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Advertisements & Notices

... ref. MO Was Ties WATRe- SUPPL.-I George Cregge, of Park-road, asks.- (chatl red Ca OrtInf10borll imIwhY we cannot have sufflolent eupply of NeOl ter. water? Before the works changed hands we always lana ofiter tto plenty. and to spare. We are now frequently without. It Is wOS I ii of very annoying to have to send our servant To nuo, for what we drun Jgh have already paid for. We areelsarn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A T HE er the patronage ,Of N CE 1 JAS. HEFYWOOD, Esq. hI~P. SALIS SOWVABE, 11sq. ALEX. HENRY, Esq WsILLIAM SHORE, Esq. A11ss. MXTTHENYS h'as thle liolisur of announcing that hler CONCERT %will take place, inuier the ahovo (listisiguished lmti'on- atge, in flie Lecture Theatre of the(, Athennouni (which has been enagaged for the purpose), onl Wednuesday evening, May 24th. Voalihsts MissMAt ...


... 'I'HE PUBLIC IF.A\,TH.-A\RTR.cur oiF THlE QUAR-TEIILY ToTlNSTOE ]THtIIS'lIRAR GENERAL. qS>; -N P 1',1 :1-. In another part of to-day's paper *vill be found ar abstract of the quarterly returns mado to thle Registrar General, in so fa- as they relate to Man- ehester, and the various towns in our InallufaCturing district. It will be seen that the mortality has been high for the first quarter of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOROUGTI1 OF LIVERPOOL. IRE POLICI 1RATE, SEWER RATE, a FL PAVIlG RATE, GENERAL RATE, AND WATHiE a RATE NOT'ICE IS IIERIIIIY (GlVEN, that the Couneil of the said 1 H-Tor ugh intend. cn Wedne-ifay, tlb 3d 1lay of May next. at v Eli-von o'clock in thl; f. ren on, In It' Ceian-il Chimrber, within thi' Tr..n.-h:HI to make a Rat. not tcaceeditrg One lilsfoenriy in .1 tile Pl.und upin nil Prot'erty ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PERSONS WANTED. C n W 'ITI a respectabl GMAN, whlo thoroughly D~ ~. ~ the T~,Ceeery IBusiness.-Apply to - Jail.; DriAn, MIi, LonnrjW oad.r V TN TED). several intelligenit PEIRSOM5, of respectabiliity, eWIt RAVE EL through the counties of an,,r-l~ire Cheshira. Shropshire, and North Wales, wvith a NEW fiLL'US- irTIATED WVORK, whichis d 'I.y~Ririg Popularity throughout- ,tire country Tosom a ...


... TIi i -imNIS'I' tEI AL, CllANO ES. (Fromn/ o ul Private cworespoldern.) LONDON, FRiDAY EVENING. 'The information I sent you last Week, with respect to thle lhanges in the Government, has turned out worthy of confidence. In one point I was not alto- gether correct, for Mr. VERNoN S)IiI, it appears, does not now join the Administration. It is said this gentlimaln values his services at too high ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tr~e itoil q afewv hors iloily to AC~v lucOtonI is A ny 'cO tw~oha ha ( EAHNG the CLASSIS.( ¶ O hllav iOO tOllie a with yooug gentleren 'prepities.-Artdiia. tions may be tinad Ii)y letter or piersontilly at the Exantiner' office. Regald 2Cotice. jHEREAiS a fint in bafnkruptcy, beatingl date the t,,elfth diav of Mimy. ISIS, itasbeen awtivded hanl issued forh St JOSEP~ pf HOWAIRD. of Glossop, ...


... ,- -Iw - -I- - -e A . I - L. BMR. C(UBDI::N AND ADMIRAlL DTUNDAS. i; +1. A - . . .--- - - - . , . I 1 . . - -.- At the great mneeting in the Free-trade Hall, in January, Mr. COVIDEN made some very cutting re- marcas upont the absurd pretence of Ministers, that we need quite as large a navy as nve now have to protect OULr shores gaianst foreign invasion. The lon. menmnber for the W\est l'idin ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SECOND EDITION. Exnaminer Office, Two oclock. 0t~lt0lla ftv Ad- 4emitt;0 r fAR F2FLUNG by RAILWAY to NEWTON ! PA(S -The public are respectflly itiformed that an EXTFA I ItAIN of Carriages will leave tilo Victoria Railway Station. l's Baltic, for NEWTON RACE;:S, cculi (lav, viz.:- Wednes,' ll . 'tilirsdsiy, nnt (rialadn53 t May, and 1st and S2d June, lt ices c--pat twelve o' / c Pa~ssel!:s ll ...


... LONeDON, FRIDAY EVExiNG. t oaN EXCIIASGE:.-The arrivals of corn and flour during the week have been modernte. Wheat, eitder English or foreign, was in improved demamd this morning, but holders e being very firm the amount of business transacted stas re- stricted. Malting barley is the turn cheaper. Grinding and distilling qualities fully support our quIotations. Beans and peas contintie in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DRLA.'MEU 62N TIlE MNrIR;vnTILs 01?YOUTH AND ATURITYITY W'WTII FORTY COL1OUJAED sENGRAVIlG 9iks &O Aij fs~d y-eurtAkOUYfla; i sealed .Eswklope, price 2,. 1d., or foryoar 3Mpaid, to anyaddr&~Ssfor,. :s. t(hL ?? Stm w~hich tend to dsrypyicladm.~ eerado, 'atassl~ the attiue ?? lutae ?? .Coliiured luisgravIi6ls. With practical observations on the Treat- .qee of NervousDebiity, Local end ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pu' onbsnso neddf~teeditors, should be fro adrse otefim rt teeitors, and not. to IIt DWELLINaS Epon THE POOR.-We hope lnmAnitasI lIn eror; hip hut he states that the drivinlg Out of the poor fronm their cellars, 9HE as required by the Improvement Act. is. In many eanes, only ani dispoossossing them p1 really comparatively healthy pilaces, anI~d pl1 compelling them to crowd together in ...