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Hampshire, England

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... (From the Electric Telegraph Company.) b 0 STATE PROSECUTIONS. ti COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH.-AraRL 27. fi THE QItEE V. O'BRIEN AND MITCHELL. it At the sitting of the Courtthis morning (Thursday) h' the Attorney.-General applied for leave to enter a none h 'proesqui in the case of Meagher and O'Brien, and v. tendered ex-officio informations against those gentlemen h as in the case of Nitchell ...


... .PIRACY, MURDER,_AND SHIPWRECK. ACcoUnts from Singapoie of the 7th of Marcb, briig intelligence of a sad tragedy having been committed by convicts on board the ship Ge'ral Wood, of 700 tons, ys captain Stokoe, when the captain, officer?, and above ng75 persons perished by butchery and shipwreck. 7.1 he appears that the unfortunate vessel sailed on the ?? as of January last fromr Sinhapore, for ...


... (From the Timses., s I epes. as unto wise men, judge ye what I say. Even in the best governed countriks there has al- ways been a numierous class of persons who have thrown away all their chantces, and spoilt themselves I for the existing state of things. There is no form of s government whatever that will wipe away the stigma of crinte, that will give common sense to a fool or acti vity to a ...


... (Fio'm the Jforninp Chronicle) a The President of the Board of Trade is very e shortly ,to bring under the consideration of, the House. the amendment of the Navigation ti e laws, and will state at the same time the course a that is to be taken with regard to the registry of . seamen, the registry of ships, and the merchant l seamen's fund, ' so as to give a complete view a s of the ...


... id, th SATURDAY, APRIL 8th.-Before T. E. Owen, (Mayor) f t-J. 0. Travers, J. E. Atkins, J. S. Sayer, E. Casher, G. E P Gill-man, and G. Victor, Esqs. 6 STEALINO BOOTS.-Alexander Gould, a Royal Artil- ( leryman, was charged with stealing a pair of boots, the .. property of Harriet Holder, the daughter of the land- - lord (Win. Holder) of the Eagle, publichouse, in St. a - Mary's-street, ...


... J The decision in the case of Geils va. Geils is now before the public. It is much to be wished, on grounds of public policy, that the law which regulates the rela- tions between husband and wife were moulded into a form more calculated to meet the exigences with which it assumes to deal. Here, now, is an instance of a lady who in a most unfortunate hour was induced to quit her home and ...


... I Au Inquest was holden at the Dolphin, on Thursday evening, before WV. Cooper, Esq. Coroner, and a highly , respectable Jury, on the body of Mr. Robert Wickhain, who was found dead on Southsea Beach the day pre- vious& As will be seen by the evidence given before the Coroner, the deceased had suatasined very serious loss from the recent fire in High-street, which is recorded e in another part ...


... :- -A1-- ca--- F-n a The Court was opened again on Saturday morning for the transaction of County business, when The Visiting Justices of Petworth Gaul and House of Correction, called attention to a letter containing an b extract from a Treasury order, wherein a new table of m allowances for prisoners sentenced at the Assizes and m Quarter Sessions for felony and misdemeanors was set lei out, ...


... Before the Rev. R. Walton White and other Magis' trates, John Brown, mariner, of Yarmouth, Iele of Wight, was charged with wilfully and maliciously throwing a quantity of sulphate of iron on a quantity of winkleS, intended for the London market, which rendered them valuelees, and obliged the owner to throw them 3W53W Mr. Blake appeared for the prosecution, and Mr. Beck- ingsale for the ...


... FRIDAY.-Before T. E. Owen (Mayor), and J. 0. Travers, Esqrs. m SusPcioC OF FELONY,-Charles Harris, Henry Campbell, and Aaron Vick, lodging at a beershop at co Landpott, were charged by Inspector Way, on suspicion of stealing a coat and other articles from the shop of one David Quick, at Landport. Further enquiry being necessary. therwere remanded. SATURDA~C .-Before J. 0. Travers and E.Casher, ...


... . IGNORANCE AND CRIME, (From the Examiner.) a A remarkable document, and one suggesting ?? weighty considerations and supplying much important 8 evidence in reference to the alliance of crime with ig, l norance, has been recently published by the Govern. y ment. It is a statement of the number of persons ta- r ken into custody by the Metropolitan Police, summa- n rily disposed of, and tried ...


... tted The Easter Session for this County, commenced on the Monday, at Whjchester, before Sir W. Heatheete ae Bara., and the following maeistate5 to AdmiralSir John Omaney W. A1rtin, Esgq VI ey W. Chute, Esq. H. C. .ompton, Esq.; W. Thresher al- Esq.; W. Sloane Stanley, Esq.; P. Breton, Esq.; M' In~gW tlptEs. *R Rawlins, J~.- J by ?? E o. Rev . Walton White; Rev, it- t Joseph MIrtineau, Esq. - C ...