... POETRY, THE FIRST BRIGHT DAY. Oq hall mnl hower-Tlie Sun is at the gate! ehave bcen in gloom-by WYinter bounid too long; 0. ho cometli proudily-O, he cometh atp, ltoyal as a Prhieo, iiith banner and ivith sang- Fhing the casem~ent wide, anid iet tlhe glory through;- Sorrow hath departed,-Juby is born nnow!' I have learned too much to play a doleful string,- Stood to near the g rave, with ...


... A -mustc. ig HER MAJESTY'S THEATE.l-Tho production last a evening of II Barbiere di Siviglia introduced the new 20 performers in characters of a quite diffeent east from those in which they msde their debut, and rendered it necessary for themn also to sing n a totally different style. The.deep tragedy of Ernani does not diff'er more fcrom the gaiety of the Barbiere than does the ...


... L-3st night' Rosainl's ni Barbiers di Siviglia, the comie ehef d'auvre of the most prolificof Italian masters, afforded the new singers wbese success we have already recorded an opportunity of displaying their talents in a purer and more i jetipine school of music than that of TBRDI, who aims rather at miml>-dramatic effects than poetic expression. This delicious opeta, -ot having been played ...

The Drama

... - I Ima I ?? _ _f Drm . - -v - w egssse t ?? ' OLYmrPic.-MThel performances here last- night do were in' aid of ?? fund; 'but 'we con- da ceive the ?esilt will not materially relieve the 'cormmlttee froni their, embatfasmen't., The contem dated feature of the evening was the-revivil of Sir J6his 8ldeastle, a pla! which Sohiegel,' vho probally neitii' idad'it;: glibly pro, t nounces' to bea ...


... - )DOV. htr .,iblt. WY. lrave our ow15-our fathor-laid I o Irnd tlo wvanoleers fearful life- (in stormy seas or desert aind. In pilgriel price or busy 41i1IfO B1ot there's a l to 30a l3 cltir t br1yough nl of glaoger. roil sod pa i It s111r1o4 to xry tile starting tour, And lightlo ble ?? btiack oine 10a tilom 110 000e. itt othkers gl0 UR gems An gotr511, With eel 001 ge' el tglt t- We ...


... NOOKS AND CORiNERS oP B3t 01Xb A VISIT To TH II lCTUARSlUI(I! V ICINITY OP SAb!1'P0W!) COiV'l'T.TCNAY, )510.TRYN 0110 HT. OP EXtITHO.) TO l0)UNLEIGN~, NORTHI TAWTON, ANO D DW, IN NOV. 1840. (CONTINUED FROM1 0U0 LAST.) I 1 ts I I w 110 Saimpford, wec proceeded to Blundlcigb, or liendjiogb, after tie Conquest granted to William Do Poilgi, a Normall. The prospsets affordhil by' tho undulating ...


... DR, COOPER'S LECTURE ON THE HEALTH OF THE TOWN. (Continued from last week.) AU( flaring entered into the general and vital statistics of thietown, Dr. Cooper proceeded to speaikof thespecialprovisionswllichI have .1een made for preserving the health ofthe borough, First, as regards ?? giving a general view of the system of sewerage, it is convenient to divide the boroogh into natural drainage, ...

Selected Poetry

... 4clkctct 90ttvw, 11 0 P El. [F itO SC lII L, R.E ] Hlow often do visions before us rise of lappier days to eomle, And a golden goal 'neath brighter slkies Tempts ever our steps to roam The wovld will grow old and young by turns, 13ut still for the better man ever yearns. Ilope's rosy smile o'er our birth has shone- O'er childhood's snd malllvood's page She beads, with her light, y outlh lau ...


... MIIUSI C. ottveninr' ?? Aleis anld Gotten was' per- 'id nt ?? Hail before a crowded auditory, Acis by '1>M hlttr~t's, who was in splendid voice, and re- 1 ! ?? oblation of applause. The other parts were C by Mr. and M-rs. WInxss, Miss Gll., and Aiss A r.. Mr. 11 U'l.LA I'S chorus, and thie orchestra under rltL 1, were admirably effective. n LiNyDSAY SrMn'r's second soirdsc miusieonc took 1ft ...

Fashion and Table=Talk

... ?? antb Cat cEalh. TIHE COURT. The Court has been thrown into the deepest monrning by the ?? demise of the Dowager ])Dehess of Saxe Gotha and Altenbourg, the maternal grandmnother of his Royal lighntess Prilnce Albert. Iler Royal Highness was sister of the late Elector of llesse, and grlandchild of the sister of Ceorge 11. She died. at Gotlha oil thc 22nd of Feb.. in her 77th vear. Thc life of ...


... NATIONAL EXHIBITION OF BRITISH MANU.| _- FACTURES-DEPUTATION. : . .[ The deputation from the Society for the Encourage- ment of Arts and Manufaotures had an interview yesterday i with tlbe President of the Board of Trade. The deputation consisted of Sir J. P. Boileau, Dart., chairman of the Nor- r wich S9hool of Design; Mr. G. Bailey, Mr. Cole, Mr. PP. le Neve Foster, Mr. S. S. Lefevre, ...


... LYCEUJII THEA ARE. .st (sdninz a new comic drama, in two acts entitled a Bad JTudj, wns procluced with success at this tre The materials are of the slightest description, the e tlel)end nzg upon the habits of observation and discri- 1)nt p)wera of ,John Cospor Lavater, the great phy- :noinist, who is thi rnmainspring of the action. The part worked up to fit Mr. C. MATIIEWS to a nicety ; his ...