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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper



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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper

Advertisements & Notices

... GRATIS' GRATIS: GRATIS, New publishiing, in Wieekly Numb~ers, ?? Penny earls, airid Mfonthly Parts, at Six~paee,a new Romanre aof intense interest, byaniauithor of celebrity, entitled -ai ELI NA T H E 1MUR D ERE Ss. ,I1 or. a Soldier's Victim. Splendidly illustrated by first-ralte enlists, end printed on superfine paper. With No. I will be given lies. 2, 3, and 4, gratis. Published by W. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. NOTICE.-The importance of the News from France, and its extemt, preclude our bestowing upon the Correspondence the space usually devoted to it. All letters not answered in the present number, shall receive attenltion in owr next. For a similar reason, we are obligedalso to omit Dr. Yeoman's second letter on the Gout, To OUR READERS.—On Sunday, Jan. 23, LLOYD'S WEEKLY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. BAsOISNMEnNT OF JOHN MITCHELL.-4J the Bermudas are to be the destinatioF of the eX-editor, the following account of the besvict establishonents in those islands, furnished by a corres- pondent, will doubtless prove acceptable to oar readers. here is one on the principal island, called St. George's, and another twenty-one sites further up the harbour; this is called Ire- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CALENDAR FOR THE WEEM. JU3LY. 23. ?? I Sam. xv; Johnxi.-EveningLessons: ISam.xvii;2Tim.ii.-Sunrises, i2m. past 4h.; sets, 6m. p. 8h.-Moon's last quarter, I Ih. 2rm. morn. 24. MONDAY.-Day decreased 48 minutes. 25. TUEsDAY.-St. James -Duchess of Cambridge born. 26. WIDNESDAY.-St. Anne. 27. TisIIBsDAY.-Almanasc duty repealed, 1834. 28. FRIDAY.-Length of day 15h.S36n. 29. SATURDAY.-Twilight ends, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D R. YEOMAN, author of the 'Medical Essays, may be consulted daily at his own house, or at the residence of inva- lids, on all diseases connected with the CHEST, STOMACH, BRAIN, SKI, X&eC. At home daily till Twelve, and after Six iin the Evening. Dr. Yeoman will cheerfully reulate his lee to the circumstances of his patients. 41, Wharton-street, Lloyd-square, Pentonville. TO OORRESPONDENTS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CALMMAR 7OR TER WEM MAY. 7. gUNDAY.SecOnd SndyatrEse.M ing Lessons: Num- bers xxiii, xxiv; Matt. V.-iveSning LeOUsse: Numb. xxv; Rtom. TI.-Sun rises. 22m. p. 4E. mets, S2r. p. 7h. S. MONDAY.-The ater Loughbrick Lake ty Down, ud- denly assumed a berecouanafrwdsreturned to their original hue, 1846. 9. TUESDA4.-Day increased 7h. 24m. 10. W&DmCSDAr.-Moen's first quarter, 57m, past 2h. morning. 1i. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CA:LENDAR FOR THE WEEZ. JANUARY. 23. SUNDAr.-Third Sunday after Epiphay. -Morning Lessonm Isaiah lv.; Matt. xxi-EveningLcssons: Isaiah 1vi; 1 Cor. ,N-Sun rises, 54nnpast 7h.; sets, 31m. p. 4M 24. MoxnAY.-Frederick the Great born, 1712. 25. TUESDAY.-Conversion of St. Paul. 26. WssDN'.ESDAY.-Dr. Jenncr died, 1323. 27. TNuRsDAY.-Prince Albert's first visit to the Reuse of Commons while the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CALENDAR FOR THE W9EE. AUGUST. 20. SUNDAY.-9thSund. aft. Trinity.-MorniingLessons I Kings xviii; Acts ?? Lessoas: I Kings xix; 1 Peter ?? rises, 551m 1. 4h.; sets, 9ini. p. 7h. 21. MONDAY -Count. Rumford died, 1814.-Moon's last quarter, 8m. past 4h., afternson. 22. TucSDAY.-Dav breaks 2h. 34m 23. WEDNESDAN.-Tvwiliglt ends 9t. 21m. 2+, TuR5sDAY.-St. Bartholemew. 25. FILDAY.-Jaunes Watt died, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASTLEY'S nOYAL AMPHITH1EATRE. I PROPRIEToR, MR. W. BATTY. r last six nights of The Camp of Silesia, which must be withdrawn to give place to a new grand Spectacle for Monday the l4th inst., a which will be produced with great splentlour. F rPO-MORROW, and during the Week, will be performed, 1 the grand Military Spectacle of THE CAMP OP SILESIA- d With Batty's brilliant SCE NES in the ARENA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Now publishing, One Penny each, S oMElRVILLE'S NATIONAL WEALTH TRACTS. 'Jo. i. Peter is infavourof being robbed to pay Paul: a Lecture to Peter. No. 2. National Wealth, Political Economy-What are t1e1fw filet your next number be the Siege of Paris. Turn it to good.- wicissed Colbden. Esq., M.P., to the author. Na. THE SIEGE OF PARIS. Clharles Gilpin, Bishopsgate; James Pattie, Shoe-lane. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASTLEY'S ROYAL AMPHITHEATRE. I PROPaIEOroa, MR. W. PATTY. First night of the new grand extravaganza of Lady Godiva-In- creased success of Fitzball's spectacle of Marmion. TQO-MORROW, and during the Week, will be presented the grand chivalrous spectacle, founded upon Sir Walter Scott's celebrated poetic romance, and entitled MARMION; or, the Battle of Flcdden Field-To be followed by Batty's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORBESPONDENTS. - 0 Correspondents who do not find their communications noticed infer that we cannot answer them, or decline to do so The great number of communications we receive, containing questions which any person disposed to take the same trouble as they would put upon us, might answer for themselves, renders this notice necessary. LOCtiNG tie STe. JAMES'S PARX.- DEAR SIR,- You may ...