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Advertisements & Notices

... LAnb Ezi''iONALREPEAL r IrE LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL AS- SOCIALT'ION OF IRELAND will meet on THIS DAY, the 20tb March instant, at ONE o'Clook, at the CONCILIATION HALL, CORN-EXCHANGE ROOMS. ' The principal door in front to the ground floor is free for ASSOCIATES onrolled within Twe1IV oats they will occupy the floor of the Hall, the be the erd gallery, and al&O the ben'chee of thed a' iiselt; to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 322 AWMltCAN MLOUR, ) If Superfine Quality, for Sale by I- LANGTRYS & iIERDMAN. ULSTER BANKING COMPANY. HIIE llalf-yearly Dividend on the Stock of t1ls fompany 1 due the 1st inst., will be paiul at th'e Bank ansdlanchcs, on and after the 15th inst. (Signed by order,) ROBERT JAMES TEYONENT, Chairman of Committee. Ulster Bank, Belfast, 1st Alarch, 1848. 332 TUITION. G T L E M A N, who has had ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAJARE ROYAL, DUBLIN. This ?? (Friday) there vwll be no performance. ALLEN begs respectfully to announce that his, NFiI T nod T ast eppearance Will take place TO. now (Saturday), April lot, 184S. 0 peran0e of Mis JULIA 3ARtLAND and M r. Last Dpp HENRY PERCY. i. AlORROW EVENING. (Saturday), April let, 1848, tbo porfortnamoeeafill jopinmace with au ?? v ersion of DoniredsI Grand Opera of s~ i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V ?? ?? ~THETRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. led VocalistS, Mr. ALLEN. and his distin- t pupil, Miss JULIA HARLAND are engaged 1* f1w ighte and will make their Fifth Appearance. oa APPc0: of Mr. HENRY PERCY, Bseso Can- Ilg PfAPr the Nobility's Concerts in London. H EVENING (Thursday), 16th March, 184, wgill be Performed an English Version of Donl. Grn DOpear-Serla odlled r0 #TIJE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * EThETE ROYAL., DUBLIN. Ie cbroeb Voonlisttg. Mr. ALLEN. and his distia. Te p apil Miss JULIA HARLAND, are engaged fewr ights, -and will make their Eighth Appesrtioe.: d sppearattne of MMr. HENRY, PERCY. Basso BoW.t~nts- frrrlthe Nobility's Concerts in London. ,`IS EVENING, (Tuesday), 21st Mareb, ' 1848 will be performed an *Enealbh Version of Do. nijettl's Grand Opera Seria called thb. TRE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L['AL NATIONAL REPEAL ASSOCIATION. .IE LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL AS. t J\SOCIATION OF IRELAND will meet on THIS a DAX 4 the 27th March instant, at ONE oClook, at the CONCILIATION HALL, CORN-EXCHANGE ROOMS. 1 The prineipal door in front to the ground floor is freo for AsaOCIATTs enrolled within Twelve Mouths; they will occupy the floor of the Hall, the benches under the end gallery, Lnd also the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Onl Sale, G00 Qrs. Spring Hamburg VETCHES; 250 Ilhd&. Dutch F7LAXSEhD-masks, R. T.6 S., B.3/ 30 Bags FIlenish Red CLOVERSEED; 30 Bags ?? blo. do.; 12 Sacks Do. White do. Apply to JOHN HUNTER, JuN., & CO. 42, Waring Street, Belfast, 27th March, 1848. 455 VERY FINE OLD COGNAC BRANDY, (Vintagc, 1845.-Duty paid, this day, 20s. per galjng, AT I g J. 1'KENNI'S, 39, ACADEMY-STREET, BELFAST. A rresh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORTRAIT OF H. COOKE, LL. \yE beg leave to inform the Frieinds alnd Ad r of Dr. r V COOKTsE, that vveare preparing for ptigL lif' New PORTIRAIT of him, from that admireale Lil s Ied 1JV Mr. Iloom-rt, declared, lv the Doctor's Iam V, to elc the o;ilv faitifiil onc vet exceutedl. he P iss at exlhibiting at our cstalbishlueut, where it wvill ivalin fir Some tinic previous to its bhinug placed in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .8THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Thl'ENVTENING (Friday) tbere s*ll he no Perfvrmoance. Tb colebroted Vocalists, Mr.-ALLEEN, and his distin- gbuihed Pupil, Mias JULIA HlARLAND, are engaged for a few nights, and will make'tteir Sixth Appearance. 5econd Appearance of Mr. HENRY PERCY, BSaSo Can. tents, from the Nobility's Concerte in London. rf o.MORROW EVENING (Saturday), 18th March, 1848, will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF PAINTINGS. -IX PAINTINGS, hy Oth la ?? Bel Sale, in 350 Shares, at 7s. Od. each, on SAT UIJ1A le 22d April, at TWO o'clock, P.m., in thle MIUSIC.FIALIL, under the threction of a Committee of Subscribers. Tickets on Sale at the Music.llall (where tile Paintings will be oni view each dlay from Twelve till Four o'clock) and Priulsellers' Shops. 483 FOR A VERY ShIORT TINIE, THE PARISIAN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CLOVERSEED &e TONS New American, Dutch, Fbiissnd White 15t} CLOVERSEED, VETCHES, GRAS SEEDSTUl- NIP SEEDS, adi a general assortnieiit of NEWVGARDEN SEEDS, best quality, for SALE at 34, NORTII STREET. SAMUEL MH'CAUSLAND. Ichaboc GUANO of thefinest quality. March, 1848. 367 CLOI'ERSEED, VETJIIES, &c. GEORGE ASH OFFERS FOR SAL L) G0 'Tierces Nets lmerican CL01'ERSEE2 245 Bays English and Dutchl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _T7ijqtF, IIOYAL, DUBLIN. FiVo its r. ALI.LN, eni his dietn ?? ,pil, J j f, UII A,- rl ARLA ND, w ill D mako ,*~py ?? Cintpatr, from the Nobi ~ et I Lodiwill al,o isopear. EVLNL ~ (atnrev), 235' March, ~ ~lSwil beprodaced en Enolih version of Bel. .2el4St, Opll bein Thy's~ Actsq, of I PTJRITANI: ?? CAVAI tO It S AND PrURITANS. (fr~niil41itt0lan tirratld o fr~iI oe this l'hsiOre.) L~ri tih~t ...