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Leeds Mercury



Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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Leeds Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... REE1MASONS' IBALL.-A BALL will be held F 1 at t be MASONIC HALL, SOUTII PARtADe. HUDDERSIgL' D,, on0 the F~fteenithi insta l. L ady and Gentleman's Ticket . lOs. lId. Extra L ady's Do. . .Ss d. The Brethren to appear in Masonic Clothing. Applicattions for Tickets to be made on or before tlte Sixth, to WA. COCKING, Secretary. EEDS ASSEMBLIES.-The ASSEMBLIES will be held this Winter, on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A - hj o Ie jld !II tle. AMueIC.HAiLL, T '15, Tirlaiith inva?,es, att corn) ~e'i'is oCloc, to ittlr ?? irati tle lIllV. J A 4M %%rWed 01 I1)0. 0 ecitti altar hiiivltgscddiiot h Ccul l Ei'gatth. e hg A Pct~tisfl to Pail lenent will li11 prolitelo ?? the(, \I oi Law unier toti' ii l r. 'hioie hasb b,'iil coe enue Tde;,' al9 I~iitl al it lit ldo are elciitoidtres the.11l. DIPL)aCATED to tile ...

Advertisements & Notices

... War EFDS BOROUGH SEiSSIONS.-NOTICE is'i JU hereb~y given. that 1110 tlext GENERIAL QUARTER lares fSESSIONS of thle t'eaco for lbs lioroulgh of LEsps, in thle ?? C'unltY of vock, will beho Ioden before THONIAS FLO.W ER eind ,b LlIS .,equir~e. Iti-corder of the said ttorougl 't thI CoUHT- 'r M1o`sFe, in~ 1,.xE5 afore said. oil '7tn'sd'y. 15e 1.10'Ilnlll Day' of! hion jiltS sec't, at Nine of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Lion ~4C~~ttC and FPO COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS.-A this 11 Genitlemlain whoihas Travelled inthe PAlPER IANGI2/G 'atTiepsisand canl furnish satisfactory Referencep and Security. ,etony ineet with ani Engagement by application personally or by Lyer LLetter, acibi, Atbien-Street, Leeds. bhat 'jMiAN'TEl) a YOUTH1, from 14. to 16 Years of b vt Age, Wh~o writes A good Corntiirciil fad sqika ical ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE E J E C T O t S OF. TUE WEST- RIDING OF YORKSHIRE. laving reasoon to believe that it will be agreeable to a large body of the Ehetors of the Riding that I should Represent it in Parliament, 1feelit a du'y no longer to delay declaring myself a Caudidate for the honor, which the friendship and partiality of others wish to confer upon me. By nature and by Inheritance I am a Friend to Free ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 710 thhe ELECTORS of the WEST RIDING Tfof YOtlSU IIUit . London, Dec. 21, 1484, The Conttst hos ter iinated in favour of my Opponent. I should not do justice to my feolioge i if f riled to express, in the strongest lngeoge, ?? nentiments of gratitude and veepect whic h I entertain towards these electors, as ntinuig to nearly 12,OCO, who have recorded their votes in my behalf. They haye been ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T. EDS CHURCH M~ISSIONARYi L ?? Putron-The Rlighlit5ev.1the Los, ilisbop of Rip( N. The ANNUAL SERMONS NvIll be preached onl udoattt, tic 'rrts-~tsTat.;. in the Morning at St. (ieorge's,Woodhouse, and Iesoday Cinectes i t~n Aftrnio also at ?? andinie vciilist Stondews Curh. On Monsday i-vcn- ~,g te seeft~aii/itet. th 1ev Sr.SIIDNEY, Author of the sfeof te l~v.Rowlnd ill wil prechat St. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ci -A ?? 'b M ANTED, cithorn C3LiLR N wvho could acdc-ccv ce iCL0 .11 ~otgag~cco a. Prc'-cttctcd Idcta', m'o iic'lccc'e, ?? -LI ?? ?? Lcd (d75 )LOL A 0111m ;,t0 ;L. Jac')' tedt. ?? thie ,- it vl.l.Occtt ; c, v,% rlc'flIc.A who ,uct LI PcLY £'T IcFort icc?. n, c o0 ~ra ~tcic'c rd ~~ ?? tctc 17ti;ct SIumT calLII o Mo'tcc'cc f c ic'cc.cefi -Ucce. cit-cc' IlcO ?? of ad £5je'Cci pt ctcca. ii sc ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... al Zt~w~ taltt, &iC. n- WgV AIN'lTD, by a You ng Man, a S'IUATION r .in in the ?? Department of the Drapery Trade. e. Most respectable Reference given. Address J 3, Mercury v Id Otice, Leeds. le t BIUAIWELL, DRAPER, tJAl.JFrX, has a A nI- .L j Vacancy for an ASSISTANT. r 0D I) fAPSRS.-WANTED, by a Young Man, 1, ..a SITUATION as IMPROVER. Salary moderate. Unex- ceptionable RIeference Call be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EADYERTISEMIENT.] ACCEPTABLE PRsESENT.--If there remains an opening for anything which relates to the heart and affectidoc-if we are not so entirely absorbed by the speculative excitements of the day as to ex- ?? all the sympathies, it will not be vain to remind those who may not forget that they liave such beings as friends and relatives, of a time-honored practice, and to suggest that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SO PAM1aSlDAVY, LINEN DRAPER, &C., is in wvant iO Jkiobf~a na~cliveobligiing, and industrious Young Alan as an kASSISTANT. Italifax, 2nd Feb., 15I.15 0 GROCERS.-WANTED imnediately, a k respectable clever Young Man as ASSISTANT. A Wes. r syall woulld be preferred. Address A. B., 23, Osborne-Street, e ull. 11 '0 HATTERS.-H. J. JARVIS, LONDON and dT PARaSNIN HsIATTER, 24, BIGeGoAre, Luasna, is in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Qlow pob~alied. Royal 80,v0 P'rice Foulcstm:e; to SchoolS In -opul'arCedS of OUo less at eI too. per lIe. FULL REPORT of the PROCEEDINGS: A at ?? THIRtD SUNDAY SCIIOOL TEACIIEtS' Col.FELIztIINCIU for yorlshirl'e and Lancashire, heldl in Leed en God Fltla Apil521, 1548, iecludillg the Paspers read and the Disculs5i~lns-Statistica. C. IC. 1'ablisbed for the Comsmittee of the ]Leeds Sandaly ...