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Advertisements & Notices

... Suggqstione, trguments, and inquiries a eijjiy mous; -but facts und-ailegattons must b uhniae by name and ftddress, forrour owi'n hfra~n NIOUnT A&TS-un. -Receeived from Ms ~lhJns ir~il B1. irs. Corbially, XI. BaOomUR iio. sq & MWr r Lynch, £I. Mrs. Hugh JTones, Lokhl.1. MIHa~str DRAYTON HANNK-` S.`Ornsklrk. Woseha~rinoearis of replyIng; but the postmaster of the .itsti would probibly Wive ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I I I I I 0 I I t I i r 7 I 0 11 r I rI II a I i I I I i I I I i I a I D morrow, (Wednesday,) the 13th Instant, at Twelve o'olock, at the Brokers' Offics 70 Tons Ssvanilla FUSTIC, ow landing ex Elizabeth Taylor, from Sawmnilla, west side George's Dock. Apply to Mr. CHARLES OROBRTSON. M1erchaut; or to PRIESTLY, GRIFFITH, and COX, Brokers. THURSDAY NEXT. a Thursday next, the 14th instant, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAUTION TO, ADVERTISERS. -- C The proprietors resixectfully inform their. t awmerous advel tising friends and subscribers b that the LIv ERPOOL MMaatcuity has still by far tht largest Circulatien of any paper in Liver- 6 pool, And is stsadily increasing. They, there fore, direct continued attention to that fact, as 0 miany erroneous statements of the circulation ' .of the Liverpool papers have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOROUGTI1 OF LIVERPOOL. IRE POLICI 1RATE, SEWER RATE, a FL PAVIlG RATE, GENERAL RATE, AND WATHiE a RATE NOT'ICE IS IIERIIIIY (GlVEN, that the Couneil of the said 1 H-Tor ugh intend. cn Wedne-ifay, tlb 3d 1lay of May next. at v Eli-von o'clock in thl; f. ren on, In It' Ceian-il Chimrber, within thi' Tr..n.-h:HI to make a Rat. not tcaceeditrg One lilsfoenriy in .1 tile Pl.und upin nil Prot'erty ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ion *X;At Itel *cdeb ti tit$ftg ri eat. L. Z Oalt bp103rbat urttu. ATL [Ch, EN1 SE A nes TO LINEN DRAPERS, SILK MERCERS, HABER- PAC DASHERS, &c. EL8 il (QN SALE, by T2NDi:R,-by order of the Trustees of the [VA del J0 Estate of William Griffiths, lrauer, &c., Berry-street, ABE de- Liverpool,-thenervly,-purelhased STOC](inTtl),csiig Ci3A of Linens, Silks, Lace, IIaberdosher , &c., amnounting at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PERSONS WANTED. C n W 'ITI a respectabl GMAN, whlo thoroughly D~ ~. ~ the T~,Ceeery IBusiness.-Apply to - Jail.; DriAn, MIi, LonnrjW oad.r V TN TED). several intelligenit PEIRSOM5, of respectabiliity, eWIt RAVE EL through the counties of an,,r-l~ire Cheshira. Shropshire, and North Wales, wvith a NEW fiLL'US- irTIATED WVORK, whichis d 'I.y~Ririg Popularity throughout- ,tire country Tosom a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mdetd bpt auctialL DFCLNINIbG BUSINESS. SALE OP A BOBBIN TURNERS STODK IN TRADE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ae., IN THE 8CiOLES- aTRIIRT, WIGAN. MjR. WARDLE begs to announce that be will BELL by AUCTION, onr Monday next, the d83, and a'esday, the 7th instant, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon on the 'rrrnisee oconpied by Mr. Edward Bromilow, (who fs deolln- ins business.i Schobss-street, Wigan, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PERSONS WANTED. co~ FEIMALE PENITENTIARY. WI ~~A TED, a LAUNDRESS for the ab~ve Instituitoan 'bout ut Wi 35 years of rise, well qualifi toi~re II VYeung- Women in Naslieg Ironng, ettinq uip Fine Linen. N.B-A Pers' ou of cuntry weill be preferred. Ap)pli- cation to be nado c Penitentiary, at Ten o'clock on tues- day Morning.Hi Ffalkncr.,treet, June 13th, 1848. eo an W ANTED. a clever active ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ ONDON AND NORTH-WESTERN CAG ia .TENDERS FOR STORES. sailln ;a- The Dfrectors of the London and North-Western fhlliway M Company are preparcd to receive TENDERS for STORES for ~n thoir several dspartmuents, vsM.:- en ItLOCOMOTIVE bTORES-Auilai~ and Vices, Axles, Brass and Copoer and Brasswawrk; Baskets and Bags for Coke: Bs- **lances (Spring), Brass Tubes for Licornotives; Cruclbles, Files, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARG1 t,' r these tihipi will be~ rreetved In th, order eftpriority4 ofrtsisiatiat the Wharf, on MONIDAY, TURSDAY, nrld until Six o'el cii in the Everting of WwenolsAY preceding the day of FLEE sailing. W JBRIT'IIH AND NORTH A~!ERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM SHIPS, _ Appulotntltbj Lho .idmiralt~y tosell] botweec -LIV f-a-n~d BOSTON, O'etjc~ ad etween J1aus0t1 LVE OOL ad NEW YORK, Hafp cpstyor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONIDENT2AL ADI3YCE IN CeASES OP DEBILny NEISSOUSN'ESB, AND ALL DISORDERS ARISING FROM BXCE88, &O. k ESTABLISHED in 1831. n PROD8E001 SWEDOUR9 H8YGRIAN fl P IERB PILLS, &c.-The celebrated CORDIAL BALE1 II Ov MfECCA. ta With ecah bxof ProfessOr gwedeur's Hygelan Herb Pills, ;irice 2g. 9ii. aind 49. lid. per box. Is Riven extract, from the &csej Advilier. containing observations and hints of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3105? Ex rEwsiva S ALE of pure Short-borned and Ayrshiro Daiy CwsHeier', oun StakBuls.Prime Pat Bulloolca and ittrsvalabl Wagon orss, olt,8 and Filly. Pat Pig, Scksof ayCloerani Oas.Turnips, Mangel i~ir~zd Poatos. eas MoernImoements, and Other Bifcis atBPSTALFAR, nar o Jrotbrorugh. within ~jESSRS. CHURTON beg moat respectfully to .LY.Eanturance that they have bton honoaured with instruetloos ...