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Advertisements & Notices

... ier irn MrrQreiW ey~ l( ,la, . '. uggestions, argumnents, and inquiries may be nanny- ,S's mous but facts and allegations must be authenticated So by name and address, for our owa information. I IC, oxmss ACTCS '~DTAxes.-W, agree with One of the of DIddled, that th~eNinhabitants'of Toxteth outht to meet to th' to Petition for some nearer place of appeal egainat vexatious Fur- I- charges ...


... THE EXAMINER. MAN CHE TE TR, SATURDAY, MARCH-l 11, 1848. THE FRENCIR REVOLUTION. ty Twcn~ty days havC scarcely, clapsed since a revolu- ent ly tionary mnob drove LOUIS PHIIPPE~ from his throne; ]host yet, already, law enrd order reign again supremenin nest Franl.Ce ; and nowhere hias any destructive co1uVUlSioj ' inl or conflagration, anatrchic or~ alarming, iiitrforherd to conl I md atr the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ftlt - $tufne~tnt. J SATURDAY EVENING CONCERTS, I t7C)NCIRMT-ffALL, LORD NELSON-STREET. TO.MORRO wEPENIeJ, (SA TURDA J f)it. let APRIL, Mis LUIS VNNNG.knwn s heINPAN 1 SAPPIIO willgivean NTERAINMINT on lhic occasion she will kitedue To o he faourte WED~h ~tODII.S, as eSung yin-t. VINNING. Pituo.forte-M.lis- . VINNING. Bod, 3.;Sid Glley.6(1 Rs~redSeats. is. A few Steatt on the Platfo~rm, OS9 6 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... moca; but fatcts and SIle~gations must be authenticated by name and address, tor our own informaitica, rTiissSAnavoav Biu.-IJ. V.B., Brtstol, has our thanks. we 1-fear the central control of a local Jlittageeniet will lead to le moset costly operations. The tract is p1(a0ed under the notice Beef, P of the Liverpool Suardian Socitety. whose membacers will Proffr Mutttofl severely from any ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANN JA L BSA L O F C ARH ITAGTS AT LUIJA6OS - REPOSITORY, LIVERPOOL, NOTICE.-All CARRIAGES intended for this Va SAEm st ePnt to the Repository on or before Satur. day, the Ist day of April next. Mesis, LCASaridC% ouldfeeobltlged by al arties 1 wbom It will suit as well, to send them ~n Tliurs~day next. 'V VlibS AJ~AXIAUE_, &o. as BY MESSRS. LUUAS & CO.. To morrow. (Saturday,) the 25th instant, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAIEDONIA FOR HALIFAX AND BOSTON, * ENGAGED (IlODS wtli ho received *in Monday nex t e 613 h l Tueosi.yj Uto 7 La, andi un~ti1 nix Wutlitck Oa the ev 0 ug of Ie44 ,g 7#csdaY. the 8 a5 lDttt B~ICTiSfi AND NORTH Al~MRtCAN ROYAL of MAIL STEAM SHIPS, boa Appointed¶o ade~miraltY tosnit b-,wwz, Ste T LIVERPOOL and BOSTON, Cal And between Per LIVERPOOL and VEW YORK, fa p. Iso a' II itFAX to Land ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H~IS EVEN.JG~q-The NF NT HIARPISTS, REBEC iS.,118 and, w11ill give a OONCEIIT THIS EVEFN ING, at the F, ADE HALL. Rosaved eat , 2s ;gs ,.; psr~menadle, GId. N)ISRBCAIA.~ BENEFIT CON- *~~j CERTwillhe ivenin te E, TRAI)E HALL, Oil I~onay eenig net, he 0h int.~M~m nceat. eight O'clock. 4ECHAN ICS' INSTITUTrlON CONCERTS.- * VJ THIS SAT1URDA~Y EVI]NING. The celebrated Mirs. WOOD, fo rly Miss Paton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS EVENING.T VREE-TRAD:E HAICNCERTS-The F' Celebrateil NEW TRLENS S1E18ENADEIIS will, tppe THIS EVENING, at the Fre -TtaeHladas nMna and Tuesday next; to commence at eight o'clock. Promnenade, sixpence; gallery, is.; reserved seats, 2s.T MECHANIC' INS11TUTIION CONCERTS.- A MTHI SATRDAYEVENING, THE INFAN ALIPISTS, !IL Mr. GEtH A~ DTAYLOR. Piano Forte Mr. D. W. BANKS. - ...


... TIE NATONAL ASSEMBLY OF THE FRE We do not blame those who look forward with grave apprehension to the issue of the vast demo- cratic experiment, upon which, in the course of next month, one of the greatest nations of the European Continent will definitely enter. Such appre- hensions do not necessarily indicate aversion or indifference to the cause of human progress. They are quite compatible ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n, ugsios ruent, and inqsRie may tie RIny mous;h bu fcs and aleaiosms Weateniae d by nante and address, for our own informto.Ltes e onbuis, or intended for the editr, ihud-be Of doO addessd t the firmt, or to the editors, Bad not to any Roug ~' individual. the ai le LOAte SocriTris -it strikes us, from the numerous eompslant tions. e ehaersccig the disgraceful sand illegal proeeediags ef lon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4ate bin RUCtOi.0, i AVANCLD.-FROAM Xi to Eillie1 Uat allme$l3 ieady to be .dvraneed ens nrniliture, elate, 1,itr9,Vatuable.r Cliilha. Carllage~, GiRS, Van,. Cart,, panigFarnaind4 and Working ImpIl-slav a. Horses;, 4Cows, ever ethr decripion 1 i hivsb Effects; Stock.- ~e ad Me~bSdiSOt e~llyile5ipton, intended f'ir sale Exeatii5 fr Dbtsveratts for Rent, and ~erootbr pO~s ofLawpai of io paties ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *,Sggsins, argumente, and inquiries way be anonly- th moe;but fesand aleations maunt be authenticated oteh by name and address, for our own information. ;641 1 THE ONLeY NEWSPAPER, &o.-'IA Speoial Pleader. Very the T good. The dis4linotion will be perfect~lybod/le OU cs~en T a ccntemporary will do isell to proclaim his p'por as the only Ing e non published In the Crescent which can be read ...