Advertisements & Notices

... GENERAL FREIGHT AND OUTFIT INSURANCE. North Shields, 2nd February, 1848, (Offiee, Library.) rHE Annual General MEETING of the I Members of this Insurance is intended to be held on Monday, the l4th Day of February instant, at 12 o'Clock, at the Commercial Hotel, to fix the Rules, &o. for the etsuing Policy. JOSEPH BULMER, Secretary. STAR CARGO & FREIGHT INSURANCE ASSOCIATION. T HE Annual ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ti LO NT 1O0USE FARM, ; r tJ BLUNIDEN and ROLFE sil irtructions to OFFER by PUBLIC 1lON . T; udrv, the 15th day of February, 1848, , ~l c (sk ;r rletually; All. THiUl IriotyH VAI.1ADlIA a\1'NID IJEAD STOCK,. iis X. n i:u tT'E1'TR4I4, . t c;l\eI1ES, HORSiMS, HARNESS,.&e., OY T11 J.LATE 0 i-`50t- AUG09TUS DAWSOX; COWPBISXINQ -Iuai Oi I r'iful Bay C'art Horses, ?? r . v -old By Cart Filly, to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -W1rDR0PATHfY.-M1UHLBAD, Boppard on JUthe Rhine. This estabalishmenit, recentlyr lanilt ill one of the noast lie~thy aind beautiful stitaations on the 11hine, is now OPEN for tile reception of patients, nnder thle tare of Dr. Herbert Mayo, for- inferly of 3tiodcegex Hoapital, London.-Appsly either to Dr. Mayo directly, or to Messrs. Reatehaw,fimedicail pubisthers, 356. Stiranrd. hPENCEW6' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I) EB [LITN' fidi IM'IPU iSSAN', N E i-oooe , trealpedi, iiit ?? Cro Mani ' it,uI ?? ,aI 1utoll I tre It4)I', -tt, ll iI I Irol)no,,. eI ?? aro. WI.I.. L. 1 I N a II F Il ad Ii 14l)i m I 1)4 iho L',4 4)1 dkj.0.- I lan''40. P.i 'III S Dmil'n,'ou h lmpl i 'tIl i I Fn A laroil, 114 N~i~sonI?-.a1 v-ka444,1 soldals'A 4)I'v1,11~;lol. Dll,hyno i,o' ICahvr:LI)rQv,'i)il11, hrrwl Ilor j.1,10, ?? 1!1r fl ...


... BRIDGE. Extensive Sale of BEEcH rsMsER, with their Lop ie and Top, now standing on the above Manor. a J11ObeS)ODbyAUCTlONby~lr.A.FLE;TCflER, t n at the Crown Inn, Kingeomborne, on Wednesday, rthe 15th day of IMarch, 1848, at two 'clock in the after. e ?? of 810 large-sizel BEECH TREES, l Ir now stanting in the Manor of Ashley.l . Full particulars of the sene will appear its next week'sd C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1TEW ORG-AN.--S-ALEM CHAPEL,I N ~~~BRADFORD. This noblef Instrumtent. built by Messrs. HOLT, 6f lhcllfilax, will be opened 'by DR. GAUNTLI4TT, of London, on FTscidai' ilforniny' FbOar. noeMsY-Riflhl, 1845. at Eleven O'Clock, wilth a Gfrand Selection1 Of S. DM From tho WorkS Of liandel, Hayca, Sebastian Blach, Sphor, 1ltendellsaoln, c. &c. On TusicDAY EVEISNGN, at Seven, Olocl, there -will be ...


... ,1TORIO, M i, EllUSkLEM.`-The Directors ofthablAYCHl29TER IECHANICS' INSTITUTION beg to announce tliat~sh- Gloversl New Sacred Oratorio will be FIRST PUBLICLY PERiFO.IMED - ,o, Saturday evening next, February 12th. Admission: Members, is.; to the gallery, MiL: Non-nmembers,2s,.; to the gallery, Is. Books of the wcords, id. each, may now be had. s Nto miosey ivill bie taken fes' admslssion on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ThfECHAKICS' INSTITIJ TION LECTURIES- .Ii.O Friday evening nextjF ANTUEL TURNBUiLL, Esq. Ml elive~r a LECTURE on_ Sfeamn Boiler Explosions,' Mt Members, free; non-membVfs, Is.; gallery, Oa.-By order of I, the Directors, ftc DANIEL STONE, Jun. Managing Director. uip UTON CONCE1{TS. ~ Feb. 1, HENRY RUSSELL - Ea~ wll iv on o hi Oleh~ NTRTAINMIENTS. Nsunere sea tiketssss~~awliesecured - members, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | iiEAThE ROYAL DUBLIN. arprnce of the celebrated BEDOUIN ARABS. present TUESDAY, 29th February, p, foill b m perf ed the Tragedy of JANE SHORE. Lord 11stinge Mr Calcraft; Duke of Glo'ster, Mr DuPS mont, Mr H1 Cooke; Jane Shore, Mrs Ter an. Sitg; The Valse Silesian by Madomoiselle Adele. After which the I BEDOUINARABS tbrough their Wonderful Peformances, lob will bfel ° the representation of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S - s lb- t¢ Watt ¢ j#ffattlttf v S. lon 13 E-Vletory, for Bombay, 29th Dec. In lat 6 , ton 22 Irsi W-Eliza Bowen, from Pernawmbuea fos thtH port, 15th ult, In ffi r oi lat 42 N. lon 86 VV-Elizabeth Arrwicr, from Calcutta for this or- port, off Ceylon, wlth captaiu and oh le'-m ilte dek-#:iun6a, from the thc Cape of Good Elopo for Post Adolaide, 6'h Nov. In lat S9 f3, , ille ton 84 EAGemini, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL DUBLIN. ?? of the celebrated BEVOUIN ARABS, e° vvill go through tbeir original ?? moat extraordi. Vhoperformance0 whicb'lave been receved gith pturoe applause in the Theatre Royal, Drureryane, and ic all the principal Theatrea in England. ,1,uIS present THURSDAY, 24th gdbruary, V 1848. the Performances will commence ?? the Co- aceay of WILD OATS. over, Mr H1 Bland; Sir Georgea ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -iTHIlEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Mit TRZAVERS AND AIR. STPETTON, EGC rcspc ftal!y to annotinco that their BENE- Frr auod La4s Apeararnce bit Three, will take place I- pE^VFNIN G ( rhursodi), 10th Febriary. 1848. OOTIrll oe r' 'oronieno with the Comic Opera of pbs pfa G UY MANNERING. ooel monneringr, MIr SPretton; Henry Bertram, Mr .o'° Dljc~m Simpson, Mr Barrett; Dandle Din. ii Corn Dirk 13atteraick ...