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Advertisements & Notices

... -Wm. SMITH -O'BREN. iS EXCELLENCY the LOPI E - H NAN.C ?? half-pat One PAT as the time for NAvhmg tfie Deputation/dM e =u~~te Ae wr_ x rxM5 * A nf Qf^.^sT AKRE, thle on behalf of DIr. WII2LIAA.l 5ISMI l - inembers of the Committee are requested to meet punc- tually at ELEVEN O'CLOCK, A.M., ait RADLEY'S HOTEL, to make the needful arrangements for waiting oD his Excel- lency. t'R1CKS OF IRi 1 ii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R OBERT BLAKE respectfully informs his Customers and the Public he is now laSndiDng.ffi Gipsey, some of the finest COGNIAC BRANDY gVrW ported, in One Dozen Cases, or by the SigleFleall 4a., tach. c- The Teas, Wines, &o., at his Establishment arejmsrefylly selected for respectable Family Trade; and qur(the test of cheapness), considered they will be found-as ow as at any respectabie house in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lIl-ATP.E 110YAL, DUBLINX. .eln-ig, Friday, there will be no Performance. ie rl N-iglt but One of the Summer Season. I 4,ratd Tlraecdian, Mr. G. V. BROOKE; whose recent pt-'e l -l in London liha placed him in the very first J hi, profesCiirn, having entirely recovered from his III anid hoarseness, will complete his engagement, lr'c I;Ist Appearance but one. Si i 1k0l jIO0_1V EVENING (Saturday) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * EThETE ROYAL., DUBLIN. Ie cbroeb Voonlisttg. Mr. ALLEN. and his distia. Te p apil Miss JULIA HARLAND, are engaged fewr ights, -and will make their Eighth Appesrtioe.: d sppearattne of MMr. HENRY, PERCY. Basso BoW.t~nts- frrrlthe Nobility's Concerts in London. ,`IS EVENING, (Tuesday), 21st Mareb, ' 1848 will be performed an *Enealbh Version of Do. nijettl's Grand Opera Seria called thb. TRE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO SAVE MONEY AND GIVE EMPLOYMENT. 7HE IRISH AND WNEST OF ENGLAND T 5rWOOLLEN HALL. is now, it is believed, admitted to be by far the largest aid most complete Establishment of its class in this city. It combines an extensive Woollen Establishment, first-rate Tai- loring DepartmCnt, and a suite of W'arerooms devoted to Ready-made Clothes, so large and complete, that orders, no matter to what ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANEIV COAT. THE LAMARTINE. TI2E lanagomest Walking Coat introduced this T] s~e390n, RICHARD ALLEN, 52 HIGH-STREET. IRISII AND WEST OF ENGLAN D WOOLLEN HALL, 52 HIGH-STREET. * ATII, WL1DSOR, AND, SPLNAL J1AXS. B of superior make and finish, for Sale andJ fr Inquire at Amit-sley'j, 1t2, Cork-hill, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r ADAITE WARTON 0,0ctt'tily to announce that she has en- P' viidatre Royal for a very limited period, for h a el ?? Series of JN S AND POSES PLASTIQUES, * e t1,lll perfect ?? embodiments of the works, r- 1i ?? 11 Scoiptnco, of the most celebrated lNT AND MiODERN MASTERS. 5err p,,ssibloe teet, the principal Tableaux vyill .ith thc novel iiieroduction of approvite Ills tl'rac~l v of emhient ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL DUBLIN. ?? of the celebrated BEVOUIN ARABS, e° vvill go through tbeir original ?? moat extraordi. Vhoperformance0 whicb'lave been receved gith pturoe applause in the Theatre Royal, Drureryane, and ic all the principal Theatrea in England. ,1,uIS present THURSDAY, 24th gdbruary, V 1848. the Performances will commence ?? the Co- aceay of WILD OATS. over, Mr H1 Bland; Sir Georgea ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -iTHIlEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Mit TRZAVERS AND AIR. STPETTON, EGC rcspc ftal!y to annotinco that their BENE- Frr auod La4s Apeararnce bit Three, will take place I- pE^VFNIN G ( rhursodi), 10th Febriary. 1848. OOTIrll oe r' 'oronieno with the Comic Opera of pbs pfa G UY MANNERING. ooel monneringr, MIr SPretton; Henry Bertram, Mr .o'° Dljc~m Simpson, Mr Barrett; Dandle Din. ii Corn Dirk 13atteraick ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L['AL NATIONAL REPEAL ASSOCIATION. .IE LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL AS. t J\SOCIATION OF IRELAND will meet on THIS a DAX 4 the 27th March instant, at ONE oClook, at the CONCILIATION HALL, CORN-EXCHANGE ROOMS. 1 The prineipal door in front to the ground floor is freo for AsaOCIATTs enrolled within Twelve Mouths; they will occupy the floor of the Hall, the benches under the end gallery, Lnd also the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIEATRE JIO ADUBLIN. Last AppearanlcC of 'IMADE3JOISELLE JENNY LIND, d I~v; the riniplal Artistes from her Majesty's Theatre. id IT t]lSE T MONDAY, Oct. thoe 16th, cc rf q vill1 be performed Dollizatti's Opera Seria, called e T ll'-i LUCIA DI LAMMERMOO)R IV 31ademoiselle Jenny Lind t tp'lrl, *- ,, Dlons. Roger. Edigardo, ?? Signaor Belltti. Z *:le ~ pke'ill beopen froln E'levell to Four for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T-REO RYAL LDUBLI~. ELEtN'TI Appr~,RAN'CE OF MISS HELEN FAUCIT. liS EVENING (Saturday), November 25th, ,Will be performed Mr. Sleil's Tragedy of .1948, ~ EYADNE: OR, TIIE STATUE. a Mi len Faucit; the King of gaples, r. Kng; Mr p ier Ludovico, Mr. . Co i n ti, Cp. Bland OliviS, Miss Singleton. If, elan n ' , NI3dlle. Adele and Moos. Martin. ,Grand? delue uith Goldsmiith's Comedy of 'SlIE STOOPS ...