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Freeman's Journal


... ROLLS COURT.-Y.JZSTR13AY, The flight Hon. the Master of the Rolls eat at 1.1 o'clock. ahd disposed of several motions of course. Keating v. Guarde. In this ceis in which, it will be remembered,, about a. a fortnight since, the court granted an order setting aside the previous order to amend the demurrer. Air. Christian, Q. C., no,* mnoved that the demnurrer itself should be overruled, and also ...


... tbe $vtemalt 30ornral DUBLIN, MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1828. TRIAL OF MIR. MEAGNIER-CHIEF JUSTICE BLACKBURNE'S CHARGE. - The Evening Post, we must say, has acted un- gratefully by Lord Chief Justice Blackburne. Not one word of reply has the organ of the Government made to the observations which we felt it our duty to, offer upon the charge of that learned personage at Clomnel. I-lad we commented on ...


... THE POISONINGS IN ESSEX-VERDICT OF IWILFUL MURDER. Tsaomur, ESSEX, Mo.-DmY EVENING.-This day at noon the important inquiry concerning the murder of Thomas Ham, who died from the effects of arsenic, alleged to have been administered by his wife, Hannah Southgate, was re- sumedj at the School-room, Tendring, before Mr. Codd, the coroner for North Essex. It has already been mentioned that the ...


... SPECIAL - COMMISSION. (raoom -or- owri OtEPORTMl1.), TrIAO, OF '' Ennis, Monday, January 17 CiTlLOF ioN CR iW, FOR or;is u t^ ' Oli CEW TEPROCURING THE OO'OItDERE OF Mx. JAMS9 WrATSON. r Tho followin is the conclusion of the proceedings at this trial, the first part of which-.-allthat took place up to poeti hour-I have already lorwarded:- i John Crow, a bey about 11 or 12 yearsi of age, ...


... | . . _ - COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH.-YEsTERDAY. SITTINGS AT NESt PRIUS, AFTER TERM. (Before the Lord Chief Justice and a special jury.) Bcnnett v. The United Kingdom AJs.Srance Com.plany. Mr. Brewster, Q.C., stated the plaintiff's case. It was an. action brought by Mir. Michael Bennett of Damn-street, against the United Kingdom Assurance Company, to recover £1200, the amount of a policy of ...


... 'UT BLIN 1r tma fo7, I 8outrnu DUJBIAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1848. BIE. GAVAN DUFFY'S TRAL. Yesterday, at ten o'clock in the morning, Mr. (6avans Dully's counsel were as utterly ignorant of whiiat charge would be preferred against their client, as of the last edict of the Grand Turk. At twelve o'clock Judge Crampton addressedthe County Grand .i ury, and the secret so long guarded like a counter ...


... DUBLIN POL[CE-YFATEADAY. EXCISANCE COURT OFlICE. 5 Patrick Farrell was charred with having stolen a vain- able cow, the property of James Farrell, who resides near Bleseington, oannty W eklovw. The animal was stolen on the night of the 30tb, and on Monday police constable 117 E, got tbe~cow in a dairy yard at Harold's Cross, and the prisoner was identified as the personwho sold the cow 5 to ...


... I DUBLIN POLICE-YESTIDwAY. ?? 05FICr. bo LaaPOItTANtT 'TO RILW~AY CoxiA iEs.-Yesterday, Mr. usv Robert Jackson, book-keeper of the Dandalk and Enniskillen ex Railway Colapany, was Summoned bhefore Dr. Kelly, at this Sh office, 4 to answer the complaint of Mr. John Cosgrave, at Po shar'eboldcr in the Dundalik and Enniskillen Railway Corn- 'wi party, for refushlg hinm permissiSon~ to inspect ...


... QUEEN'S BENCH NISI PRIUS-YESTERDAY. Mr. Justice Cramptofi sat yesterday and disposea Ot several records, few of which possessed any hind of public interest. Michael IValdron v. Thomas Slacke. This was an action brought by the acceptor against the drawer of the two bills of exchange for not indemnifying him in the payment of the amount of those bills, and of costs incurred in defending an ...


... I INSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT-SATURDAT. - - - - : - _- : _ _ _ - - Mr. Commissioner Farrell sat on Saturday. Several ball and motion cases were disposed of. The discharge of Bernard M'Donough. was opposed by Mr. M'Ially on the part of Kane and Turnbull, tailors, of Cork, but the case was adjourned to the l9th February in order that the insolvent might make an arrangement with his opposing ...


... (FRoM OUR OWN REPORTER.) Clonmel, Friday, Januaty 25. After I forwarded the report of yesterday's procetdings up to the departure of the mail, Mr. Rolleston moved an arrest of judgment in the case of the three men-Hogan, Whelan, and Coonan-found guilty of having gone armed to the house of Williamr Harket and robbed it of some articles of wearing apparel. Counsel contended that as the offence ...


... LAW INTELLIGENCB. COURT OF CHANCERY-YEBTERDAr. an Shortly after eleven o'clock their lordehips, Baron Pen- w nefather, Judge Jackson, and Master Brooke, took their fre seats on the bench. Fielding and Rollestanv. O'Reilly. teot The bill in this case was filed on the 17th of November, thb 1846, and prayed that the defendant might be compelled W Specifically to perform his agreement vw ith the ...