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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, HAYMArKET-U-de 5]Oll;9ieE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ _ N4f wi)ll e ' ?? Diroctiun of Minm. CELlE.T1-TfHll AD'xN-I~'E Adiq,1 i'ori ed the comcody of .NVEETIgliARTS -ND E miral Franhii, Air. Laintert ll-llv 2s.; ria, Mr.;rh Gaiery W I Mr-. Yates Laura, M'i-o W-1gIC.-Aftcr whichl, tleO Petite Woinedy if FLYING CILOU TITO. Capt. Sl-ou(eMr. Aimaoei Mi. 1. Veicdfod margaret, MiiWol : Helene de ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'j'rr X to IND I A antid CHIINA, vi-' E(]'Ypii ?? Mohit Welm Ill tl-oicvll' for i'AfISSEN I ,. i111 GitlDtil to (''filol, Madras, cijilt, 1Ii aiw rlto toi N I~tit ltipallr llo - lllt '' (tell .0 I'ro'.tr the Rb1oV, Ports I-yat till (Nolnpall's (151es '151, St. Marn Axeo, loido. ,nTWERII, BRUIISSELS, COLOUNE, jh AM ol~l our., i la1aso 10 ours oivt).-T'hoAN' p1hON' owerful, splIollid, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JI( )YAL 1F1ALIAN OPERA,, COVENT-GARlb I xiitA illl~thlsr 11847, for ?? purlpose of tinild ?? , more perfecl terfrirotoce of tile lyric Dramaf than had( liAi'. to try altitainl tO thids l'itttrv. I'll, nobtillity, grit lr, bsocril~eri, and Patrons of music tire re, settlplinfiirniit that the Senson t848 will commencse thle first scrt-k in Niorel, iti leii flew and roinloo1dious nilifire ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lTE'R MAJESTi\'S TIE~I.M HL J. iE l.-R i A lE , CLSSICAL, an tSE LANliOUS~ CON'CERT, oea MraItlay 1:veninz. April 17. Iti, ~!ypctfull tR ,,e lac~ thi aoi. 1,t~ alng,Ari1, wall 1, qainp R 011A tS CONCERT, With ftrsett Orchiestra,ClO, &c., or' which lccasion ?? itolbeap ?? exed ac the fullowleag p)lcC5 .- I. (Iris'' Conrcerto in C rarielor ?? ?? Plovitiatt can Subjects faror, N~ozarl', 1)011 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r TIREE I'PR C'ENT. IEO'.E DEIT of SPAIN. i -ih' C'i PiaNsI: 't hic 0; 1conie Iive onI tl 3 ' : t: , i'i ierev:! i ?? ?? I iaii:r olls 'A s' arc tint C.: ii i at ?? Ni.l. ?? e it tiD Spanish i11Ll- (:mC ..t.liii ?? , ?? -y_- r ?? c. 23, I 14S. ,.JANEIIS S ;TI 'AT' ;-I'OB1'RT HIOIUDIN :il; -it1;1 iAl~l' ?? Sl'iD;:';AIEN-F ,`I_ * i vrr'l 'in thie * I ; IY: d LI1 :: l!e 'M : L . :: Iill it:3v-.I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O (JYAL SURItEY TH EATRE.-Unparalleled Attruction-hr beait nnd rnost Rimcces9rl PANTOMIME ID ?? i ln, combined with thi ?? of the following eminent krti t fer OPEJRA on Muc CAf1o Qvo0liu9 Mr. 11. IPlillips, NMli Rainforth, Mr. Strettoi, Miss Pooleo Mr. D. Wi. King, e. MIiss I. Isoacs, &c. S-Mi sN7'n-T ! -DAUGlHTiER O THIM RIEGIMFNT '%nd tl -A I t.NTOM1lIE q .o-porrom-The IDIMeatcr of O1w ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DR. CULVERWELL'S LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. Sherwood, 2.3, Paternoster-row; Is., sent by post Is. Od. ON CHASTITY, and its INFRINGEMENTS, Like rsnk corruption, mining all within, IWfects unseen.a A friendly exposition of the law and purposes of lasman life, showing how to attain high health and honourable raraiinag; hol realise the brightest of earth's hopes, rsarital efgclency, sd her secure in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEATRE ROYAL, DRURY.LANE.- TLast Week but One of M. JULLIEN'S CONCERTS. M. JULLIEN has the honour to announcetiat, thetleatre bemng let ait Christmas for the ?? of the Ccrque National do Paris;, the present is niost positively the last weel, but otie of his Concerts. THE FOUlt MILITAlRY BANDS will, by the kind pernissioit of their Coninnanding Officere, takxe part each night in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1HEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE. H GRAND BAL MASQUE. M. JULLIEN bhas tke honour to announce that the GRAND ANNUAL BAL MASQUE will take place on Monday, Dec. 18, and begs to assure the nobility, gerntry, and his patrous in grneral that tho Entertainmenlt will be of uniequalled brilliaicy. Tikcets fir the Ball.. lOs. Cd. SPECTATORis. Dress Circle .s. I Lov caldlerre. .. .. Boxes 8s. I Upper Gallery .. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iPANISH DEBENTURES, or INDEMNITY i BONDS-The PAYMENT of the COtL'ONS on the above, which become due on the 8th ilnstant,,lwl COMMENCE on the 14th instant, and continue each succeeding Thursday anO. Saturday, be- tween tbe hours of Eleven and Two, at the Mqianish FinsuCid o- mission, 7, TokenhousOe-vad, whecre Prine fouril ered s ud after Monday, the 11th instant. The Coupon ust be leftfour ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~c''iE P SSENGERS fur SYDNEY per W MliCSLE.-Thk s hilp will EM hARK her PAS- ,toiltTorimrlay liext, thle 7th ilst.-F. Green ~,T[E toS 1IIPE1RS for M1ADRAS direct. Vill ttN EIVE GOODS inl tile 4ast India xt ,,ttinst,-Aqpuly to II. Groom and -i'lI IATUN to AUSTRALIA, Oil ii few Jj~ ~~le..he~he~t pasageever before offered to ro- iipand Sydney, catt now I te 8tt~115 spenid teak-built 5111i1 LORD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 4ET RE, ROYAL1 ADEIA'III.-Splendid Itr, (jjifl~i For ?? No enna T Nxt2Ll. :.-Di ?? I-- ie ?? Favourite-i ?? .Ii .iAg , th i 'I'hea't c1 le ben etitirelv I re-d? rato lh IIrF.III()'I t in a 110.- t ol id reelrl ic frstY tle haed dcigtms of D:, \ V , ?? \lI W.; . r il t : ceerated aI' : e t'iiu is ;- ,a te hh l t, In th audientte portt? eav I Se aI to e enths3 autiae. I o Winlcos'lav, ...