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... I OF ENGLANL-D. ACCOCET VO~i TIHE M 1;1EK ENDING DEC. 14. £ISUE DEp£ ITIl? -, T Notes issued.. Q0,gOQO-)1Go -enimeut Debt.. 11 ,0l1,lt1() (litbel Scclritics . . :1,081,000 ---'~~~c a~ll Coin udi a: t.Ja I lieul . 10),202.731 . Silver ]ullliuli .. 1!3 lii 31J tc . |0 07 1)ANKINc, DEPARTMENT. proplietors' Capital l f! l0O'Covcrctneuet Secvu rest .. o. 8o:37) rities (illnlcldling ...

Miscellaneous Extracts

... iAcdIlancouo 3xhtacto. S BnWARE.-Beware of a man who travels with a pair of duelling pistols. Beware of a young lady who calls you by your obristiau name the first time she meets you. Beware h of port at 30s. a dozen. Bewnre of a lodging-house where vyou are ctreated as one of the funily. Beware of every s cheap substitute for silver, excepting gold. Beware of cignrs d that are btughlt of *' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A YOUNG MAN ivisse tilnie is not fully occu- pied, wonld be glato a set af BOOKS TO I0 EP, or Inake out AC C OUNTS. dt ss E., 4t he Printer's. WANTED, F ORE ' MACHINE P'RINTER.-Apply, uext ' s lay, at BUTTERNVOltTM land BltOOl;KS, 9, 'JsUeyTstro , f 0 tell o'clock until four. None need apply Who have uot B 0.rad tutih.illr siutatioll. SEVRAL LargeSUIS of I\NEY TO LEND, 8 On Moll rtgagzte of ...


... HRYM N 3MVIOE AT (1RVA'I a POR 'M EARLY SMEYAC[E AT G-REAT GEORG-STUEMT nlt. n CHAPEL, JANUAILY 1, 1848. - ron 8 Y re Rvy. THOs. RAPPLI5, D.D., }L-D. On And ! eaid, Oh that I had wings like a dove i for then would WOedl i fly away, and be at rest.-Pseim LV, 6. wel6o k, that a - Oh, had I the wings like a dove I it is w I 'd fly to theroalms of the blest the ti 1 'd soar to the mansions above ...


... Dramatic Chapters, Poems, and ,Songs. By Charles Swain. London: David Bogue. Although it isunatural for the imaginative faculty to see distant objects better than near ones, awl though, up to a late period, the poets of the world have thought that the past and the fuiture offered better and amopler materials fur their crea- tions than 1the living present, this tendency has in no walyhindered ...


... A SONG OF THE S3ItALL POETS. 12 A DISSENTIENT MEMIBER OF THEIR FRATERNITY. (From the Athenueaa,.) ; Ire are the men of the age, say they,- We are t1he men, and the moecrs We; So we sing, and sing the livelong day, And the world is sVayed by our minstrelsy. Let the shallow statesenan fame and fuss, And boast of the changes, wrought-by us? Is the wrong made right? Does the dark turn bright? ...


... og Popular Aratural History, or the Characteristics of ~e Animals, with Illustrative Aneedotes, by Captain es Thomas Brown, F.L.S. A. Fullerton and Co. id i This is a pleasingly Instructive volume, and contains more re amusement than is usually met with in works of natural history. In addition to a clear descriptive account of the appearance, na- ture, habits, &c., of the different animals, It ...


... at ?? A I ONE LITTLE YEAR AGO. One year agol how many a abangoe ?? old time would bring; Au Hope, in gayest, wildeet range Went forth on Faney's wing. Visions and dreams, as bright and faer As Morpheus could bestow, And smiles ae sweet as Angels wear, Were mine one year ego. One year agoi the future bore No shadow on is brsow; Blmt ali like ?? graso that went before 'Tie closed In darkness ...

Miscellaneous Extracts

... Oxtracto. aS BAs IJUzrD MtN.-Ilbeard a little atrecdlote olit of the Swedish crtslr'book which greatly amoused ise. It will give tsome notion of it Swede's logic in riffitirs of the pocket, nil mrt D a harrowing Sketch of at deeply-intinred men :-An ripparently Cwr erY'l good inan failed altGuttenberg, on being told of which, cqt anthe~trct one of knowN staw said, Ay, conlfound him, I loje ...


... cDorreoponovnce. wTO READERlS AND CORRSSPONDE~NTS. ye' .0 W.Uf.-Lot him adr~sess his comamunication to the Electric Te to- r ir graph Company, London. 01 a J. M.WAwIINGTON.-We Shall give a portion afihis communication thll l) next wveek, wye I: A WORKINCGAMAN, -9TOCItPOitT,-We3 halve ilrlinlY stated that thle rule Wicth the Lsnn, people1 is not to reoturnl ally of' thle I money they ...


... Vwaricti Cs. There have been no fewer tian 989 fires i:a London during the last year. f Jobn, of Tnat, continues to address lengthyepistles to L orfJohuB ussell, full of priestly insolenee ALed intolerance. MARC OF Miusic.-.A respectable fandlV iln Greenland has latelv ndvertisea in the Copelbagenl newspaers for a uscmaster. The Earl and Countess Dalihousie have passed through YEgypt, ol their ...


... O'clectiand. 'the following lines are composed by the Roy. IL IB. Lanoastr, O~t Mp IMinister of Soho-street Chapel, copies of which were presented ticat -by him to the members of his congretatton en Slunday, the 2nd res instant :- A SACRAMENTAL HYMNJ~. T'rim -idon of GethsemanelI Late How PUt,4n Pow sweet to me Idraggii Myfn lfcingoi1161 tihard, OnI on scenes of suffering ever dear. propri A ...