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Advertisements & Notices

... Pulc Oti0 ,!RAGGED & INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS 16 ~~IN HULL,. GENTLEMEN favourable to RAGGED and IN- DUSTRIAL SCHOOLS, and willing to unite in forming a PRELIMINARY COMMITTEE for taking the necessary steps towards the establishment of such Institutions in Hull, are earnestly requested to forward their names to T. W. PALMER, Esq., or to the Editor of the Hull Packet. Packet Office, Hull, November 2, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -DETONPARK INDEPENUNDEN CHAPEL> ~~ENTON SUNDAY 8C110OL. wl a 0cc Sunday, AMay SOiW'nhove48 IitlttOfli theON will be: It t reached 01n beaf ieaV Inisterutof h pae) in the I.rln, tile tray. l i'gsA~ic1fNO,oL NewNport, Shiropshiro. i veniegbytce lt5~- Slorning at laf-paslt lTen, acid i Service to ?? Srvce 1 TO MOTHERS. ?? TO MOTHERS. I TjHE PAEN ELASTIC INFANT GYMASIMOR BABY JUMPER,r Tpsteatetl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Salo bg Rucdion. WEFST RIDING OF YORKISHIRIE. VALUABLE MANORS AND ESTATES. B ByM.0 T. LISTER, at the G~olose HomrYI, Sciiec, on FThurs- 'Ij ?? October texi, ott One~ o'clock in tile After- 1i n~oon, in Lots. unless previously iuisposed of iby P'rivtelt Con- It tract, g THE Valuable MANOR AND ESTATE OF A T IIAM11;L[,rON, Sixteon Atjteo from Leetds, and Four A1 from Selby, containing nearlyv t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O~n'edt~it'Sdlr wxt, Me Twentfiethl instant, nt Two o'Clock, at the BloattInt' Ui'Flir,~ 33, I)ALSt-ZTRI:&IT, LOv'c'ooL,' 60( BALLS \ATIDIA WOOL. E5 NT~IM 110 Puld BUENOS AYItiS WVOOL, NNe I IlrciudliuC- some fine Parcelsi of washed an~d Uon- e11s washled.) INo L5 Apply to it Uo11tiS and RtONALD). W~ool Brlkreiev. On A cro~~~lit ~f isho~li iut y cone ,rr , mai Vlfede,fd'!exl, the I ]JAji.S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S A L I, aTT excellenot Secondhanmd P1' EON. mith Ten over Seill, Patt~nt Axles, 110 I VIII1% thle petwrty Of a (1 anttlemal ?? ?? use du! It, Apply to Wi D~lIAWOU~iT, ConchlmlLte, 39, A1tbion- Ull I' j B 3ESOLI) D, a PI f-ec-,e-li-l-t powe-r-fulI C tR 10 l IO I) f' , , S. lyir'lil ,O!i~t 11 tiy). elthel Tiv ulether or 0elparfitlly. Itor rilitler Pll'ti11uhlt at to AgoC litI ilCe, ., apply ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HARVEY'S FISH SAUCE. ELAZENB Y and SON, ha~ving numterous corn- plaintst from Families whonre impo~sed urion bry Spurt- 6. lceitritiOniA of their 1IARVEY'S FISt! SAUCI, request pu rbalmser to observe thatt each ?? of tile 14on1irine Article bea-sr the Name of W'LL1lAM LAZENBSY on thle back, in ~tirrt the front Label used s0 many Years, and igne ?? ?? LAZILNIY.` t E. LAzRNB3Y & SuN'S I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * ~,o feq~eflty admin~tel~l y the a'oo~ebtntme ree tcie-slsoI4 'aprsy be avoided in al' tases~f tis conillniot. Te Pr0P~it~r ~ ~ ?? eM5 v~t a ; $Ili~~n,'dc d himiselfunnilr. Valheg treties ?? eint beeh~y, waeib lire~tetprethtt~sda sj~dIe0 thetretmet~o t t einet arg~ U A ovier 5peen exi5 dnngihich timnetheen'na AbW1L- aidc ?? lightert return eftbie I 1i0 btftai etf litW- inethiani prosorlpiton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VALUABLE INVBSTMENT FOR SMALL CAPI IAL119TS.' J - . - BE SOLD BY AUCTION, on feunAi, the 2f.t Tw of EMa, 1848, at twelve precisely. in alhitments of TWO and FOUR ACRESeSeb, aU1 tht valltah* atu highly improved e HAat, it RED H{ALL L consisting of 833 acres of the first quality ?? freehold and tithe free, situate within ene mile of the CityofLincolnonthehighroadtto atntham. Ttepro. party of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR T TH1 WORKING MILLIONS. A HOXi FORl EVERY INDUSTRIOUS MA ANN MID NB FAMILY. UNITED PATRIOTS' AND PATRIARCHS, EQQJTABELAND LNAND BUILDING BENEFIT SOCIETY, ro, a ?? by AtofParliament to extend over th t U nited Kingdom. ? S S.t ~ Dnra, M.P. 'TEoTA WAML.P, BEe., M.P. B. iB. CAsimit, ReQ., ?? Lostfst V~ff~NO.IS, ottnhtt Coont 100ws Road, St Pancras, London.-DANIZIL WILLIAK R0VYT, Secretary. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... emxeu 'ro ¢si ?? us 'd SCURVY AND IMPURE BLOOD. ' te 2cM AsojBsA MOST EXTSAtaA 1AaIR cu1 C 'lR MEANS OF aB ALSE'S SCORBUTIC DROPS.-The.following case. OLEB H has excited so much iaterest, thatthe Guardlan=-of obtair the perish of Brent, Devon, have considered it their uty to sig re their nanmes to the ?? lag Iodimthan o evI claratiou. It is Well worthythe notio thn Nye sthe underIgnd, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published. Price One enny. rc o By ?? of I Politics for Workers,' * A Tract for the Time.' London: W. Strange, Paternoster.rowr. A. ieYwoOd. Manchester. D. Green, Leeds. . Brook, Huddersfield, and all booksellers. THE CONSPIRATOR. A Posa ne Tr REc CANTOs a TN THE ist No. of Tarn CAUsE oF rE PEOPIE, a a 1 Weekly Family Niewqpaper, will be oommniete an original and beautiful poem in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4' -~ FROM £ To' £500 TO BE ADVAND IT'TEXT. FOR THE WORKING MILLONS. A ioMS POd EVEBY INDUSTRIOUS MAN AND IS FAMILY. UNITED PATRIOTS' AND PATRIARCHS, EQUITABLE LAND AND BULDING BENEFIT SOCIETY, Barolled and Eanpowaredby Act of Parlitanont to extend over th ited ingdom. .T. 8. DCIaOEar EgeQ., M.P. TanOAe WAnitr, EES4a, N. B. B. CA L B MJ'. Lcrdof Ojveo.-NO. 18, Tottenamtn Court, New Road. St ...