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Advertisements & Notices

... LITERARY SCIENTIFIC, AND BIECHA- NiCAL INSTITUTION, BLACKETT STREET, NEWCASTLE. ~NT TUESDAY, Jan. 2nd, 1849, at Seven t O'Clok in the Evening, the NEWS PAPERS for the ensuing Year will be OFFERED FOR SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION, in the Library, ?? ~Times, Morning Chronicle, Daily News, Morning Hera1d, Sun, Globe, Standard, Examiner, Jerrold's Newspaper, Bell's Life, Illustrated Newv, Sunday Times, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. , If3NOR BOMPIANIPS LECTURE on the I CELEBRATED LITERARY WOMEN OF ITALY, will be delivered on Tuesday, the 12th I at, t 8 o'Clocl; p.m. I RARY, SCIENTIFIC AND MECHA- ! OF BEMTCASTLE UPON TYNE. C HAS. LAIRSiN, ESQ., will deliver his Second Lecture on the different, but related Ob- *crs of Philosophy and Poetry, in the LECTURE ;i~OO, NELSON STREET, on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHARTER. * - 51, TECANTED, an A 1 VESSEL, of VS w! s r c not less than 300 Tons Register lo]with Coals to New York. Proposals, with Vessel'd Name, and where lying, to be sent to CHARLES LOGAN & Co. East India Chambers, London. EMIGRATION TO AUSTRALIA. I r 1T \7ITH a view to enable respect. W able Persons, who are ineligible for a free Passage, to proceed to the Australian Colonies, at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO- BESOLD BY PR TE G N excellent Four-hor'6 R A ' MAC FNE. hMillwrThtASIN Apply to William Stewart, Millwright. Aanwick, boay 18, 1848. Appg SopER~yI-NR~CTOBRY. FIEBltlCK MANUFATOY TO BE SOLD, OR LET, LIt entrv ble and Extensive FIRE A Rceet I-IUS and SIt P Abundance of round, nnd lenti 1fully TOR\;d lti dt~llti s irtuatea Anetrrsn ?? Salll o Coroisl, l fl superior Claoy, l Seam of Coal, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEWCASTLE POLYTECHNIC EXHIBITION. gE:VIOUSLY to the Termination of the i MidsummerHolidaysthe Committee have re- solved to devote one Evening to the Amusement and Instruction of their Younger Visitors. A JUVENILE SOIREE Willtherefore taite place on the Evening of Friday, the *8th when several interesting Novelties will be intradued, the Particulars of which will be announced ?? HENRY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rOR THE HAIR,T'HiE SKIN, AND THlE TEETH ROWLAND'S MACASSAR OIL, ~OR the growth, and for preserving, inlprOV- ing, and beautifying thle Husmana Hair. price 3s 6ff and 7a amity Bottles, equal to four small, Ills 6dl, and double the ilze 2ie per bottle. ROWLAND'S KALYD OR, For improving and beauti~fying the ok-ir' and complexion, erasli eating all cutaneous eruptions, sunburns, freckles, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEALTH MORE PRECIOUS THAN GOLD R. ROBERTS'S CELEBRATED OINT- JLL DINT, called ti e POOR ?1AN'S FRIEND, is crifntS dently recommended to the public 89 an ?? wounds of every description, a Certain curI fto. soll ld Bore. legs, it of 20 years' standing; cu titrs., sailds, bruise, oe chilblainsscruains, sc ruptioe ?? RIP d n the fas sor n an~nimdeyes, sore heads, cancercu lonetes folwn spa ift ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SASSAFRAS CHOCOLATE. DR.DELA MOTTE'S NUTRITIVPEALTJ RESTORING, AROMATIC CHOCOLATE, PREPARED FROaN THE NUTS OF THE SAS- SAFRAS TREE, And sold by the Patentee. 12, Southampton Street, Strand, London. W HIS Chocolate contains the peculiar virtues J1.of ?? Ro~t, wiich has bean lonigheld in great estimation forits urifyincand alterative properties. The aro- ,matic quality. (wlicli is very graeu o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PATENT METALLIC COMPOSITION - ---N .. | I N APPLICABLE TO SHIPS SHEATHED WITH COPPER Ol YELLOW METAL, ALSO TO WOODEN OR SINGLE BOTTOMED VESSELS, &c., &a. 1HEN Coated on YELLOW METAL and W COPPER SHEATHING, the Durability of these Sheathinga is increased fron one fourth to 1 third, by being coated with the Composition Paint. A Vessel will, consequently, run from one to two Yes longer, without ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET, -MCELT. '.NT FRONT OFFICES, on the J First F.oor, extending over the Shops of Mr Swan, Chemist, and Mr Hopper, Tobacconist, in Pil- grima Street, Newcastle on Tyne. Apply on the Premisess. OFFICES TO LET. TO BE LET, And entered upon at May-day next, A Convenient FRONT and BACK OFFICE, : on the first Floor, above Mr Spencer's Tobacco Shop, No. 2 Sandhill, Newcavtle. Apply at the Shop ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, NEWCASTLE. Lessee, Mr. E. D. DAVis, 20, Blackett Street. TgHE Public are informed that LES SOURS T ST. LOUIN, from the San Carlo, Saxe Coburg, and principal Dancers of the Theatre-Royal, Drury LaneLondon; MR H. WEBB, From the Royal Marylebone Theatre; together with ahbighly Ttlk ed Company, are en gaged, and will ap- pear every Evening during the Race Week;. STPOSITIVELYCLOING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NORTI-IUMBERLAND AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. IHE ANNUAL SHOW of the above Society T will be leid at Hexham, on Tuesday, the 8th pay of August, 1848jh rudb ?? Stock must be on he Ground by Nine ?? on oo liornisg of Exhibition.dtoheSw The Publio are not to be admitted to the Show Ground wntil 11 o'Clock. The Dinner (at which the Premiums will be present. wd) witake place at tour o'Clock. Tickets, 10s ...