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Advertisements & Notices

... WILSONiS NIGHT WITH SIR WALTER SCOTT. WATERLOO ROOMIS. THIS EVENING, at Eight o'clock, n jR WILSON will give his ENTERTAINMENT, in j which. he Sings the SONGS in the LADY OF THE LAKE, and some of the 'Miscellaneous Songs of Sir 'Walter Scott. Piano Forte. Mr JoLLEY. ASSE.MBLY ROOMS, GEORGE STREET. I (4g P,&TRONESSES. /ADY HONY.IMAN. MIRS THOMAS MITCHELL INNES. tMRS CAMPBELL of Craigie. MRS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in F OUTND. hi NE WFO~liDLANl)T,-) l O G.-The owner mav have it byv A ' provi r his propertv and paying expenses. If not claimed within ten days, it will be Soldto defray expenses. Apply to Mr. William Ta;tland, No. l67 Coweaddens Street, Glasgow. TO LEND, On Heritable Security. TWO SUNFS. one of ONE TrTOUtSAkND POUNDS, and the C_ T other of NINE HUNDRED POU NDS.Nm Apply to Smeaton & Smith, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This day is' published, in: crown Svo., price Ge- &t,i ~. ii Al 0 N Bvthe Tate Ittitrof the Ft ret 'Charge, Brech in. TO WtIUC> IS PrfTttEcs A MEOIR Oil THE AUTH OR. ?? lilackw-ood & Sons. Edinburg-h and Leadeon. .T~itjl[T & SO N, and the other Boak-iellers, Glasgow;- ,l loben H!op- Clreenoth. V STAiNDA'RD BOOKS AT IIEZD`NCED PRICES. 1AI RICU OGE YON I ROYAL E.,ttanor SqUAIann. efer the to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TREATRE ROYAL. LAST WEEK OF THE PRESENT SEA.SON. I EVNAGEMENT OF c * *OI R A N D M; R S * ' E A N. £ ?? AR -ISTES. swho are engaged for _ mNSIX IG-fTS ONLY, vill make their First ien G-;;sgoir sirce their ret-irn fr om America, F - ON MD,- :tOND.~AY FIRST, AL~'RIL 17, IS TEE .EW. A.tD ORIGtISA. onm , E.rlT1TLED T E IF E'S S E C R ET Sir Thomas Avmott ?? SEAN. L.ady Esel~lue - ?? - -. - ?? ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. TIE SALE of FURNTTURE. Advertised to talke place at TNo. 32 ?? Crescent, cn Thursdav next the 27th current, is POSTPONED FOR TFE PRESENT. Glusgov 2_d April, 1848;. TO LEND, SUMTS varving from TlN THOUSAND POUNDS to TWVO S THOUSANYD POUNDS, on first Heritable Secuirity, and onl ternms very favourable to the Borrower. Apply to M'Grigors & Stevenson, 52 George Square, Glasgow. Glasgow, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FANCY CABINET AND PERFUMERY GOODS, I t / ,WRITING DESKS, WORK BOXES, r, Z/4!d' BERLIN BASKETS, TOYS, &c. y Tue Property of a First House in the Trade. e mrR TAYLOR will SELL the above by Auction, in his d N1 Galleries, 51, GEORGE STREET, This Day, Thursday, t 6th April, and two following days, at One o'clock. o SPLENDID FRENCH AND ENGLISH It 44/If PAPER HANGLNGS. s t 1 R TAYLOR will SELL a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASTr HO L IDA D SA - SOEI KN-CS~^OW'ING TO OCR cOUN'TRY F'RIENDS.| e always give the best advice, WVe know it stands the longest Facts. likewvise. are stiuhborn things, They al ways prove the strongest l - Easter is fast approachitngl All arelookirng leforwardsto c ?? pesrand we do not bvonder at it-in- is the first sI rin; hel idfll andi all enjoy the thoughts of recreation and plea.uce. ot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VeJyrefly Ladies' Garde Shawlfor,313; Cloth foD ABoys Slimmer Dress-Gtillbrolln, hO,. Tweed, 21. Doe- shin, 31, Printed Muslin, Ocd. to I, orjMournin same S~~~~6 do GiCB ERANDDnghAmrE price; a New Oregon, danebentr Gngam ', wnit a arh. and BaleiOrral brcssestock 15/; Strata and Tuiscan Bonnets, Parasols, t d. to 61; Fresich Coambric handhser- chiefs with the New Borders; uvruen Bi3otho ...

Advertisements & Notices

... dogs PROCLAMATION. iger- The HE MAGISTRATES of GLASG OW and SHERIFF of 'ders T the COUNTY hereby PROHIBIT all PROCESSIONS have through the Streets of the City, in connection with the Public 7tock ?? advertised to. be held in the Green of Glasgow, ott Monday the l7th April, as tending to create Alarm and Disturb the Public Peace. en of ROBT. STEWART, duee Acting Chief Magistrate. main A. ALISON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... taoVERLAND PACKAGES O nd d PARCELS forw ard .J to all parts of INDIA, CHINA, C mouth; to BOM'VBAY twice everymotbPEEi SCOTT. O0VTPITTra, No. 9, SOUThI biiio TET dn urith Insurances effected, Berths secre of Charges, Lists and Estimates for Ounts1and e Ps for- ration regarding the Overl oute, frnih by letter, asallyP on application, Parcels shou be nt to- veouh Bridge Street, at lea, ei S efor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T1TLE DEEDS AMISSING. First-CUPPLEMENTARY TRUST DISPOSITION, by 0 AMr. Thomas Baird, in favour of Messrs. Duncan Grant, Alexander Downie, and James Gibb, dated 16thFebruary 1838. Second-INSTRUMENT of SASINE. following thereon, dated 19th February, 1838, and recorded ija the particular Regis- ter of Sasiries at Glasgow, the 23d dayv of said month and year. Third-DISPOSITION by Messrs. Duncan ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO-MORR.O W. ADVIMEE: ASYhU M BOR TEE BLIND. jiURBDAY, the lath of April at Two o'clock, p.m., ON EXANINATION of the PUPILS will take place itheHiAr, of tbe Asylum, and the Blind will sing several rieos0 MUSIIFC, accompanied by the ORGAN. Adici5sid One Shilling each, and half price for Children nndie~ttetwger y rf all the Booksellers in Union Street, or5tle AslUnD, in Hutly Street. ...