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Advertisements & Notices

... ty a- e TATIONAL AND LOCAL TAXATION- au N9the Property and Applilatlon Of Labour, Lawe of Battle. ic ment, withina tuiulite Af ai kr-iperty-tsx, in ifeu of Twenty-t.o beif ,t Mlillions of Taxes. which press unt'udlya en various ,laseof Ge tehe cotunmutiin-t a L.-ttero t]RICHOARD COBDENS. REq., M.P. r klubishv at i1, leet 't reet.. ln,oin. lejust. tuolitied. price 2s., gRI 1 OPEi FOR THE CANALS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONFIDENTIAL ADVICE IN CASES OF DBBILITY, NERVOUSNESS AND ALL DISORDERS ARISING F'ROMI EXCESS, ft. ESTABDLIBHEDfeo the lost BIXTREN YEARS P ROPESSOR SWEDOUR'S HYGOIAX R HERB PILLS1, do.-The aelobrated CORDIL BALX OP MECCA. Vs' With each bux of Professor Swedour's Hygefan Herb Pile, price 2, 9d. and 4s. 6d. per box is given extracts from the Secret Adviser. containing observat and. hints of ...


... MISREPRESENTATION OF MANClIESTErB. We lately animadverted upon the imwortbyposition in which Manchester was placed by Mr. M ILNEiGiB- SON'S connection with the Whig Government. Within the last few days matters have become considerably worse. The misrepresentation of Manchester is now complete. Mr. GIBSON moves on not only steadily, but with an increasinglydescendingtendency. Vires acquiret ...


... THE EXAMINER. MAANCIHESTE R, SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1848. F R ANC E AND E UR O PE. _ _ _ _ _ 0 1 Now that the first, act of' the French Revolution is en( fairly over, and its effects on other countrie ar E- , coming manifest, thc speculator may adldress himself, La without being charged with audacity, to thle pres sing Ptm and important question :- Are we onl the verge of a inn tre general E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Y ORlKSHIRE: FIRE AND LIFE INSUI4ANCE COWIPANY. .Eerassissas%.8l4. . RS a h4UTIES $aving 4nalh PPIlCies faIlnig due L:,on theXt~h olf M1i4i't, are th~ccpctfogly intorniad trit they shiud rcnsP Iho i noWlthila lifL5ef}n Dr~t fromn that date. AQENTS. LATHAMi HANMHR, 6Tun I, Dale-stleet. -- - 01IN ATKINSON. lf5e North Johns trset. NEATHAXLIITHEIILAND,12 ' (' tGl' GitOOM, '~42,Lord~street. MARK ...


... THE EXAMINER. MAN CHE TE TR, SATURDAY, MARCH-l 11, 1848. THE FRENCIR REVOLUTION. ty Twcn~ty days havC scarcely, clapsed since a revolu- ent ly tionary mnob drove LOUIS PHIIPPE~ from his throne; ]host yet, already, law enrd order reign again supremenin nest Franl.Ce ; and nowhere hias any destructive co1uVUlSioj ' inl or conflagration, anatrchic or~ alarming, iiitrforherd to conl I md atr the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SATURDAY EVENING CONCERTS, T CO(,TalRTlIIALL, LORD NELSON-STREET. TOMORROW EVENING, (54ATURDA Y,) the 18th instant, Mr. HENRY RUSSELL will give his popular VOCAL EN. TERTAINMENT6. Iody 3d.; Gallery. WGd *t fierved Soats, Is. To commence Atrjht P oilc- 'he CONCh.RT-IiALL TO be LEt' for CI)NERTS. MEEIINGS, &C. Apply to Mr. CALDERWOOD Secretary. at the TlI.ll CONCFRT-IALL, LORD NELSON-STREET. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H~IS EVEN.JG~q-The NF NT HIARPISTS, REBEC iS.,118 and, w11ill give a OONCEIIT THIS EVEFN ING, at the F, ADE HALL. Rosaved eat , 2s ;gs ,.; psr~menadle, GId. N)ISRBCAIA.~ BENEFIT CON- *~~j CERTwillhe ivenin te E, TRAI)E HALL, Oil I~onay eenig net, he 0h int.~M~m nceat. eight O'clock. 4ECHAN ICS' INSTITUTrlON CONCERTS.- * VJ THIS SAT1URDA~Y EVI]NING. The celebrated Mirs. WOOD, fo rly Miss Paton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS EVENING.T VREE-TRAD:E HAICNCERTS-The F' Celebrateil NEW TRLENS S1E18ENADEIIS will, tppe THIS EVENING, at the Fre -TtaeHladas nMna and Tuesday next; to commence at eight o'clock. Promnenade, sixpence; gallery, is.; reserved seats, 2s.T MECHANIC' INS11TUTIION CONCERTS.- A MTHI SATRDAYEVENING, THE INFAN ALIPISTS, !IL Mr. GEtH A~ DTAYLOR. Piano Forte Mr. D. W. BANKS. - ...


... TIE NATONAL ASSEMBLY OF THE FRE We do not blame those who look forward with grave apprehension to the issue of the vast demo- cratic experiment, upon which, in the course of next month, one of the greatest nations of the European Continent will definitely enter. Such appre- hensions do not necessarily indicate aversion or indifference to the cause of human progress. They are quite compatible ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aa f s uggeatiolis, argumente, and inquiries may lie itionytt3 Etal nious ;but facto and allegatitona must be authentcicaited to I e by name aind address, for our own inicormatioa. L;seters cho t Oilbu.utmise, or intended for tho edior:e, Should b - any individual, tile NZ TIONAL CONPLDEIArTEO.- P. F. . as per laps ha oInefat in tinecase. Individual members may hav pecitliar ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COTCH CHURCHT, ST. PETER'S SQUARE. K) IT conselilence of' thle unexpectedly hostile decision of the Vice.Chtincellor, Sir J. L. Knight Bruce, against the Mi nister, Office-bearers, andI Congregation. PUBLIC WORSHIP %rill talke Ilac on Sabbath first (OMt~.Will thle MECHANICS' fNeTITUTION, inl Cooper stroet~r the usual hones Of ltaildftaet ten antd three o'cloclc. 7r The Rev. ALEXANDEWr MUNRO ...