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Advertisements & Notices

... J. RICH, 1) EGS irost reapectfullY to inform the Public in Bi general, their GROCERY BUSINESS is RE- MOVED from QUEEN STREET to their own Prtanisis, t No. ft3, HIGHI.S'rRE ST. adjoining St. Petrocl'8 Church, n nearly opfosito the late fire. U)URS UANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery L miadi in a cause TANNER against CARTER, the creditors of MARY EASTA BROOK, formerly of the parish ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL., EXETER. LAST NIGHT OF THE SEISON. FOR THE BENEFIT OF Mr. W. H. MADDOCKS, MANAGER. HE MANAGER in announcing his BENEFIT, and T the Last Night of the Season, most respectfully trusts that his continhous exertions in catering for tbe Public Amusement, and tbe unprecedehted Attractions offered during the ?? Theatrical Campaign, will warrant in some degree, an attendance of his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AXMINSTER, DEVON. ELIGIBLE INVESTMENT,-FPEEHOLD PLiOPERTY. M R. HUSSEY will OFFER for SALE, by Pubhio M Auction, at the GzOsz Iwif, in Axminster, on WEDNESDAY, the 71h day ofJuNz, 18l8, ll that most coInm- dious and convenient MANSION HOUSE, witb the Lawn, Pleasure Ground, Gardens, Coach-houte, Stable, &c., &c., eituate in Chsrd-street, in the town of Axminster. N. B.-Th Mansion, which is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A SAVING OF FORTY PER CENT ' CAN BE EFFECTED BY PURCHASING YOUR CLOTHING AT PINDER AND CO'S 191, HIUMH STREET,. EXETER, flINDER and Co. take no credit, and tbev give none. They buy in the wholeale markets for cash, and theysell A for cash, end on no other terms. Thus they have no bad debts and no long credits to be divided amongst their customers; so that every customor is certain to have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THlE MAGISTRATES OF THlE COUNTY OFi D)EVON. Mrl LoenD AND GENTLEMEN, B IEG to returnayou fall moast gratefuld than ho fee' the hinid j avoro which fluit have this day cailferred upon, life fit aoppiointtify nrc to the reopwnsible olluation of M47'RON to the Devonl cklenty Prisons. 1' have the honor to be, 51y Lords and Gentleimen, Your obligedl and obedient Servant, MARY H. ROSE. ?? County ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RESTORATION OFTHE HAIR. ToYrv.~(A,.VL tsntio, Cam gd0e, cluer r . i 1 aENTJL)$MENa-X ;ittltig instance of the elfk ccy of 'v hlftr-caejar Oil i Ale reitforation of the hair has justeemes usider my notice. ?? alluded to is a ?? man named Haylock, of Ashdalin near- this0plae-, whole entire head qt haircame off by NOrnm unaccounih7 ,euaM. He pureh1ced of Sie several different popular propaation!, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H(NITt)N,-DEVoII. TO LINEN DRAPERS, PIEiW 51S, HOSIERS, AND LIA CEN ! EAT IMPORTANT SALE OF A VALUABLEi AND WELL-SELECTED STOCK OF DRAPE'FRY, H()'ILERY, LACIE, &c. By order of the Assigtees of the l:state anld Effiects of FRED. l'EAIKE, a Bankrupt. HE abovo Stoel- will be Disposed of by TEN DER, T in the ussuol way, and is ?? ready for inspection, aL thle Dwelling-Ronse atid Shop of the said ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL SUBSCRIPTION BOOMS, EXETER. GREAT MUSICAL ATTRACTION. AIR. ASHE Hr AS thc honour to announce TWO GRAND VU OCAL and INSTRUMENTAL CONCERTS, Onl TUESDAY EVE'NnNGL, OCToEMu 10th, andl on F1RIDAY MORNINU, OUTOBEP: 1;lth, at Whlich thle folowing Eminent Artistes will appear:- MADAME DULOK EN Piin iste to Hfer Majesty t/he Queen; MADAME D'OKOLSK1, Thec adirdi~ii~ Contralto oj ltce Aicbilify's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRISTOL AND EXETER RAILWA 13 CONSPANY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the next HALF- YEARLY GENERAL MEETING of the Propriotors of this Company will be hold, in pussuance of the Act ol Parliament, at the WITISE LION HOTEL, in the CITY OF BRISTOL, on THURSDAY, the 2nd of March, at twelve o'clock, for the Election of Four Directors iu the room of those who retire, and for other affairs. The Chair ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THF.ATRE ROYAL., EXTTEt \ Sale Lessee, Mr; W. . MADDOCKS, A i Ot THk Evening (WirDAExDAY) January th; lt846,J Tre NEw DnAVA, IN. Foun PaRTS, CALLED THE BLACK DOCTOR. On, TgE FATED LOVERS OF BOURBON. Fabin, (yhe jgulato,) . ?? Mr. W. H. MA DDOCKS. Pauline ?? ?? MADDOCKS. VVITH A LAIOUHADLE FARCX, CALLRD THE FIRST FLOOR. ON FRIDAY, theBTACK DOCTOR, and SUSAN' HOPLEY; or, the Aduentres of a. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADyERTISE3IENT. ANOTHER CASE OF VOMITING IN SU'NDErP- LAND. BY DR. LAMB. The patient, George Scott, labocuer, John-street, Ballast Hills, Bishoplvealrollth, first consulted Dr. Lamb on the 5tJh of March, 1848. He had then been labouring under a dreadful affection of the stomach for upwardvs of six monthls, vomiting nearly all his food almost immediately after taking it. If, by chance, it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FURNISHED LODGINGS. GENTLEMAN or LADY can be accommo- Adated with the use of a Parlour and Bed BIoom, with attendance, for 10s. per week; or, with two Bed Rooms at 12s. per week; or, Board and Lodgings, on Moderate Termns, at Chuleigh Farm, pleasantly situated near the river Dart, and a quarter mile from the town of Ashburton. Apply to Mrs. C. HEXT, Chuleigh, Ashburton. November 1st, 1848. ...