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... This -a i-s snI- I ?? . . . 'iUnIs society held their last show for the season, at the house of Mr J. Colpitts, Frainwellgate Bridge, on Tuerday last, for the exhibition of dahlias, &c., and the prizes were awarded as ?? 3 dahlias to Mr Watson; second best 3 to Mr Jerrems, third best to Mr Watson; fourth best to Mr W. Hutchinson; and fifth best to Mr Watson. Best fuchsia to Mr Hutchinson; best ...


... ?? SilovWS. - TON7The members of the Bedlington EIMNdO Horticultural Society held their annual Floral of dflowers. fruits, and vegetables, on Friday houset03 of Air Edward Moore, Queen's Arms last, rt the jdest 0 awarded the followlng prizes n'awd C ?? the best 12 dpissimilar dah- C~nleia'e T.Ge, gadener to Michlael Langridge, Bvq.- aide dore, siir liy, gardener to A. It Feronwiek, tes. ...


... ] CONVERSAZMONE. On Friday evening, the annual conversazione, in eon- nexion with this society, was held at the institution, Westgate-street, in this town, and, as usual, was attend- ed by a numerous company of ladies and gentlemen. The most extensive arrangements were made for the occasion, and in addition to the Library, which contained the majority of the contributions sentfor inspection, ...


... LITERxARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCI ETY. RO0NIAN WIALL.-TIIIRD LECTURE'. o.fidyevnn, the Rev. J. C. Bruce gave hris on ridayctr evenlreloomanWall, which was attended moroal.1numru uinethan on teformer ?? Thre lecturer resumed hsis theme with more e'eia rsg greate energy into it, and seemed alto- tier mere at home in elucidating tire results of his la sen unwearied investigations. This, indeed, ...


... PuNcH.-(Pcinch Office, Strand.)-.The closing number of the half-yearly volume is worthy of thie high character, which, in its peculiar line, this hitherto un- surpassed periodical has always maintained. DOLMAN'S MA0A',14E (Dolman, New Bond Street, London) contains much that is highly interesting to Roman Catholics, and speaks hopefully of the progress of their system in this realm. [WOODnS ...


... j NEWCASTLE POLYTECHNIC EXHIBI- I TION. THE SCHOOL OF DESIGN. In resurning our notice of Otis popular rendezvous of amusemernt and instruction, we select tbo Joiner' Hall, which contains not only tie productions of te pupils of the Newcastle School of Dasign, but a va- riety of ot'er objeet3, thoughli less co-tty and elegant tbau oth11r Pars ot thletx ;bit-iOl, yet, still, more naseful in ...


... During the past week, this town has bees the arena in which the splendid talents of a Griai, arn Alboni, and a Lind, have shone forth with increasing lustre. Itis needless to say, with what delight and high expec- tation the musical portion of the public looked forward to these Events,iFrom theneoment their coming was an- nounced, or what a delectable treat it would offird, to be enabled, ...


... l - HAYDON BRIDGE FlOtiAL AND HORTICUL- I- TURAL EXHIBITION. The eighth annual show took place on Saturday, at the Anchor Inn, and was very numeroasly attended; indeed it wre one of the beet ever held. The Allen- heads band was in attendance. A public dinner took place at the Anchor Inn, in the afternoon; the presi- dent, T. Sopwith, Esq., in the chair. J. Turnbull, Esq., in the vice-chair, ...


... LITERARY NOTICES& FinssIDE TAUS POR tTHB YouNG, by Mri ? liis. -(Peter Jackson, late Fisher and Son, Loudon.)-mVew ladies who have appeared in print have laid society under equal obligations with Mrs Ellis, and to the credit of our own times it meay be stated, that the works of scarcely any other author have been read so exten. sively. And there can be no doubt their excellent moral tone and ...


... THEm COTTAGE GARDENER, (Orr, Strand)- appears to be a useful periodical. THaI POTTLETON LEGACY, by Albert Smith, Parts I to III.-(Bogue, Fleet-atreet)-As far as this tale has proceeded,it displays considerable powers of description, and there is uo doubt it will be very popular. THEt BARONIAL AND ECCLESIASTICAL ANTIQUI- TIES OP SCOTLAND, Part XX.- (Blackwoods, London, and Edinburgh).-This ...


... SELECT PLAYS OP SUAROPEARE, with notes, and an introduction to each play, and a Life of Sihakspeare.- London: Burns, Portmau-street.-This is an edition, in one volume, of five of the plays of the great dramatist, viz., Macbeth, King John, King Henry V., King Rich- ard III., and Julius Caesar; and is put forth, the preface states, in the hope that it may make the writings of England's ...


... LITE'RARY- NOTICES. I A TREATISE ?? THE WINNING AND WORKING or COLItEIE.S, including numerous Statistics and Re- marks on Ventilation, and illustrated by plans and en- ravinge. By MATTHIAS DuNN, mining engineer. Part I. (Simphin and Marshall London.) There are, per- haps, no undertakingsin which science is of more import- ance in preventing unnecessary outlay, and in which, on the other hand, ...