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Advertisements & Notices

... P. I. : .r L1EONA W ID:~tX g~b t Jh4st0 Mdle. Xt 7XRRY Rignor IX Av ?? lEBX-] tied ,Da~~El14 t0 ' l perforoted the Colnedv of :, 'iL I vNGO'iILL ?? ' j3X j,, Dg of; Franee, M: ?? gGetsemI C?'o LU'Su M H. Cooke, Captsain Picaidrg O'Nell, M1,r.D ° Tbe Dcoke de Richelieu, Mr. Hi. Blind;: ?? deIIljnY, Miss P~enson . . ?? . ?? ~ ,~deichanee Ballet, Dirertissemennt in Threci Eeqnes, pcrsdeemdbY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIIEARE ROYAL, DUBLIN. TYSEOND NIG'IT OF THE GRAND ciii~lSTM8 g PANTOMIME, with Iilustrationr colebrtS ?? the I oLENO FAMILY. Re,.lieagrenentof Mr. HUDSON. THIS EVENING (Thursday), January 2otb 1848, will be performed the popular ?? THE IRISH ATTORNEr. Mera, Mr Hudson; Jacob Wylie, Mr Duff; ;tre Saunders Mr Smythson and Mr Saker; Cbarl- 'Iylr SCot- eldcon, Mr Raymond; Fielding, Mr jhbton; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ThEATE ROYL, DULIN. 1 Tusday, there will be No Peiformance. ;,1q,l,;tel i ragedian, Dlr- G. V. BP.O0 liE, wvhose recent O ijltjlcuCs3 i lonidon lias placed him in tho *-ery first ?? Bj professioic, is engaged tar FIVE NIGHTS, and ; .iee his Second Appearance .I()XOhhOw' EVENLNG (W1ednesday), 5th rTflalI t91t4. The perfornhances uill commence with Tragedy of MACBET11, lilNG OIF SCOTL4AJ),. l[r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I RICES OF IRISH STOCKS DURING THE WEEK. yHIi. BAT. O!o3. TTUES. WVED. TUTII. ' -o~:ctons. B7 BS 861 86i* 87 871 87 8* po CtSt. 87 87t 806ki 8I WI F 87 87 . 87+Pj Bank Stoclk. 190 190 189i 189;, 189f G. CanalSt _ - Do Debs prct - 34 32. astd 34 dis. - Do Debs 5pr Ct ? - - DoDcbs4pret - - I - _ - - Do Debs 4pr et new - City do 4prct - - 71 - 71 - Do do 4 per ct - lw ?? 4 pr ct ?? Debs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -UEQU'SN'SY THAL 1iEATRE. Hit. 301155 HARRIS, LERSEE. N THIS EVENING (Wednesday), Npvemnber 1) 8th, 1 8 46, will be produced a drama of intense interest, euti l A A MAIDEN'S FAME! Olt, A LEGEND OF LISBO Y.. Count D'Altiraceh, Mr. ]. Brandon; Senor Torrioos, Mr. Carleton; Armadillo, Mr. H. BedfBrd; Juan Ramiro, Mr. i1*ynolds; the Lady laez, Mrs. Harris ; Paquita, Miss Rliza TraeVcr Zitta, Mliss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... --THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. t 00,rance but Five of the eminent Vocalists. Miss p0NFORTH) Mr. TRAVERS, and Mr. STRET- TN THIS EVENING (Tuesday), February 0 8tb. will be performed an English Version of Do. riti Grand Serious Opera of the BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. dgar svenscwood, Mr Travers ; Colonel Aseton, )l strcttoo; Lucy Asbton, Miss Rainforth; Norman, dr MOrrison ; Alice, Miss Fitzgerald. After ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. ,~E 5ill NIGiIT OF THE GRAND CHRIST. 'AS iANTOMIlE, gwith Illutrations by the sele.l btO II lOLENO FAMILY. n pearavce but Three of the pnpular' Irish Come- dian, Mr. HUI)SON. N THIS EXENING (Thvirsday), January 0 31., i8tS. will be performed the favourite Drama, r ree Acts, of O ORE. 0,yTore, nlr Hudsonn ; Colonel Th nder, Mr Bsr r nun Dha. Mr U Cooke; D elekein, MDie1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ti; F ?? ROYAL, DUBLPT. xppe a1prilce of tho eminlenit Vocait0s. Wi0s IOOQTE i !. P. Vs. IUXNG, of the Thea tr nsa Thu1~y-lie, ?? et-6a are engaged for Niita. . l PE.SEwNT June, wifl 'Lpie prollced al English version of .hnizetti'spopular Flx FIGLIA DEL RE GGIMENTO; Tll; I)A UGl',rEn or' TIlE IEGIVETir. ir. 1. WV. King; Marii, Miss Poole; Ortensio, ! *. s . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBL. ('fills Evening, Friday, there will be no performance.) J last N igt of Auher's New Opera, which was again received ,dtht 11ostisil awst dltg ishedapplause on Thursday Evening. 1, ea.t appearance but Three of the eminent Vocalists, Miss POOLE, and Mr. D. W. KING. r OO AIORROWV, (Saturday) 24th of June, 484, T i1l be perforned, for the Th ird time, _last x,, N Opera, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'fIEATE ROYAL, DIJBLLN. ,\NGAGEMENT of MADEMOISELLE JENY Jj .LIND for FOUR PERFORBIANCES. n TUEXSDAY thle 10th Oct., LA SONNAMBULA. Oa TlILMSDAY, the 12th Oct., I PURITANI. 0, SATURD-AY, the I4th Oct., LA FIGLIA DEL rEGI 'ETO~ PEGtG1OND , the 1th Oct., LUCIA DI LAMMER- illex1io Office is open every day from 12 to 4/ood i ea'. be secured for every night, but early application is Pllleeted to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AILORS, DRAPERS, IATTERS, &c.- T In tilall's memory Never were the master minds of the various manufacturers more successfully exertedilhtli this season in the prodetion of *uperior Desigus 'and Fabrics, And never was exertion worse rewarded-scarcely repaying Cost Price, from The Depression of the Times. Our Buyer, as is usual four times a year (independent of our numerous connexioo), has just ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -TREA TE R O YAL, D UBLTNI-. 1 o4t ,oitively the Last Niebt but Five of the Engage- meat of Mies HELEN FAUCIT. 1. LEIGH MURRtY of the Royal Lyceum Theatre, bh permission of Madame Vestrie) will aleo make his yI ventth appearance iHIS PRESENT (Saturday), May 6:b, will be performed Southern's Tragedy of ISABELLA; O, TEE FATAL MtiARRAGE. Count Baldwin, Mr Roberts, Biron, Mr Leigh XMurray Jmbella ...