Advertisements & Notices

... , OYAL AM PIHIT RE ATR.E SQUE DE PARIS.-WIIk,4 CLoSE on TUXSDAY*Ht ..T~ilB EVEN0ING, iFrfday,l the 25th lotant. PARoT Pzs~x- Veltige5~Tlte iorSe Glvotte-_Ol, Dabill-,ocnaf Act-Two pUr cbindbl e9- haumatUrt'lO 8 Inr- 5 Courie-Mantle' pooe58-Tatde Leap-Equestrtael Amnements of the Middle gres. ~ART SECOND.-Manola..Fque tilde Feats on s. Bare- i~sey~d Steed-England, IreIand. a~d.6Eootbod ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i ADVERx SRtMS IT.]r. THE LIVERPOuL HIDE AND SKINMA&KhT ASSOCIATION. To the EDI TORS Of tCe LI VERPOOL MERtCURT. GBNTLRkCN,-Iu the Aercuru of the I1th intant, there ap- pears a eondensed report of the proceedings at the late meeting of the above association. The report. whioh is substantially correot, so farce it lgoestoahe tbat the removal of the market wao stoutly opposed by Mr Banks and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Now IS THE 8EASON FOR TOP COATS. T HE remarkable change which has taken place In the seasons in this country Is not at all sufficiently estimated. A common remark Is, the year has turned- Spring will soon be here, and my old Top Coat will do. Now what Is the fiat, that the'cold weather bas really only commenced within the asut few days, and that o r. l want for warm Top Coats will be in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HAVE THE CHARITY TO ASSIST AT THE SERMON for the FEMALE P O. T CHIAL SCHOOLS of SAINT MARY' T. THOMAS'S and ST. GEORGE'S, to be Preao e in the Metropolitan Church, MARLBOROUGH ST E T, by theRev. J. MILEY, DD, on next (SEPTU E. SDIMA) SUNDAY, at Noon precisely, and dur the Pontifical High M3as. The Sisters of Charity attend during the School hours every day, and preside over the education of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TESTIMONIAL TO MDi. BANNERMAN. THE COMMITTEE lately formed for the purpose of get- tinyt up a TESTIMiONIAL to Mr BANNERMIAN for his long and faithful services as Representative of his native City, have the satisfaction of announcing that they have made such progress as ivill enable them forthwvith to bring the mat- ter to a conclusion. Being anxious, however, that no Friend of r Bannerman's, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOUTHSEA WINTER ASSExBLIES. 1847.48. UNDER THE PATRONAGE OW Major-Gen. Lord Frederick Fitzclarence,, and Lady Augusta Fitzclarence Admiral Sir Charles Ogle, Bart. :. Admiral Prescott Lord George Lennox and Lady George Lennox Sir John Illorris, Bt., and the Hon. Lady Morris Mlajor-General Jones and Mrs. Jones Ye Colonel Aslett, nor. St, Captain Chads, R Kr., and Mrs. Chads. of STEWARDS: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E~ NGLISH AND SC~OTTISH A L I FE A S SU1RA N CE I e,-AN) LOAN- ASO IATIO.N.- d (lnr'r44& 46 GooocrtE SQU %nt. to r (tisrei_120 RNE STRtEET. je ?? PLACE. of 3KINDG Wit.Ltast S'rassr. of t~rx~tine ldi.~cocI~s~oCAPITAtL ONEilrraea. TIlIE JIUSINESS OF TIlSl, OFFICE E'MBRACESjn Io- )nsEtf. NorHi CitTiNGENT UPO Lors, sro'1~RCns'it, 'NAVAL., OR MINLITARS', A'T IHOM5E oft m o ?? S7s'rMo or LOAN (IoN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF FURNITURE. MR BR0UGH WILL SELL BY AUCTION, At the Academy of Arts, Illackett Street, on Wednes- day, 9th of February, at Eleven ?? in the Fore- VfHE HIOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, and . EFFECTS, of a Gentleman declining eousekeep-. ing. oomprising Mahogany Telescope Dining Table; Si eboard, Loo and Card Tables; Mahogany ;ofa and Chairs, in Hair Seating; MAOG&NAT WiN GED Boon- 0ssa5 Fenders and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mr. S to TO 3 ;SOLD, able BY PItTVATE CONTRACT, IS- No. 1, ERW FAIR TERRACQ roke Garth Road, B3angor. ,art- ents HE above desirable RESIDENCE, Consist dlec- T ing of Upper and Lower Kitchens; Front and Back Parlours ; Drawing Room; Best and aurg Back Bedrooms ; and Two excellent Upper Bed 9Rooms. are col- Attached is a good Garden, Yard, and out ined offices, and a never-fitling supply of pure ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAUTION TO, ADVERTISERS. -- C The proprietors resixectfully inform their. t awmerous advel tising friends and subscribers b that the LIv ERPOOL MMaatcuity has still by far tht largest Circulatien of any paper in Liver- 6 pool, And is stsadily increasing. They, there fore, direct continued attention to that fact, as 0 miany erroneous statements of the circulation ' .of the Liverpool papers have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ore BRADING NATIONAL SCHOOLS. T~d. BP E great evils resulting from the principles m T onwhichheBRADING NATIONAL les SUHOOLS are ai present CONDUCTED, loudly id, call for redress- nd We, the undersigned HCTiSExOLBEits of the Town er of Brading, at length roused to a sense of our duty, are ed determined to use our utmost endeavours to place 13 things irz a better position. We wish to see our ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I to ?? & Corep0onttn Ad ?? ?? ?? . ?? ,, - a MMICEXLLAXEOUS. o 4 No* that Parliarmeat has avsembled we must, ;o acsa general rule, exclude lengthy communieationes. ? unless reports ?? ?? of' Vrey important te meetings. Reporters, writers of letters,andChar. it tibt and Land sub-secretarieas wsilf therefore, oblige te by miaking.theit communfoatiofs as bref as pos. . sible. We shall be glad ii ...