Advertisements & Notices

... 0 ROK S A l. E, the New EBrig /J [- MARGARET, just arrived from Port Wallace, 148 V Tons, New Mea- sre. Lengtl aloft, 83 Ft. 6-10ths; Breadth, 19 1.10th; Depth, 11 8-10ths; shifts without Ballast, of easy Draught of Water, and well adapted for the Coasting Trade. Apply to WM. WARD, 14, Dock-Street. Hull, 18ti Jan , 1848. >CTEAM PACKET for SALE, Built of wood, 150 tons register, la k zl~(two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GOVERNESS PUPI[, Young Lady may be received in ;a vell-cstbablislhed A Boarding School as atiove, who will be required to rewipr some assistance with the younger pupils; in consideration of ,which duty she wvill be instructed in all the ordinary routine of educatiun, with various accomplishments, on very reduced ?? -Address D.N., Journal Office, Oxford. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n Z1o Atlbetro & ?? tis 5f . )tlSCULLANEOUV. OCosteoRvzLts.-I desire to retuin my sincere thanks t to the fiiends and members of the. Land Conipsisy of f Ckirringion. near Nbttlegham, for the benevolet and >1 hacidsaruie presenit of a hun dred and elevenl frulit trees, r cuensistili$ of apples, gooseborrica, cu rrents, and rasp. e berr y trees besides a eholsce se~ertion of early . gseed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DR. LA'MERT ON THE E t /JFIRMITIES OF YOUTH AND MATURITY, wish WITH FORTY COLOURED ENGRAVINGS. your ?? ~thel This day ispublished, Twventy-fourth 7%ouesand, in a scaled food Envelole,price 2s. Gd., or forwarded, thn Post-paid, to any addressfor 3s. Gd. in Postage Stamps, done SELF-PRESERVATION: 2ost ?? Treatise on Marriage, and on those Hail A Infu'mitieo and Disorders of Youth and Maturity a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE HULL PACKET GENERAL PUBLISHING & PRINTING OFFICE REMOVED TO 22, WHITEFRIAR-GATE, HULL. rjHOMAS FREEBODY, the Proprietor and T Publisher of theHULL PACKET, returns thanks to his numerous Friends, Subscribers, and the Public, r for the many Favours conferred upon him, anld begs to i announce that lie has REMOVED from the Officesr Post Offce Buildings, to the very Spacious and Convenievit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M LiRe of PACKETS.-The underidpiei ?? into arqn~wlahoc ?? MO 'lsd I t all nt day named tVis. W 01 ehips Namee. befsteo. Reg Lted Illg)'~ int SOcleared It la1?pveatotho dateoof satIlog,.- Vo fratp ?? DA,11, Abobureb-tane; 6r OR BOMBAYWith leave to ?? ~ Caeo asd Hopeo (under engragement to the eon. atIdaCma~ receive goods -utit ?? iort-lsftoe. bip COREONIAND~1'A1fr'2yaS 8 ta xot RY commander. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O THE WE.ST INDIA BODY.- . Notice is Hereby Given, that tbe GNEERAL MEET- of the STANDIIG COMMITTEE of WEST INDIA 'LANTERS and MERCHANTS is PO)STPO)NED to Wed- nesdaeytle 6th January; on whieh day it will be held in the Comamittee Ito~nto, 12 Oki Joscy, at Two o'clock precisely. CRAsrLES CAvE, Clsannan. LOSE O F HOLLIDAYS. tJ Now that the season of Annual Festivity is about to teminate, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TrI{EATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. i ,,TEENTUI NIGTIT OF THE GRAND CHRIST- g1,S PANTOMIME, with Illustrations by the cele- he-rted Artistes, the BOLENO FAMItLY. I Na Appeeranoo but On-e of the popular Irish Comedian, Mr. HUTDSON. ~-~N THIS EVENING (Saturday), January 0e lj'h. 1848, the entertainments will commence with the petite Comedy of THE SOL'DIER OF FORTUNE, Olt, THlE l RISH SETTLER. ,Captin ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATE ROYL, DULIN. MR. HUDSON JJ OS renpeotfully to announce that his ,SErEFIT and Last Appearance will take pace on THIlS EVENING (Monday), January 17, 1848, will ccash0vil e presented the popular Drama of vhO KING O'NEILL; OR, TlHE IRISH BRIGADE. C Ptb0 phaudrig O'Neill, by courtesy, King of Ulster, in H hich he will Sing The Boy's of the Irish Cnohulba, by Mademoiselle Adele. ?? be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABDEDEEN ASSEMBIRLXES. IlBE NEXT ASSEMBLY for the Season will take place 1 in the ASSEMBLY Rooms, on TLURSDA& the 3d ieb. rUary. The Subscribers' List will be found with Mr CIlSInOLM, at the Rooms; or with Mr WYLaIE, Union Street; and the Subscribers are requested to meet in the Rooms, on the 3d Febrnary, at Three o'clock afternoon, to name Stewards, and make arrangements for the evening. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ci -A ?? 'b M ANTED, cithorn C3LiLR N wvho could acdc-ccv ce iCL0 .11 ~otgag~cco a. Prc'-cttctcd Idcta', m'o iic'lccc'e, ?? -LI ?? ?? Lcd (d75 )LOL A 0111m ;,t0 ;L. Jac')' tedt. ?? thie ,- it vl.l.Occtt ; c, v,% rlc'flIc.A who ,uct LI PcLY £'T IcFort icc?. n, c o0 ~ra ~tcic'c rd ~~ ?? tctc 17ti;ct SIumT calLII o Mo'tcc'cc f c ic'cc.cefi -Ucce. cit-cc' IlcO ?? of ad £5je'Cci pt ctcca. ii sc ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... by S0 uggestions, arguments, and inquiries may be anony- Ala fInoue ; but facts and allegations must be authenticated to by name andi address;, for our own information, fly atto-Lnti.~ AnInhabitant saysz-. I bieg leave to direct I th totin Of VIke Proper. parties to the present state 01 the of road Ils Lodge-lone, from near thowster-worlas to the now pile ely Gf buildinga at the Prinoce's ...