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Liverpool, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... ref. MO Was Ties WATRe- SUPPL.-I George Cregge, of Park-road, asks.- (chatl red Ca OrtInf10borll imIwhY we cannot have sufflolent eupply of NeOl ter. water? Before the works changed hands we always lana ofiter tto plenty. and to spare. We are now frequently without. It Is wOS I ii of very annoying to have to send our servant To nuo, for what we drun Jgh have already paid for. We areelsarn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOROUGTI1 OF LIVERPOOL. IRE POLICI 1RATE, SEWER RATE, a FL PAVIlG RATE, GENERAL RATE, AND WATHiE a RATE NOT'ICE IS IIERIIIIY (GlVEN, that the Couneil of the said 1 H-Tor ugh intend. cn Wedne-ifay, tlb 3d 1lay of May next. at v Eli-von o'clock in thl; f. ren on, In It' Ceian-il Chimrber, within thi' Tr..n.-h:HI to make a Rat. not tcaceeditrg One lilsfoenriy in .1 tile Pl.und upin nil Prot'erty ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PERSONS WANTED. C n W 'ITI a respectabl GMAN, whlo thoroughly D~ ~. ~ the T~,Ceeery IBusiness.-Apply to - Jail.; DriAn, MIi, LonnrjW oad.r V TN TED). several intelligenit PEIRSOM5, of respectabiliity, eWIt RAVE EL through the counties of an,,r-l~ire Cheshira. Shropshire, and North Wales, wvith a NEW fiLL'US- irTIATED WVORK, whichis d 'I.y~Ririg Popularity throughout- ,tire country Tosom a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pu' onbsnso neddf~teeditors, should be fro adrse otefim rt teeitors, and not. to IIt DWELLINaS Epon THE POOR.-We hope lnmAnitasI lIn eror; hip hut he states that the drivinlg Out of the poor fronm their cellars, 9HE as required by the Improvement Act. is. In many eanes, only ani dispoossossing them p1 really comparatively healthy pilaces, anI~d pl1 compelling them to crowd together in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... el T H E T U ESDAY'S t LIVERPOOL. MERCURY r( IS THlE ONL.Y P'APER s Published on that day, in Liverpool, NN WHICH SECUIRES h TO AlL CLASSrS OF lADVERTISEns O EXTENSIVE AND GENERAL 5 PUBLICAITY d Flor their respectivc announcements. TO ADVERTISELRS. Oa.r trie!.ds zoill onblie us by favouring u. ii with thrir advertisemettts two days before each publica. s tioJ .whenevtr practicabie, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONFIDtWNTItl AI)VIV1 IN CAgRE oF DR8iWRIrATy NERVOUS.\ERS, AND ArT.1 DISORDERS ARISING FRt1i4 PXCESS &e. rHSTABLISHlED/or fhe lost RIXTEEN YEA RS. p R OF38t nR SWEI)OURS HYGEIANa OFI 4KRti PILLS, &c.-The celebrated CORDIAL BALIlI FPIICCA. o Wtth each bhot of Prnfessor Swvedours Ffygelan Herb Pills. price 2.9O 1 anil 49 Sd. per h lt, Isigiven extae rofn the secret Adttser ettotaining ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ttt*ยข *~tat*t,__ CARGO for ael thesesblipswillbereeived in tho orderofprtority Of arrivUa at the Wharf, on AlonvieAy, TuSDAY, and until Him O'clock in the EvPNiNa of WEDNESDAY priecdiing the day of sailing. BR~I I 0 AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM SHIPS, r041 A.4pointoab3 boeAdmniralty tosail between LIVERPOOL and BOSTON, ea vsr And between no0.-A LIVERPOOL and NEW YORK, Dock er UsIlt Ih ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~*suggdstiens; arguments, and inquiries may be Iaony- anous ; but facte and allegatiopj must he authenticated 'th by namneand addressfor ourowtAlilffOrijation. Letter. be on business, or intended for-'the editors, should be ot addressed to the firm, or to the editors, and not to In any individual. t N'ATrIONAL DiET.- Eccnomlstbas notbeen ttOkd~bub in urgent subjects have engaged our ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO Ai)VFRTISERS. Our adveTtiaing-friends will oblige Us by favouring u1 ( with their advertisements two days before each publicci- tioa whenever practicable, bitt not la'er than six o'clock on Mondnya and.Thurcdayfi whent otherwiae p evented, but so rnany are put off until late on tt e day before pub. lication, that it is almne impni)ible to cet them in type nd papers printed uffin time for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... vutlif Imu-smyentd. , CONCERT-IALL. LORD NELSON-sTREET. } RS. WOOD, (formerly MIss PATON,) the j T Var23, will 11rz Rta GtaANID CONCERBT, TCo-ORAOIV f VED-ffE]DA Yl EVENING, the rd MA Y. WiCAL:GTS. 3irs. Wi liss JFSI WAM1MOND, Srr G. SAUNDERS, Bodly,6:7.: Si. Gahlt-ry, 1. fe,-ved Seats, 2s, To comtmence at Eig t o'elook. M ECHIANICS' INSTITUTION. LECTURES EVERY WVFDVEESDAY AND SATURDAY E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Suggestigns, arguments, and iklquiries may be asnony- mullsa but facs~ avid aleain must be authenticated by rnameannsadjdrees, for our ownl information. Letters on buoiness, or intended for the editors, should be T addressed to the firmn, or to the editors,, and not to t any individual.,a TAxss-t J. LIs not liable to any rates or taxes whatever, JO except fromt the time of his cntering ...