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Advertisements & Notices

... Paedb; 43rtbate irenrty. I LA RGEIZWOOLL1 IE,, MIAN IF1ACTlYTObSLDte Jxt.Ivo WO LLe VW it~i5h~n~gt h eusrtd T In Aberdeen with the STEA ENINE of E vhrspwr wt Mi w'l A ilNR andIITNIS.U01 ~ oth O8`eatt1iq 1 give, an thedayof sale inthmated, in or si, future Advcrtjoen~cts. In the meantime applicaLtion mi h madeto WLsA~d i-ryseni, Rq.,Caidlerof the. Abercn F~sooa~, Adocora,147.Unin-steet Abrdeen, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMVO{TAF SAE 0 PAER AN5GI3IG5. YMSSSWAKR& BIREDI on Monday ne, te1hinstant, at islepen o'ciofil precisely, j~ it their R~ooms, 55, Ohurolt-street, Choice and extensive assortment of Paris and C A o~on~o PAPER HANGINGS, including Flock, Satin, I GothiC. and other Papers, of the bes manufacture. the moat a Ienid nd ewes deign. sitabe fr eerydescriptionto ROWSn 11alls, Statircases, &o. Also, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * TIZANS' WEEKLY LECTURES, R CONCERT HALL, LORD NELsoIJ4TIET OD TIUR8DAY Oext. the '0th inaant. FKtANK 110 WARD, PS., will deliver tbe PfflST of a COURSO of THRF,13 LEC- TMilw5 On the UIs of the FINE ART1B, a a ME DIM Of EDUCATION, Illustrated by the Deslaus for the Decoration of the Grammar School at Preston, and by a Design to be tade froea a eubjoot to be given to the Lecturer by tile ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vtblif Wtzeum ttd. ATUHAY :EVENING CONCERTSY S ACO ERT-HI L. LORD NELSON.-STREET. o, SATURDAY EVENING next, the lot e. APRIL, The INFANT SAPPI1O givee one of hc; popular ENTEiRTAIN- MENNTS, ass8isted by her Father andSister. Body, 3d.; Gallery. fid. Resierved Scats, le. To commence Rt ifE)bt o'clock. The CONCERT.IIALL TO bo LET for CONCERTS. MEETINGS, &e. Apply to Mr. CALDERWOOD SecretarY, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEATR - R YAL1 WILLIAMSON SQUARE, 'I?~ ~ ~ Une h anagementiofhMr.S 0.15 h'U.N. SECOND NYIGHT Of those distihuzliged Arfia'o,. DIR. AND MRS. CHARLES KEAN, 'Who Will pierfotenI'lbis Evening in a noWv and original Play, in lie 5Sole, u5xittt?D extrro'5lY for Olr. and MSrs. C. KEOAN, by G. -*V. LOVELL., EEsq author ox The Provost of Bruge3,,, Love's SacrificO. &c.. &o.. entitled the XIFL'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3t [[ADVFRTlSrMERNT.] for EsIGeiATiON-WH H SHOULD EMIGRATE? AND WHBRE the TO E.LsiGrtr?-TlIre SCANDARL) O1F FREi 'EDOM, ive lle op;tper of the largest dinseiona allovwed by law, i cnitaimos *-eekly :musas of interet'ting infortuatioll of the t0rreates! moment to all who are iurtcrested in the subject 1t enii.rntion. The answers to the numerous inqutrics oe rof'tho eb tb iut to ernig tife ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oYA L A M P 1I THEhA T RE. 1{CIHQUE DF. PARIS.-LAST WEEK BUXT ONE, it ifflS E FENING, (TU'RSDAY,) the 15th instant, PARr I aasr.-Tha Voitige, by Little Louisa Anato-M. Fran- Ioolill .xhlbU the Horse VMarengo'-Tho Chairs, by M. tri0.l-Tbe Sarf Act, by Mdlle. Stanley-The Jookey, by M. Aer& .o-The Cask Dance, by A1. Le oy-Tbe Leaping 0 .. norse, by MS. Ducos-Tbe Two Chinese, by M. Al. A. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NCF.RT.HALL, LORD NELSON-.STREET, GRAND SCIENTIFIC ENTERTAINMENTS B VERY E VENtING THIBr t0.ffx. of H in~II. ~mol~tu i O Ao, t he Effects of clmit'em ~roronsandAol a. l~oFire Cloued, I'hmenol- ~~1n Rcotv~ S , is; Sde ataery, fid.; Bodyoat no pecat cvtit;to ommnceatEight o'clock. 0 LOG I CA L G A RD ENS. OPfEN EVEEY DAY FROM EIGHT O'CLOCK IN THE AJZRNING UNTIL, DUSK. GRtEAT COMBINATION OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PERSONS W~ANTED. T~ANTHD. In a RETAIL BOOT and SHOB SHOP, a Wo 1 s~~table FEHMALE a8LSO AN plyto Mr. A. 03ALLTothhosNo. 29, St. Jne'oblee P ARTNEDR WARRTED, w-MAN, witoutnndfrom ha1000 to - £100 astsatoryI tiameAveter r n inyeqa to te Mauactre ofa wHrch will efiet aCpowi ofd Ktchtper canten. thoe net hadintpg w these pro- uAtes need aPply.-.For addreol see the Reference WANTEf), a respectable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVERTISERS. P Our advertising friends will oblige us by favouring us t with their advertisements two days before each publica- t Cion whenever practicable, but not later than six Wclock on Mondays and Thursdays when otherwise prevented but so many are put off until late on the day before pub- c lication, that it is almost impossible to get them in type and papers printed off in time for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PERSONS WANTED. WANTED, as APRRNTICE to the LINEN DRAPERY 81irn1 BUSINESSa ~respect~~ii OU`1`. well connected. Br, Apply to WILLIA I cw t.Gorge's House, Linie-stet Liverpool. -' T PARENTS ANDWGUAFi3IANS.-Mr. WILSON, Veteri- RI ,1Pnary S~uCeon, Li cot. Li4Vbrpwol, is in WANT of an Y o APRUNTIEto e SETER1INAIRY AR T. ntt Ira ryoPARENTS AND GUARDIANS.-WANTED, jusmedi - Cat TLately Six respectable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I : .'' rt,. Ir 1 XERAORDI!4A Y 0C116IculTISIS.'-wil, &Suifl'rdthirc Cqonv-, .;episiqw,'w th tb~ ito'lnie weld po'~etij. Ussoaer Nahiale orfe Myk~4~ mid~eri of al I iniosis erv n srfn cil'ul and pilain mattier-nof'fslc but~ th tm-o'Inse aludr'hhadFcthe gthe' tundrtsn i be lo. ~TW46simoie; the firottitem 'ruielie.,*~ n hrr 'sWill be orseoi.f the fl't lcshsw'h the u tshao th110 The sq ...