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Advertisements & Notices

... le IFREE EMIGRtATION TO THE AUSTRALIAN Lg COLVAIIES AND THcE CAVE OF' GOOD HOPE. 'aT ER H Il.2jesty's Colonial Land and Emigration it 1 Comsieners having appointed the undersigned it IhtPicia gns in the Southern Counties3of Eng. ~y ?? oreeiigaplifcations from or on behalf of tiros t E3MIGRATE and the ero fra FREE SAG 3,to Sydney, Port Phillip, Adelaide, or the Cape of Good t, Hope; full ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STAR ASS2BLTY ROoM, OXrORD. N MONDAY EVENING NEXT, Alr. BlIRNIE's 1) LECTU1RE on SRHIYLOCK. OXFORD SAVINGS BANiK. Special Gencral Meeting of the Trustees and Maima- A gere will be holden ?? Friday iiext the 10tb day of Mareb, At ne o'c1, fir the purpose of confirming, or otherwise, the ardrs m iidreo~tnedaiothe ade, business traniacted, at thea General Meeting of Friday l3gt. 5si.41 Alte', S. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONTRACT FOR SUPPLIES FOR CONVICTS ON BOARD HULKS. 5 LCEI Pers~tns as are desirous of TENDERING t S for the SUPPLY of BREAD, Meat, Potatoes, Rice, Cocoa, Al'lk, Porter, Sugar, i.lolasses, Oatmeal, Salt, Coais, Candles, Oil, and Soap, Clothing, and Bed- dling, for the use of Convicts on board the 1-ulks at f Portsmoutn, and Woolwich, may obtain forms of Ten- der by application on board either ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s POR'TSAIOUTH, 'TANTED,-A suitable middle aged Person, or Alan and his Wife, without a young family, and e havingsomeefixedincome, to CONDUCT a BEER r HOUSE, atapercentage, situateinear the large Govern- nmerit and Contract Works carrying on in Portsea, e Apply at the Ruby, corner of Lombard-street and St. s Thomas's.street, Portsmouth, --t NOTICE. T S A L E by A U C T I O N, of valuable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GRAFTON, sear LANGFORD, Berks. f0 BE SOLD BY AU CT IO N, TL By Messrs. FIDEL and :1O3 E, On Friday next the 31st of March, on the above premises,-40 Ewes, 37 Tegs, 2 in-calf Cows, Implements. Dairy Utensils, and a few lots of Furniture (by order of the 1Executors of the late Mr. John Pumling, deceased. )-Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. CRICKLADE, WILTS. 0 B i S O L J) B Y A U C T IN T Bly C:. F ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d it r. mHE LION BREWERY, at Shirley, near South- f ampton, with its valuable PLANT and VILLA irR ESIDE ?? foeSALEbyAUC1ION, a by Ir. W. R. MABSON,at the Dolpbin Hotel, South- g ampton on Tuesday, the 18th day of April, l148,at d two o'clock. This Freehold Property may be viewed on application t, at the Brewery, and further information may be obtained rof Air. D. S. Bockett, Solicitor, 60, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... yPlOSBY IIALL VAULTS.-IVRITE PORT ?? WIN13, of select qunlity, a porfect liqueur, ill pint bottles, at 30s. per dozen, bottles and package iln'lusive; old bottled P orts, at 36s. and 429. per dozen; Port drawn from tho pipe, at 0 28s. and 33s. per dozen; pale and brown Sherr y, ?? a01( 4s. ; !f Sherry, an excellent dinner wine, at 28s. per d,,zen. B3ttles, g, apers, Is. per dozOII.-CURRALL and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N 5,932 DIVIDENDS. . - Abst of APAIL next, there will be paid off I UJ 6,932 Dividends of 17,0001, 12,0061., 10,000a., 5, 0t.s&c. of the FRER CITY OF FRANKFORT STATE LOAN.. Parties wishlng to take an intere~t in tbjs advanta- geous speculation, may reeeive Scrips at is. eaeh, or half and ?? in proportion,- on applieation to (the sole agenis) 1Veasrs. El. R. Goebel aud Ce., SO, Kinog Wlhlain ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO DRUGGISTS' ASSISTANTS, or a Young Man who has served part of an Apprenticeship, a Vacancy occurs in the Establishment of W. Bilton, Landport. Applications pro.paid. TO GROCERS, &c. TO be DISPOSED OF, with immediate possession, TA Enug TEA and GROCERV BUSINESS, situated in one of the mosa fashionable towns in the Isle of Wight, and now doing a good retail ready money trade. For further ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE ADINGTON UNION. nHE Board of Guardians of this Union are desirous AL of receiving Tensders for the supply of such of the under- mentioned aiticles of ProVisions, &c. as may be required, fir thirteen weeks, from the 25th day of March Instant, to be dtir livered at such timnes and in suchl places within. the said Unri r as the Board, of their officersW may require and direct, viz.:- For tke ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l FlL~lNS, OXON. oD r LT, and entered upon immedi- L ately,-A good substantial FREEHOLD RESIDENCE situate in the healthy village of Filkins, 3A miles from Lechlade, and 5 from Burford and Bampton; comprising dining and draw- ing rooms, kitchen, scidlery, larder, butler's pantry, good cellarage, brew-house, &c. four best bed rooms, three attics, capital stable, coach-house, kitchen and flower ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - OR~ S A LE,-An e-legant C LA RE NC E, VA F 'suitable for one or pair of horses, equal to new, to be Sold a Bargain. Also several Nkew and Sec~rnd-hand CAn. ALBERT MAIL, & other PHAETONS; BATH-WHEEL CHAISES, e on tiew improved principles ; liewise new ard second. b hand Bath Ch1-airs. Apply to Mr. John Cave, Coach Builder, Union. gtreet, Ryde. Isle of WVight. flir Al IRA CULOUS CU;R E FOR C ...