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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... pEVOIJJTION lIN PARIeS. A srtv cation. Of, Louis fhiltlps,. the. fat Of 0015ot,,andth trlumpil~ of the p'opubir Cau9e -Iy a-PAREUTE 1. I'Thi, Sixpeieb. N05RTURBMNSTAS6Ies .5.GL street, Lonadonl; Waton Paerosora ;lev0.5O lane;. Berger;,'HOlyWl.tet aOerAlis- 2In wood ;. and-l ~bo ?? nd. ContyTo 0 whom all orders shoul 4elns~tl et .Th ?? 5~. 'Th4 PORTRAIT a1 EPGSOCNORQ .. S h fl )ARTIV' nferal hs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... al T E MISSES GREAVES beg, to acquaint their T F~riends and the Purblic that the Ijties ot their Estab- tishmnt, or te enuingQuarer, ommece on .Mokiado, I/ic They lso ake his pportrsit of nforing their Friends w, that hey hve no any ntonton ?? discontinuieg A Yf UDDERSFIELD COLLEGE.-The Spring ~ A-LJ. Quarter wilt commence) oen Mondav, the Tiventy-seeventh instaest, T1tOMAS PITT, Ilonorayy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V iEPATENT OFFICE, 89, CHIANCIrny LJANE TIpeubruary, I11149-Inlvei1tlt' and ?? are desired to tilko INOTtCid, that oil APitlCAUtt1i by Letter, enclosing Two stlarnlis, at Paploru let will to forwarded glving Information Oi ?? lolajotsty's Letters Paled-. ?? Patents. &c., Nvith tule Chiarges Ste. ellc Office, 1%ancholester, 17, Cross-Street, ?? T1. T. Ilrownei.) Lettuts are to be addressed to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to a~r0 sorrwponbents. xMreO5L.hlIot75, o our ver lengthoy blstorg ef the French Revolution ass9 necessarily compeils the exclusion of a great number of communIcations. )f Fowz, Banbury.-Your notice woulidbe charged as an adverttsement. Ur W. PRIoR, Jergey.-We are not aware of any plans snd elevations being Issued. ?? - UNsrITD Iro lsns ?? tbe Edditorbas not received tbe NoTrnas13 STilB; It ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oil ?'.'Ursrdaii tlhc Mst'i adet. ait tire Ilncasna' OFeicR, la IjjilAiLLSTRiUT. MiS BMaes PORT1 PRIILIL' NNOOL. lex, P~ihagoorl$.) 2o B,,s tiloo eked fdEIllRNO B.- Arre's. 15(1 Balca~-N I S BN4A IL~ld Othe~r law NWool`. ;7 ApWlY to IIUCIIANAN, BRtOWNE, and CO., IIIokers. Cal Ilari'ioita te 71'hirlhilh ialat thre Bnoraisaa' U ra,w, 33l, ?? TIUMOT, ito Blales ?? Q\A1N. BEO A~S(n~ulu liNTt~Itt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NON PiUJtLISHIII . TII POLITICAL WORKS OF THOMAS PAINE. T.K Comapiete in one thiek volume, price Ds, In which ?? e .und. several pieces ?? before published in E ngland and an afpsndiz, contastning the Trial if IMaiae i,e, with a portrait of the author. Just Published, In Penny rumbers and Fonrpennyf parts, VOLTAlRE'S PHILOSOPHIOAL DIOTIONARY. Say be had, complete, in two vol-Amae, handsomely ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CL2 tr Proprietor of theme Pitit a leal snan Th brthe ofa patient of hi'a n these pillS ate 1tceyfpoar t Ihe atintscisplant was a nervous one ab taa a ~terlYimpo~ibl~ brany one to be in a wrecniit ~,auhe ws asacuar power Weat Ils oti oetr and ie egs airy toterd nuer im.He leaii a box Ofa the i,15pre~redandriel sfndt ere all , but nairaca- ft bets nt onlydid te ner5~nes5leave him, but t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gltlitr-poo O l i ,a Thrd'a5'. ?? 11.t. 1eV PUB LIC AtYCI'ION, at the llrokers (11110,' TSo'iL-SllEa iI fAtLES COLONIAL WOO0L.AY A &. 5jo I3ALLS' lT'UR , EGYPTIAN, SMIYRIA,6YRIA, &C. Apply to WV. GIlAME & Co., WVool Brokers. COn 'tnl a'S(Eay, I/aC 'e/iiie jestl., Iat the l~noicus Ollxiicr, 33, DA LHi-STAitINT, 1110 B-ales AUJSTB`AICIN. ENTIIEt, II ?? 1311itNOS An'ErS 0inult1ing conlL slpel)l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [AD 'VERTlSEM EN T.] TO TilE MERCHANTS, MANUFACTURERS, T11E EXPORTERS AND IEXPORTERS OF lIERE CHlANDISE AND PRODUCE INTO THE WEST- RIDING OF YORKSHIRE. GrNTI.I-lKcFN,-By the report made to the recent meeting of tihe Leeds aeid Tairsic Ratilway Comspany, you oro informed tbat their line will be opened for your use at no very distant period; such being the case, I would solicit your notice of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MM)ICAL.TO BE DISPOSED OF, for un- 'Year excareptionablo neasons. a general PRACTICE, many er tblislishd. fin a most thrivlIl1 Mai1sufaeictning TOlWn,an ?? full Initrodiictionl. Apply, i'ootpatid, to if 04, Mercury- Office, Leeds. It ferellces required. ?? ?? c ACONFECTjIONERY BUSINESS TO B e A~DISP'OSltD OF, wvith immediate Foseession. The Party y is retiring froin Business. Apply to M~r. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON SECRATION 'OFST. JOIN T~E C .BAPTIST'S CMIJItCli, IIAILDONi. W' Aoe ?? be onsecrated by thle LORD BISHOlP, Tie ?? Vhtrh wll ben~~ in thle Forenoon. on . whichI occait~on the Veneralble tlARIDAON OF CRAVENII %will thse AltOrnlo f at Three o 'Clock, the Ilev. A. FAWKIES, AL.A, Retro LoatbieF, and Rnral Dean of the plotrict, will Preactr an in the Evening At Six, the Rev. JOSSHUA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... XU, vne fADVERTIMSEIENT.] Df THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. ANNUAL REPORT, 1848. )a The Twenty-second Annual General Meeting of this. e- Company took pleace on Tuesday, the 11th of February, within to the Company's Oi ce, No. 3, George-street, Edinburgh; GEORGE MOIR, Esq., Advocate, in the Chair. ?? eportand statements submitted by the Directors, con. ilt'utioin during the year 10417. It ...