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Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... Now IS THE 8EASON FOR TOP COATS. T HE remarkable change which has taken place In the seasons in this country Is not at all sufficiently estimated. A common remark Is, the year has turned- Spring will soon be here, and my old Top Coat will do. Now what Is the fiat, that the'cold weather bas really only commenced within the asut few days, and that o r. l want for warm Top Coats will be in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HAVE THE CHARITY TO ASSIST AT THE SERMON for the FEMALE P O. T CHIAL SCHOOLS of SAINT MARY' T. THOMAS'S and ST. GEORGE'S, to be Preao e in the Metropolitan Church, MARLBOROUGH ST E T, by theRev. J. MILEY, DD, on next (SEPTU E. SDIMA) SUNDAY, at Noon precisely, and dur the Pontifical High M3as. The Sisters of Charity attend during the School hours every day, and preside over the education of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE WST 8T O F EZ WNGL A N D W WOOLLEN HALL, bS, IG H.S T RE E T. ti ThlWargo Establishment is about eight minutes, @- t smoderate waking from the taek of Ireland, qud three or four from the Castle. The fare of a car to it rom any part of the City, tuoleding fifteen minute' delay and retninle is One Shilling. The STOCK is so EXTENSIVA, and the Articles Be GooD and CmuAA, that it will almost ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - TIIEATI{E ROYAL, DUBLIN. mcopliance with mnany applications the eminent foe sla Mies RAINFORTH, Mr. TRAVERS, and Mr- sTRfiTTOq, are reoengsged for Four Nights only, and OillP NE VS EVENING (Wednesday), February Q1tb, in the grand Opera of 0 6 THE BOHEMIAN GIRL. (The Music by Mr. B 1lfe, the Drama by Mr. Bann.) (nt Arahelm, Mr Stretton ; Thaddeus, Mr Traveras; Co tr Houghton; Devilahoof, Mr H ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL DUBLIN. Third Appearance of the celebrated BEDOUIN ARABS. 'IHS present FRIDAY, 25th February, 1848, ,, ?? be performed the Romantic Drama of the CASTLE SPECTRE. Earl oemond, Mlr H Cooke Earl Percy, Mr Raymond; I g ailnd Mlr Roberta; Father Phillip, Mr Barrett; V1jr1n. Dlr King; Alotley, Mr Srythsom ; Angela, Mrs trnon; Alice, Dira Garrick; Evelina, the Cahtle Spectre, f ?? Pas de ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mt)YAL NATItONAL REPEAL ASSOCIATION. HIE LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL AS- T SOCIATjION OF IRELAND will meet on TIHIS DA V, the 7tb February instaft, at OI1E o-Clook, at the CONCILIATION HALL, CORN.EXCHANGE ROOMS. t The principal door in front to the ground floor is free for ASSOCIATES enrolled within Twelve Months; they wiU occupy the floor of the Hall, the benches under tke end gallery, and also the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL DUBLIN. ?? of the celebrated BEVOUIN ARABS, e° vvill go through tbeir original ?? moat extraordi. Vhoperformance0 whicb'lave been receved gith pturoe applause in the Theatre Royal, Drureryane, and ic all the principal Theatrea in England. ,1,uIS present THURSDAY, 24th gdbruary, V 1848. the Performances will commence ?? the Co- aceay of WILD OATS. over, Mr H1 Bland; Sir Georgea ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -iTHIlEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Mit TRZAVERS AND AIR. STPETTON, EGC rcspc ftal!y to annotinco that their BENE- Frr auod La4s Apeararnce bit Three, will take place I- pE^VFNIN G ( rhursodi), 10th Febriary. 1848. OOTIrll oe r' 'oronieno with the Comic Opera of pbs pfa G UY MANNERING. ooel monneringr, MIr SPretton; Henry Bertram, Mr .o'° Dljc~m Simpson, Mr Barrett; Dandle Din. ii Corn Dirk 13atteraick ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -TUEIATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. toslively the last appearance but One of Miss gol TH Mr. TRAVERS, and Mr. STRV TTON. THIS EVENING (Saturday), February gtb the performances Will commence with an 0ljh Verson of Donriztti's G iand 9Serious Operjpf jlso LUCIA OF LAMM1ERMOOR.I grsvenswood, Mr Traverse; ColonelASsbtcn, dptretto; ucy Ashton. Mits RainfortbuNorman, r' Alice, Miss Fitzgerald. M'fer the Opera ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL DUBLIN. Hoeniol (Tuesday), there will be No Pcrforroaneo. 1'b1opROW (Wednesday), 23d February, I 0clebrated BEDOUIN ARABS, who are engaged nbw vights, will make their First Appesranes. and go f°t btbeir oriinal and most extraordinary Perform. ?? have been received with the most rapturous ooin D the Theatre Royal, Drury-lane, and in all the spPa' provinial Thetres in England. , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOYYAL NATIONAL REPEALS I LOYALa NATIONALi BEPEAL IT soCIATION OF IRtAND Will meet on MON. DAY.y the 28tb February instant, at ONE o'Clook. St the CONciLIATION HALLP, CORN.FXCHANGE ROODIS. g The principal door in front to the grouat b free for AssocIATEs enrolled within Twelve Xontlhk they will occupy the floor of the Ball, the bone the end gallery, hnd soi h ha o ie 0 °5 itself, to which they ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IAbYAL NATIONAl REPEALo ASSO#CIATIlON1. A IE LOYAL NATIONAL REP |AS 1 SOCIATION OF IRELAND will m 0e HIS DAY , the 21st February instsnt, at ONE o c at the CONCILIATION H LL, CORN-EXCHANGE ROOMS. g s Tho principal door in front to the ground floor is froe for AssociATEs enrolled within Twelve Months; they will occupy the floor of the Hall, the benches under the end yaflery, and also the ...