M EDICAL GA4LvANisT, 13, TucieaE4TRcv PEs- TOLicensed Dispenser of Mediolne, .Memnber of, the 'British College of Health, LUndon; and 'Manu fac.. turer of the Improved Portable ME];i6AL GAL'VANIO, ArrARAroS. GALVANISMd APPLICARLE: TO! THE! CURE OF MOST ?? physitains in this cuntry;, who stand high in the & medical profession, now recomnmend Galvanism As a pow- erful agent in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STEATE RO PRESTON. At~ A1EB Sin. RIOCARD COCtK S'LL, 1'ROSA g 1.1ira00gk :A OLYMPIC ANrD STRAND, LONDON. S 1OTy EVENING, February 14th, 1848, the S AjĀ° ?? ewill eommence with a New Romantic ae ct' hede) full of extraordinary incidents, ra'i tle't, and graphio illustrations of Parisian'life, ,lis e rso'om to the cellar, founded upon the popular ol ef the - .'iuiotiim, ~bny Eugene Sue, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPECIAL NOTICE. PomIcIEs effected on or before Ist MIarch next, will a secure the advantage of a full year's standing over those effected thereafter, and of a Tertec Addition at the allocation of rrofits in March, 1853, equivalent to Sir years' Bonus. SCOTTISH EQUITABLE (iUTTUAL) LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. incorporated by Act of Parliament. EDINBURGH, ?? 26, St. ANDREW SQUAIRE. LONDON ?? 6 ;1, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLANKEiTS SLEETS, &c., 19, FssnaERoATul. I SAAC GRJUNDY begs leave to inform bis friends and Pthe Publio generally, that be has just received a large stock of BLANKETING, ih the web, of various widths and qualities, manufactured expressly for him, suitable either for private families, public institutions,'or charitable distribution, as they can be cut to any required size, either single or in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONFIDrENTIA DIC, IN CAqPS 01 NIORVOUCNEdSS. AND A2LE, DISOklERs R1111 5 FRO id EXCESS, 4NGI ESTABLISHED Jr 1831 PR1?u'SSOlt SWFDoDR.5' OP BECCA.FILS &C.-The celebrated Co It V'G Aii g~Wihehach bex of Prsof rSet lornc N. Ml anol 4, r.1. per box, i eeors oilert P, zbmit nufcoiuIng from tere Injudiciou, The celebrated CORDIAL BALA j '~. e oithlubint~ and renovatcor of the (int~ibedfnios, tover, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... All facts snd allegactonr must be authenticated r by name nnd ildreas, for our own-information. Letters r on butiness, or intended for the editors, should be nddreseed to the firm or to 1 the editors, and not to any individual. Letter, aend statements intended for r publication ahould be written on one side of the paper r o01y. We Cannot undertake tc return rejected corn- a municatios, . I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d Tinos. WILKNsON.-We are glad that we have in type a memoir .1 of this hunibl man, an ornaoment to soeiety, from a discourse A hy the Noev. J. Bi. Thom. It will appear on Tuesday. Poor hl Wilkinson was the husband of 'Catherine of Liverpo6l, who oriLinated the baths and wash houses. Every one ought to t peruse the composition to which we allude: It will do good to rich anti poor. n PIISSTON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *~ ATUlRIAY EVENING CONCERTS, 3 Co~ uT II AL~L. LI.Ol~r NEI.SON HTRRtET. fr 8A UIRDt 3 F IVENN eexf. the 11th instant. Mr. I.EN7 ItICY i~tU~tI. WlTtTI t*,V re fs his popular VOCAL gtefy 3d.; Galter., f61 -evervrd Sdawt 1'. To comncneia at giht ;, . The f' NCIItT II '.18. TO be LT. r for CON. CEE psT ENEPIlN (i, &e- Apply to 1r. CALRDrWOOD, Secretary, (1~xF 1 O LR'1'AL r,, LO NELSON-STREET. C 0 ...