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Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland

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... REVOLTING CASE OF `ilMASi l DblTAtLS ut AN INQUEST HELD ON TttE BODY or TI8THY SiHANA5ANR. i.'he nbove infiuost was held at tbe Atter pariah of Kil 8 moe, on kTlesdoF, the I1th day of April, 1845, in absence b of the coroner, James Love, sworn and ?? a groan in a field between Thomas King's house aidd the hospital; went in the direction from which he thougbt it proceeded; crlled another boy ...


... -THE MANUFACTURE OF CRIME. I Under this head the Mail of last night has the following oonmentary on the exposure of the Irish governmental policy :- In justice to all parties, we re-publish from the morning papers a detailed account of the proceedings at the police office, in reference to the manufacture of pikes and of crime, of which we gave an abstract on Wednesday. It is with feelings of ...


... DUBLIN POLICE-TEsTrRDAY. EXCHANdGE COURT OFFICE. A NEW WAY To COLcECr OLD DEBT8.-Yesterday considerable merriment was caused on Essex quay in con- sequence of several written notices, whiuh were-placed on a shop window. The door of the bonse was closed, and no person appeared in the place. The following facts will explain the affair :-In the course of the foreabon Cbarlet Coates, Esq , a ...


... DUBLIN POLICE-SATUIRDAy- EXCHANGE COURT OFFICE. Mr. John C. Murray, solicitor, of Montague-street, was summened for II. lOs., being four years' arrears of parish cess, alleged to be due by him out of three houses in Clark's- court, Great Ship street, MIr. Pigot, the vestry clerk, intimated to Mr. Murray, that the case would not be proceeded with, inasmuch as the churchwardens had left the ...


... I DUBLIN POLICE-YESTERDAY. EXCHANGFE. COURT OFFICE. Michael Delany, 157 A, charged Pat Doherty with an assault. The complainant arrested the defendant is a de- serter from the 4th Dragoons when he 'ras assaulted. The prisoner was sent oor trial. COLLEGE-STREET OFFICE. A man named 5Miebael Moore was charged by two officers of the 7th Hussars with furious driving in Nasuat-street. The officers ...


... LAWr INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCHIYEsTEUDAY. Cowgill v. Daffy. Mr. M'Donagb, Q.C., applied on behalf of the defen- dent, that so much of the conditional order of the 19th of June, as related to the setting aside of thefiat obtained in this case be made absolute; and that the plaintiff be directed to pay to the defendant not only the costs of the order of the 19th of June, hut also the ...


... ?? CITY GRANP Jock - f. th FPaor I le Th grand jry met yesterday in their room at iu` e uur Courts, for the discharge of business. Seir ED wAD BoRoUGH, Bart. (foreman) in the chair. a1 PAYMENT OF MEDIC.&L WITNE£SOES AT INQUESTS. er The jury presented the usual sums for the salaries of the ?? city coroners (Messrs. IHyndman and Kirwan); but previous l to so doing a discussion arose relative to ...


... .1 The foreman and members of the county grand jury met yesterdsy at eleven o'clock for the dispatoh of business. The list of items of expenditure for Kilmalaham Prison end House of Corraction for the ensuiog year ceding at Easter Term, 1849. was brought forward. The salaries of the governor, turnkey, and other Iny cifialals of the prison, were presented for and passed. CIIAPLAINS SALARIES-THE ...


... 1 COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH -YFSTEDAr. Mr. Justice Perrin, Mr. Justice Cratupton, and Mr. Justice Moore,Ltook their seats on the bench at I I o'clock. The Chief Justice did not join them until after twelse. THlE GOVEIRNMENT PROSECUTIONS-MOOE EX.OFFIC[O iNFroMATIONS0 Sir Colman O'Loghlin (addressing the bench) said-I have to announce to vour lordships that in accordance with the order of the court ...


... DUBLIN POLICE-YEsTERlDAY. H3ENRY-STREET OFFICE. SINGULAR CASE.-A dismissed policeman, named Alex- ander Porter, having been placed at the bar, Mr. Timothy Sexton, of 16, Palmneraton-place, said that a servant maid of his, who had lived with bim for nine years, and whom he had up to that time always found to be most honest and trustweortly, left his place on Thursday morning, and brought away ...


... DUBLIN POLICE-YESTERDAY. OENFIY STRELT OMICE. A 'nt number of wretched looking creatures, princi- PRlly womcen, were brought up before Dr. Relly, charged CIlt 'graucy by police constables in several localities, e ound them soeicitiog alms. They-were severally Colnitted under the vagrant aet to a week's imprison- CLAUreoa.-D1SC.. AiA NG FzrOCAIS IN THE CITY.-A mul ie anamed Patrick Pleney, ...


... I , ,j ! 'I . ' ;n(Before' Iir.. O'lqmptslionee Co rr~eo.)' . , . Severnalpsil.-e, e motion oases' having been diaposed of; the gesd oi kat\e': Liahj 3w&vs celfkl or'. ;;The dlildrgos of the 'iaolvent was opposede by ,Xr, E0tejghtonrap, qolln3eln 2 IWd&I[r, Mt2oeridithes aeot. andtbe ioovent was suppor'ted M Power nd Mr. ?? B, MIlhell. ?? tW 6W ?? Mr. Creikhton said hoeappeered. Ofrthe re ...