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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... ~jIJ~QUEEV-NN-S ROYAL THEATER. 0NTVN S'UCESSIt)N OF NOVELTIES! NT1 ,ils EVENING (W~ednesday), May ~,1Otl, ?? .e ?? all Origillal P'ictorial IDrama of in- (Tilel ticd LIFE, OF A WVO1AN; ' 11, CUilATlES DAUGNlTERl. Joll ;lslsoi, mr. lwilton; Colonel Chartres, ¶r hnl ?? Mr. II. Bedford; Fanny ROCllluav iiS ('rcoo' 101111 by Mijy. Gowvard. To( l foillowedl by the Farce of Mr .Youngo:i Eventide, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL ASSOCIATION. rlHnE LOYAL NATION, REPEAL ASSO- I. CIATION OF IRELAND vill meet on WEDNES- DA}, the 17th 3ray instant, at One o'Clock, at the CONCILIATION HALL, CORN-EXCHANGE ROOMIS. ii The principal door in front to the ground floor is free for AsSOCIATES enrolled within Tivelve Months; they will occupy the floor of the Hall, the benches ?nder the end gallerw, and also the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANEIV COAT. THE LAMARTINE. TI2E lanagomest Walking Coat introduced this T] s~e390n, RICHARD ALLEN, 52 HIGH-STREET. IRISII AND WEST OF ENGLAN D WOOLLEN HALL, 52 HIGH-STREET. * ATII, WL1DSOR, AND, SPLNAL J1AXS. B of superior make and finish, for Sale andJ fr Inquire at Amit-sley'j, 1t2, Cork-hill, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TREATE R OYAL, DUBLIDVL 'L'he J UVENILE NIGHT being unavoidably post- ¶dTYI1 E NING (Fridid) there will be no Perfoti~el tbe Last Night but Five. of the Engage- Iltst PI' ment. of miss HELEN FAUCIT. JI LEI GH MURRAY of the Royal Lyceum Theatre, lr. bission of Madame Vestris) will also make his Elventh flpp0ane loQ N( iROW.. (Satuirday), May 6tb, 1848, will be performed Southern's Tragedy of / ...

Advertisements & Notices

... --jHEATRE ROYAL, DUBL=iN. eraver of Misi HELEN FAUCIT, who is g11hth appee engaged for Twelve nights. fGH ,IURRAY (of the Royal Lyceum Theatre), 1. il also make his Seventh appearance ls )PRESENT TUESDAY, May 2d, 1848, sill be performed the celebratei, Clasaical Tragedy, fri the Grek of Euripides, called r0mths~re IpHIGENIA IN AULIS oida ,ted to the Modern Stage by Mr. Caloraft). Mr Calcruft; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W E, the Undersigned rewqust your Lordsbip v will convene a Meeting of the Citizens of Dublin for Tuesday Next, that they may have an opportunity of Pxqressming their strong c8ddamnation of the practice of packing juries for the trial of political oences Colman M1. O'Loghlen, Dart. W. OFerral John O'Coniell, MI.P. Richard J. O'Ferrall William S. O'Brien, MI.P. Gilbert S. O'Reilly Thomas. F. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tlif1lEAVTI{E 13OYAL, D1JBLTN. ilt vel thle Last Night but Two of the Engakernent N,1p~,of Mlills IELEN FAUCIT, Aced Loot' but Four of the Winter Season. lp UjlA, o tile, Royal Lyceum Theatre (by (if Madame Vestris), %lill mnaklcus Last Ap- ?? ilt 'WIwo ,,r ?? IC,~ (T7hurday), May 1th, 1848, T~vjI e. e~~raed or helas tie, ndin compliance ?? Mfr. Leigh 'Murray ; D)uke Senior,'r i (ilr d I.Coole ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAI~~, DUBIIIN. Til; N;l:l 1 I IIBLINt MECHA7NICS' - is5 ?? engaged, anel will Iri;;; l. tJ t-ll; ?? 3~r. L~LIHTM1 UERRA ill also ?? lel,4 VE'NLV(; (Wednesday), 3[ay 24, (),ii je j~e l'tl> d 5lileshlteree 'I ragedy of t~ :)ANtD J1 J LI11'. 1 ,d lurray Juiliet, 3lis ][cl laucit;l lt|-r. ,I ?? a1.y (ctpi:tltMrs. Ar r l(l.1 enU i ir\ti'r Which the (OttliC Piece of SI.K I-CII.ES IN INI)JA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TH'~IE~ATRE R~OYAIL, DUBLIN.' rsaipliance with repeated applications, atid to gratify nu- lnroun, pactls hiuo have hithertobeen prevented from seeing die PflIt )rantia of THE TRAGEDY QUEEN, Miss Helen Fecit has ?? her departure' front Dublin, and is for Four Nights more, and will appeal' rill jVENlNG (Saturday), May 20. Mr. Leigh li rai~ alo engged, ann ill appear. til pefornsianlces will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i~Th;WrE XROYAL, DUBLIN. 31 l.4 i04tiively the Last Night but Three of the Engagement of MksA HELEN FAUCIT. r .I I11 All'RhIAY, of the Royal Lyceum Theatre (by tr Of 11Madame Vestris), wvill make his Lest Ap- )cral5]ht Three. r I II.,j. E NIN-J -G (Wednlesday), M~ay 10Oth, 1 848, r illi he pi rflrnted for tiho last time, and, it, compliance al teli liaIiatiolls, Slhakeespear's Tragedy Of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOYAL NATIONAI REPEAL ASSOCIATION. f'IIE: LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL AS- JTSOCrATION OF IRELAND will meet On MON DAY, the 8th May instant, at ONE o'Clock, at the CONCILIATION HALL, CORN-EXCHANGE ROOMS. 6' The principal door in front to the ground floor is free for ASsoCIATES enrolled within Twelve Months; they will occupy the floor of the Ball, the benohes C the end gallery, and also the berches of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MTEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. '4o5t p*mitively thie Last Night but Three of the Engagement of Miss HELEN FAUCIT. LFIG'II MURR'lAY, of thelloyal Lyceum Theatre (by l isr-ion of maldamli Vestris), will makie his Last Ap- 1lcaroce ?? r~h~S E ENIG (Tesdy),May9th, 1848, will L o lerlernirmd for the last timle the celebrted Classical * iagly from the Greek of Earipedes^, catled I 28*X IPIIIGE.N1A IN AULIS ...