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Selected Poetry

... dclctcb i3act1. WI:I''TTIN IN SPRING. S~iv not these ?? WEi (:ltticlY finCle, 'Ills Spring- tilsi sooll ha:ve pass'd :uv:ly' Whllil tiiey hove ullci, for' tile they lilililO B~rightL %vi-vaths l;>rillanly :a Lliiallwt ti ny. Thainl; Hloaven I Cecll tralilsiouit (Iing's belowv, S~o lvv\ It jws lvor 11ctl dep1)tlit. 'I e s:vc (lest tilioglts sri those wliell roty ?? Ulevileloy (:nl ?? Faithfuil ...

Selected Poetry

... ?? 340ctrod-. APllIL IS (COME A rim. is omel iltik a wayw'atd cill isors Itightly sitlifig with aspect iuld, 'I'llen gatilelg e lonls lik.e! ltiger's ftowln, AlA pollrimi its showers on blossolnos d ,l11 'I'lleil peering :Igll a ithl siriles througlh tears, As if to qitiit our risitig fears. i l5ertitill the Joys thal flow frontI thoe, Yvt, Apiril, thou iatt the moorthl 14r ille; Thy rnillgl ...

Selected Poetry

... 4,?cIrctO Vlotrv. - - THIE SONGXQII:I)S' CALL. Swi-er r birds, sweet l-i1is, vith your plumage gay, lising elate with tile brealk of lay, S,,y vhetreforo do ye t lia. appeal ? L'f it the sa0 of' heart to cller A llessagc vf lovc alld ot1 peace madeo l lowln To tihis sinftul carth ?? lleasvl's bright tht'olne Is breathed in the sollg-birds' call. It comes with theic breati of rosy more, When ...

Fashion and Table=Talk

... jfa?l)iou mij T 11 E C O U RT. IlIlt 11ijestv, dutring thlC past week, httis ?? visits from the DuCIhess of Kentt, the ) tieess of Gloucester, tile D)uechess of Camibriudge, the P'rinsess Alarv, the Cotltlt de Nellill, the P'rinecss (Ie C oitille and tile D)uehtss dt'iattllc. IH er Ma- jesty's lealth colltiiutics to imiplroNe. 'Ilte ]Princeess Soplthia is indioposed , at her r2it'diece, at ...


... THE WONDERs OF GEOLOGY-A FAMILIAR EXPOST- TION oP GEOLOGICAL PHENOMENA-By Gideon Algernon Mactell, L L.D., F.R.S._(Two- Vols., 6th Edition; Bohn, London, 1848).-Within a very limited remem- brance geology was regarded as a pursuit profitless in itself and possessing no inherent claims to the dignity of a science. Its theories were looked on as delusive and calculated to lead to opinions ...

Original and Selected Poetry

... 0. vickillal 111'd i'MrCtO iloctril. A CALL TO ULSIIEI. I;1CE, Ulster! ill Your lo.Vl miFoit- Grasp once agaill ?? bandla1 Arouse Ve ibr tilie cniniog 1l;it- II urral ! for Fatlierlatl 'lbe dlasir] relels ivitni their secar.s, TIhe ifttllnll'N rlfiv glettins; Coie! ri-ig a souned un thit-ir earn Shall wokle thein front tihhii r eiuo. Sons of the mon w ho fought. of yore, Ont fildis of higih ...


... ANTIENT CONCERTS, I - - - -- - A - - A ABJI This society repeated, last evening, the per'ore Mendelasohn's scared oratorio of Eija h 'lei J L b pred,,1! which in December of last year may bo regarded epooh in the musical history of our metrepalrde El occasion of the first performance we end otwvou are in us lay, to do justice to the mighty work ned 4 manner in which it was produced in Dublin ...


... i ic iut A. No. 83. NOvrLLO1 'S CiItl.A 1MUSICAT. PUIBICA-rbONS. London: J. zf. Iorcllo. Our monthly batch of thesc beautiful and classical worls consists of nearly a score of separate nuutiers, of the sevc. ral series. Among thiese are portionis of I laitlel's Macca- hicits,' Mlendelssohn's -St. Paul,' the *CatCthcdral Choir Bool; il threc shlapes-organ score, vocal scoe, and sepa- rate ...

Fashion and Table=Talk

... allb gablrcalh. - I T ILE CO0URItT. The Court remains at Osborne. lier Majesty returs to town nit Tuesdany, the 2nad May, to holdi a chacpter of thea Gailer oil S le .1t ti ~ad a court for t le Inavest ituare of thle Kuiglit s of thle Bath, onl thle 6'tli ;nai he fi rst D)rawivag-room oil t le Ii thi. The cli ritarni eg of the Ia nfais t prinucess is to shke place Oil tile 1 Ithi. H er Majesl ...


... The continued pressure on our apace, conecquent to lb important political events that hava recently ocecuil public attention, rooluded us from noticing at as :! length as we could have wished the enterprisig effortl e Mr. Caleraft to sustain the time-henoured reputalim d our national theatre, or the highly commendeable oorv= ia which he hcs been seconded by the excelleat co', peny he has orgar ...

Selected Poetry

... s?nltrtrb Voctm. - ?? ?? INDEPENDENCE. Yr speak of inlependence- Thters is no such thing on earth- We ledepnd upon eaeh otlher Still for all that life is worth ! To every mid that ponders, ITo every heart thtat felds, There's not a tiay but something This hiddle truth reveals. Tihe sced of friendship blooms not- No leaf can it inipart, Until it finds a welcome Iln somme congenial helart 'he ...


... Ie FASUIIONABLE INTLLIGENCEO wINDsOt, TUESDAY EVENING, Aron25, Yhe birth- day of the Princ~ess Alice Maud Mary wae celebratedheetdy by the ringing of the Church and Castle bells, and the firing of royal salutes from tice Belvidere Bavttery, in the Great Park. Her Royal Highness completed her fifth year to-day. Mr. Smith O'Brien, M. P., and his lady have arrived at the family seat, Cabermoyle. ...