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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... 0OANS.-Ciergymefl, offioiraon full PAY, Mem'ii 1I) IL ers of Parliament, heirs to entailed estates, cat, be Acco- niodated by a private gentlemant 'with loans of asoney, from £60 to simple a £20,000, for short periods, On their Personal security alone. Ladles dressing of rank can be accommodated with leans, upon the deposit Of number diamonds, Ica. The known integrity of the advertiser vwill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIER MAJESTY'S THEATRE.-The NobW- HL lit., Gentry, Subscribers to the Opera, and the pnblic are espectfully tuformned that an EXTRA NIGHT will take place on 'hursday next, April 13Iwhen wili be performed Dontuetti's opera, ntitted LUCREZIA BORGI1. Lucrezta, Ilsitll. Sofia Cruelnlit; Irotni, Mdlie, Schwartz; Gennaro, Big. Gardoni; Gubetta, Big. luette; and Alfonso, Big. Labtache. After wi ich, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE.-M. THAL- BERG.-GRAND CLA SSICAod I and MSCLLANIHMOTS CO C C3ST, TO-, OROW MORININfa, Wetoe lny, April 10. It is L-spectfulty ur.rr nuueer l f ihat TO O-IOW NORNING i April 19, will be ginen a ORAND, CONCERT rith Orcat Orchestra, Chorus, & &c, on woin v il oc. Tlralberla will execute the followilt pieces .- qonucrto In E flat ?? ?? BeethoTNi Fantasia on SubjectS front ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (IlTIZENS' BANK of LOUISIANA.-Messre. .J F. DE LIZARDI and CO. give notice to the Holdersof LtUISIANA STATE. BONDS issued by the CITIZENS' BANK, that on and aofer tbe 15t August, 18i48, they wilU be prepared to PAY the DIVIDENND due thatday on thu baove-mentioned PBONDS, Wiu the nuernoer ?? In cash, and the remalning half to he funded conjointly with the arrears of interest on said Bonds, as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I to INDIA and CHINA vi'A EGYPT.- j0.~ rMN'TIILY 31AIL STEAM CONVEYANCE for iJ' ?? ad ght g.etis to CEYLON, MIADRAS,,CALCUTT'A, rs4lSGNl4)tB0~, and HIONG KOING. - The P'eninsutlar ?? stc tam Naviattiont Compaoy book pawecogers and re- ,,I Orl,. 1(1 ?? for the above ports by their steamiers,start- L! ,il~ailpt(IIooi the 20th of every month, tond front Suez or1 at, fl 1t the BouiblL canl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... X U YA . 8' 11 HEY 'IV rIA'I'JI F- Uli~u -irleleh' I . Attrmlton- T-w b-1t wid 'IIUt Cl9fu((i PAN''O(MINdI; In ?? ,If).i]Q \ihti-, vogm,,vinent of file lolivovinig 011inlelit Urtklin, Il 1.,1:1 k/l~ ?? z11+ Futile erTu111i; ?? )r. 11,t;1 oil ipo. MrikaRainforth, NI r. S1rtic')es, MIsue 11orxl, ini g, D033 It. isatics, &c. t111S EVEN)INGt-'ITU BJOHEMIAN GIRLL and ito ]'ANTO. OO- ' ito ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEAN VINCENT BULLY'S CEl 111 'LTEJJ J TOILET VINEGAR.-Thii elegant toilet vies- a sac.; most efficacious anddstingtiisrlr-perfumesi tie-. hb.autifies theskin. It is ?? mith tbr -e-l I the Eau de Cologne, of which it has not th,. irrilar 1 it soothes the irritation produced aft r ,hanih: : ;t beneficial and delightiul use in the ladies' til.. t. :J Itr Imported into England. Sold wholeralo and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 01o SHPPERS of GOODS aind PAR- ~-~sprlEN` INSULAR and ORIENTAL STEAM NAVI-7 1-'lliN (tIIAN) S STEAMERS to INDIA and CHINTA.- :k*l 1l~ins sent direct to the ICunipatrs's Parcel-office,v lfle;PAL I thle 17th or eaehi mon0th, arc FORWARDED I :i tsI to th~e stillper than wlien sent through atas* hintemediateI Cae ithtcxtt lii.Weiglht Lchul for Aden, i~~,Iadtts, aletit, and China; rind 40lbs. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IORT UGUESE LOAN, 182:3-The HALF- JE YEAR~LYDIIVIDEN'D falling due on the 1stiJune next, will be PAIlD by order of the Impe13risil Brazilian Goveritmlent, by Bir ISAAC L. GOLDSMID, WILLIAM KING, and 'WILLIAM I THOMPSON, Agtents, at the counting~house ?? and William lKinig, 37, Great Wiarlseeler.street, Old Broad-Ftreet, on, that day, and every misereding 3t5ondav, Wednesdaiy, and Saturday, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Truly valluable Farm, Kinaus Walden, near Hitchin, Hertt. M ESSRS. COCKiETT and NASH have been favoured with instructions to SElLL by AUCTION, ott Friday, June 2, at Twvelve, at the AIleion Mart (unless an accept- able ofier le previously made for the purchase by private cotttract), Ds compact and trulydesirable enclosed FARM, called PRESTON HILI F'ABM, containing ?? of two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pI-I ILA DEIPfl[IAand ll-.IIA1)1 Ni jjii~~ P COMPANY'S BIONII-Thte HALF.'tER3p~1 due on thet ?? of JUly net On th SflT L i above Coompany, payable in L~ondon, wnill b ?? hou Re of Mestsrs. 31'CAkLMONT BIROTHTII lsa~ t court, ?? on that day, or any sub 'ot, hours of ]IqLene amd Vimtre o'clock. TheCt1t, clear day, for exatoinatiun, accomlotniod hrlt of which) forms mnay be obtained Ott ...